Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,930 disclosures

  1. I would like to submit a freedom of information request regarding Taxi licensing. Please can you provide the following information

    Q1. Total number of Hackney Carriage vehicles currently licenced by your authority.

    Q2. Do you impose a vehicle condition relating to a top light?

    Q3. If yes to Q2 what is the wording of this condition?

    Q4. If yes to Q2 have you received any complaints or requests to remove the condition relating to top lights? If so how many? And how many of these were on grounds of public safety?

    Published: 4 November 2021

  2. Please can you provide me with the following information with regards to Garden Waste Collection:-

    1. The Head/Manager of Garden Waste Collection, their contact details including their job title, email address and telephone number.

    2. How many subscriptions the council currently has on their system?

    3. How much do you charge for this service?

    4. The duration of the service, i.e. weekly, fortnightly, how weeks/ months of the year do you operate?

    5. How does the council receive Garden Waste applications? Online or paper format?

    6. What software platform do you use to manage your customers applications, i.e. .GOV.UK, Idox, Civica?

    7. If you use a software platform, how long is the contract for and what is the value of the contract?

    8. Who is your payment platform provider? i.e Worldpay.

    9. Does your current system allow automated payments?

    10. Is your payment platform integrated with your Garden Waste system to allow automated payments?

    11. Are you planning to increase/ expand the current Garden Waste service?

    12. How many members of staff do you have managing Garden Waste applications?

    Published: 4 November 2021

  3. Q1. Please tell us the name of the organisation/s who is commissioned to deliver the following types of statutory independent advocacy:

    1.1 Independent Mental Health Advocacy

    1.2 Advocacy under the Care Act

    1.3 Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (including DoLS)

    Q2. Please tell us the name of any organisation(s) that you commission to deliver any type of advocacy for the following groups. (This could include self advocacy support, community advocacy, peer advocacy).

    2.1 children and young people who have a learning disability or autism in the community (for instance to prevent admission to hospital, or through the C(E)TR process)

    2.2 adults who have a learning disability and or autism in the community (for instance to prevent admission to hospital, or through the C(E)TR process)

    2.3 children and young people who have a learning disability or autism who are in inpatient settings (informal or formal patients)

    2.4 adults who have a learning disability or autism who are in inpatient settings (informal or formal patients)

    2.5 where a person is in segregation (or subject to any other restrictive practice)

    Q3. Please tell us the name of any organisation(s) that you commission to deliver any type of advocacy to support parents or carers of children, young people or adults who have a learning disability and or autism.

    Q4. Please tell us how many people with a learning disability and or autism who were detained under the Mental Health Act used the IMHA service between 1st April 2019 and 31st March 2020.

    Published: 4 November 2021

  4. How many noise complaints did the council receive against student houses from 1st September 2021 to 1st October 2021? Student houses refers to Houses of Multiple Occupancy in which the occupants are full time students attending university, shared Student halls of residences or privately rented student homes.

    Published: 3 November 2021

  5. I would like to submit a freedom of information request regarding fines for not recycling properly.

    Q1 I would like to find out how many fines were given by your council to your residents for not recycling properly or failing to recycle at all?

    Q2 What is the total of all fines given to residents?

    Q3 Can this information (number of fines and what the fines were) be broken down by financial year, for the past 5 years (2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021)?

    Published: 3 November 2021

  6. Q1. The number of compensation claims made to your local authority for vehicle damage caused by poor road conditions (e.g. potholes). Could you please provide answers to Question 1) for the following calendar years 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 - up to the latest month available.

    Q2. The number of compensation claims made to your local authority for vehicle damage caused by poor road conditions (e.g. potholes) where compensation was paid out. Could you please provide answers to Question 2) for the following calendar years 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 - up to the latest month available.

    Q3. The total amount paid in compensation for vehicle damage caused by poor road conditions (e.g. potholes). Could you please provide answers to Question 3) for the following calendar years 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 - up to the latest month available.

    Published: 3 November 2021

  7. Could you supply me with the following information regarding dangerous wild animal licences.

    Q1. The number of applications made in Herefordshire between July 1, 2019 and July 1, 2021 and, of those, the number of applications granted.

    Q2. The reasons for licence refusals made in Herefordshire for applications submitted between July 1, 2019 and July 1, 2021.

    Q3. A list of which animals have licences been granted for in Herefordshire between July 1, 2019 and July 1, 2021.

    Published: 2 November 2021

  8. How many miles of with flow bus lane are operational within the local authority boundaries?

    How many miles of additional with flow bus lane are planned to be created within the next five years in the local authority area?

    How many miles of with flow bus lane are planned to be removed within the next five years in the local authority area?

    How many miles of with flow bus lane are accessible by motorcycles in the local authority area?

    How many miles of with flow bus lane are accessible by pedal cycles in the local authority area?

    How many miles of contra flow bus lane are operational within the local authority boundaries?

    How many miles of additional contra flow bus lane are planned to be created within the next five years in the local authority area?

    How many miles of contra flow bus lane are planned to be removed within the next five years in the local authority area?

    How many miles of contra flow bus lane are accessible by motorcycles in the local authority area?

    How many miles of contra flow bus lane are accessible by pedal cycles in the local authority area?

    How many miles of bus only roads are operational within the local authority boundaries?

    How many miles of additional bus only roads are planned to be created within the next five years in the local authority area?

    How many miles of bus only roads are planned to be removed within the next five years in the local authority area?

    How many miles of bus only roads are accessible by motorcycles in the local authority area?

    How many miles of bus only roads are accessible by pedal cycles in the local authority area?

    Please supply contact details for the current cabinet member with responsibility for bus lanes in the local authority area?

    • With flow bus lane is defined as a bus lane that runs alongside a traffic lane open to other motorised vehicles and in the same direction of travel. • Contra flow bus lane is defined as a bus lane alongside a lane open to other motorised vehicles in the opposite direction of travel • Bus only road is a road that has no lanes open to other motorised vehicles in either direction.

    Published: 2 November 2021

  9. Q1. Do you provide community information videos which are accessible to British Sign Language users or the Deaf Community in general?

    Q2. What is the name, job title, department and email address of the individual/s responsible for this?

    Q3. Do you provide communication support for Deaf Employees?

    Q4. What is the name, job title, department and email address of the individual/s responsible for this?

    Published: 2 November 2021

  10. How much does the contractor get paid a year to cut the verges throughout the parishes of Welsh Newton and Llanrothal?

    Published: 2 November 2021