Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,934 disclosures

  1. Could you supply me with the following information regarding dangerous wild animal licences.

    Q1. The number of applications made in Herefordshire between July 1, 2019 and July 1, 2021 and, of those, the number of applications granted.

    Q2. The reasons for licence refusals made in Herefordshire for applications submitted between July 1, 2019 and July 1, 2021.

    Q3. A list of which animals have licences been granted for in Herefordshire between July 1, 2019 and July 1, 2021.

    Published: 2 November 2021

  2. How many miles of with flow bus lane are operational within the local authority boundaries?

    How many miles of additional with flow bus lane are planned to be created within the next five years in the local authority area?

    How many miles of with flow bus lane are planned to be removed within the next five years in the local authority area?

    How many miles of with flow bus lane are accessible by motorcycles in the local authority area?

    How many miles of with flow bus lane are accessible by pedal cycles in the local authority area?

    How many miles of contra flow bus lane are operational within the local authority boundaries?

    How many miles of additional contra flow bus lane are planned to be created within the next five years in the local authority area?

    How many miles of contra flow bus lane are planned to be removed within the next five years in the local authority area?

    How many miles of contra flow bus lane are accessible by motorcycles in the local authority area?

    How many miles of contra flow bus lane are accessible by pedal cycles in the local authority area?

    How many miles of bus only roads are operational within the local authority boundaries?

    How many miles of additional bus only roads are planned to be created within the next five years in the local authority area?

    How many miles of bus only roads are planned to be removed within the next five years in the local authority area?

    How many miles of bus only roads are accessible by motorcycles in the local authority area?

    How many miles of bus only roads are accessible by pedal cycles in the local authority area?

    Please supply contact details for the current cabinet member with responsibility for bus lanes in the local authority area?

    • With flow bus lane is defined as a bus lane that runs alongside a traffic lane open to other motorised vehicles and in the same direction of travel. • Contra flow bus lane is defined as a bus lane alongside a lane open to other motorised vehicles in the opposite direction of travel • Bus only road is a road that has no lanes open to other motorised vehicles in either direction.

    Published: 2 November 2021

  3. Q1. Do you provide community information videos which are accessible to British Sign Language users or the Deaf Community in general?

    Q2. What is the name, job title, department and email address of the individual/s responsible for this?

    Q3. Do you provide communication support for Deaf Employees?

    Q4. What is the name, job title, department and email address of the individual/s responsible for this?

    Published: 2 November 2021

  4. How much does the contractor get paid a year to cut the verges throughout the parishes of Welsh Newton and Llanrothal?

    Published: 2 November 2021

  5. As a local authority, do you provide a School Uniform Grant? (it may be called a different name in your authority, but is generally known as this).

    Published: 1 November 2021

  6. Q1. How many people applied for allotments in the following timeframes: 2019, 2020 and 2021 to date?

    Q2. How many people are on the current waiting list for allotments?

    Q3. The age breakdown of people who applied for allotments in the following years: 2020 and 2021 to date. Please provide age i.e. 18 - 26 yrs etc.

    Published: 1 November 2021

  7. Please provide details of the number of electively home educated children within your authority area as at 1st October 2021.

    Published: 1 November 2021

  8. Please may I request a record of burial and cremations from 2015 to the first 6 months of 2021?

    Published: 1 November 2021

  9. Q1. Please can you tell me how many individual potholes you have identified or had reported to you since January 2017? Please break down the figures in an Excel file that lists results by each half year to date.

    Q2. Please can you also provide me with your annual spend on pothole repairs since January 2017? Please break down the figures in an Excel file that lists results by each half year to date.

    Published: 1 November 2021

  10. Can you please provide details of any information you hold on the following, within the area covered by your council?

    Any Entries added or updates on the Public Register for Contaminated land under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act (1990) since January 2017.

    Where possible, could the information be provided in the following formats in order of preference? 1. ESRI Shape File 2. GML 3. KML 4. Excel/csv

    Published: 1 November 2021