Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Please provide the following data on Elective Home Education (EHE):

    1) The number of school pupils who were newly registered as EHE each academic year for:







    2) Please could you also provide the total number of school pupils who were registered for EHE in each of the same academic years (this time the total number rather than just those newly registered).







    3) Additionally, please could you provide the number of pupils who have moved from elective home education back into school in the same academic years?







    Published: 25 March 2024

  2. Please see attached

    Published: 22 March 2024

  3. What was the average caseloads of Housing Officers dealing with homelessness applications in the housing options teams on 1st March 2017, 1st March 2021 & 1st March 2024?

    Published: 22 March 2024

  4. What is the total cost for all translation and interpretation activities for each of the financial years 21/22 and 22/23.

    I would like a separate total for each financial year.

    Published: 20 March 2024

  5. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information. Please may you provide me with:

    1. How many library service points did you have by the end of 2016 (calendar year)? Do you have a list of addresses for those at all? Please detail mobile libraries separately to buildings.

    2. How many library service points did you have by the end of 2023 (calendar year)? Please provide the addresses and detail mobile libraries separately to buildings.

    3. Of those, which have had their opening hours reduced since 2016? And can you outline any changes please?

    4. How many of these libraries have been transferred from council control to the control of volunteers since 2016?

    5. Please tell us how many libraries have moved premises since 2016 and provide the former and current address.

    6. Please tell us how many new libraries have opened since 2016 (not existing libraries moving to different buildings) and provide addresses.

    7. How many library service points are proposed for closure within the next year? Please detail any mobile libraries separately to buildings.

    8. How many members of staff worked for your libraries' service by the end of 2016 calendar year (headcount please, not FTE)? And how many members of staff work for your libraries' service by the end of 2023 calendar year (headcount please, not FTE)?

    9. How many library service points were operated by volunteers by the end of 2016 calendar year? And how many library service points are operated by volunteers by the end of 2023 calendar? Please detail any mobile libraries separately to buildings.

    10. The net spend on library services each year in the period 2016 to 2024.

    11. How many books have been classed as Lost, Stolen or Missing per annum since 2016? Please also provide figures for the financial cost.

    Please provide the information in the form of a csv/xlsx file.

    Published: 20 March 2024

  6. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following data pertaining to children aged under 5 in temporary accommodation.

    If any part of the data cannot be provided, please provide the rest and clearly mark which is not available and explain why.

    Please provide the data for three (3) time periods: end of Dec 2023, end of Sept 2023, end of Dec 2022.

    1a. Number of households with children aged under 5 in any temporary accommodation.

    1b. Number of households with children (under 5) in temporary accommodation for more than 6 weeks.

    1c. Number of households with children (under 5) in temporary accommodation for more than 6 months.

    2a. Number of households with children aged under 5 in b&b temporary accommodation.

    2b. Number of households with children (under 5) in b&b temporary accommodation for more than 6 weeks.

    2c. Number of households with children (under 5) in b&b temporary accommodation for more than 6 months.

    3a. Number of households with children aged under 5 in any temporary accommodation with shared kitchen/bathroom facilities (i.e. b&b, hostels, hotels).

    3b. Number of households with children (under 5) in any temporary accommodation with shared kitchen/bathroom facilities for more than 6 weeks.

    3c. Number of households with children (under 5) in any temporary accommodation with shared kitchen/bathroom facilities for more than 6 months.

    4a. Number of households with children (aged under 18) in any temporary accommodation with shared kitchen/bathroom facilities (including but not limited to b&b, hostels, hotels).

    4b. Number of households with children (under 18) in any temporary accommodation with shared kitchen/bathroom facilities for more than 6 weeks.

    4c. Number of households with children (under 18) in any temporary accommodation with shared kitchen/bathroom facilities for more than 6 months.

    Published: 20 March 2024

  7. Please state the number of Town and Country Planning Section 215 notices issued by the Authority, by year and parish for the last 5 years.

    Published: 19 March 2024

  8. We seek information regarding your authority's regulations on the recreational use of drones from land under your jurisdiction.

    1. Do you have any byelaws specifically relating to the recreational use of drones from your land? If yes, please provide:

    a) The date(s) of these byelaws.

    b) A digital copy of the byelaw(s) or a link to where these can be found on your website.

    2. In the absence of specific byelaws, do you have any policies relating to the recreational use of drones from your land? If yes, please provide:

    a) The date(s) of these policies.

    b) A digital copy of the policy(ies) or a link to where these can be found on your website.

    Published: 18 March 2024

  9. I would to request knowledge of whether there have been any requests made (or accepted/not accepted) for the provision of a dropped kerb and new access driveway, outside the property / land at No. 8 The Knoll, Tupsley.

    Published: 18 March 2024

  10. I make the following requests under the act.

    1. Hereford City Masterplan - A Vision for our City in 2050

    I refer to your letter of 3 April 2023 detailing the costs invoiced at that date. I assume that this figure has now increased and request the updated figure and additionally the sources of the funding for this exercise.

    2. Installation of anti-terrorism bollards

    I note sums totalling in the order of £300,000 for these works, funded in part by the Council and in part Marches Local Enterprise Partnership. Unfortunately the source of the information did not mention the amounts to be contributed by both parties. Please advise these.

    3. Hereford City Centre Improvement Fund

    What exactly is this and again where has the money come from?

    Published: 18 March 2024