Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. I would like to know, in the last 5 years:

    How many times you have received complaints about potholes on Tillington road, starting from A4110 to A4103?

    How many times you had that patch of road inspected for potholes?

    How many times repairs was carried out, if any?

    Published: 8 March 2024

  2. Corporate website

    1. What Content Management Platform is used to manage the Local Authority's corporate website?

    2. Is this developed in house or by an external provider?

    3. If an external provider, please provide: a. Name of the provider b. Renewal date for the contract c. Annual support cost

    4. Are there plans to review provision of your content management system in the next 12 months?

    5. Please provide the name, email and phone of the individual responsible for the content management system within your organisation.

    School closures

    1. What School Closures system is used by the Local Authority's to report and manage school closures?

    2. Is this developed in house or by an external provider?

    3. If an external provider, please provide: a. Name of the provider b. Renewal date for the contract c. Annual support cost

    4. Are there plans to review provision of your school closures system in the next 12 months?

    5. Please provide the name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s) of the individual responsible for school closures within your organisation.


    1. What system is used by the Local Authority's to promote fostering through the Local Authority?

    2. Is this developed in house or by an external provider?

    3. If an external provider, please provide: a. Name of the provider b. Renewal date for the contract c. Annual support cost

    4. Are there plans to review provision of your fostering site in the next 12 months?

    5. Please provide the contact details of the individual responsible for promoting fostering within your organisation.

    6. Does the Local Authority use software to make fostering placements?

    7. If so, is this developed in house or by an external provider?

    8. If an external provider, please provide: a. Name of the provider b. Renewal date for the contract c. Annual support cost

    9. Are there plans to review provision of your fostering solution in the next 12 months?

    10. Please provide the contact details of the individual responsible for making fostering placements within your organisation.

    Published: 8 March 2024

  3. 1) If your council has a social housing stock, please tell me how many complaints you received from tenants in the calendar year 2023 relating to alleged paranormal activity at council house properties.

    Note: I would request, if practicable, that a search of logged complaints be carried out using the following keywords: ghost, poltergeist, haunted/haunting, supernatural, and paranormal. The results would need to be manually reviewed to eliminate any false positives.

    2) Finally, please supply me with a summary or (if available) the verbatim wording of the complaint for the TEN most recent cases identified. Please redact any details that could identify an individual.

    Published: 6 March 2024

  4. I would like to request the following information on support provided through the Household Support Fund, under the Freedom of Information Act.

    1. How much funding from the Household Support Fund for the 2023/24 financial year has been spent so far in your council? If all the funding has already been spent, please can you provide the date by which it was spent by.

    2. How many applications for a) vouchers and b) grants under the HSF scheme have been rejected so far in the 2023/24 financial year? If possible, please can you provide a breakdown of the reasons why these applications were rejected, e.g. incomplete application, deemed ineligible.

    3. What is the longest time in days it has taken to process an application for a) a grant b) a voucher under the HSF scheme in the 2023/24 financial year so far

    Published: 6 March 2024

  5. 1. What is the standard hourly rate paid by your local authority for a direct payment for disabled child assessed as requiring personal care support under the Children Act 1989 Part 3?

    2. Is the figure stated in answer to question 1 a net figure or a gross figure? A net figure means that the council will make additional payments to cover the costs of employing the personal care worker (ie Employers National Insurance liability, employers' liability insurance costs, holiday and sickness pay etc). A gross figure means that the recipient of the direct payment must pay all the costs of employing the personal care worker from the figure stated in answer to question 1.

    3. What is the number of disabled children currently receiving direct payments as a result of being assessed as requiring support under the Children Act 1989 Part 3?

    4. Does your council have a policy for increasing the sum specified in answer 1 above in cases where the cost of meeting the disabled child's assessed needs cannot reasonably be met by a payment at the hourly rate specified in answer to question 1?

    5. If the answer to question 4 is yes, please provide a copy of that policy or explain why providing a copy of the policy is not possible.

    6. How many of the disabled children referenced in question 3 currently receive an increased hourly rate of direct payment as per question 4, ie how often is an increased rate felt to be required?

    Published: 6 March 2024

  6. I am researching the consequences of planning, including making financial payments as per the agreed and signed S106 document.

    I am particularly interested in the balance of unspent and uncommitted monies during the period 1st January 2019 and 31st December 2023.

    Published: 6 March 2024

  7. I would like the following information please:


    1. Please state the number of Community Protection Notices (CPNs) issued by your authority in the period November 2022-October 2023. Please also state the number of Community Protection Warnings (CPWs) issued within this period.

    2. If possible, please state the subject of these CPNs/CPWs - for example, by providing the texts, or stating the subject matter of the orders (e.g. Litter, waste, ASB).

    3. Please state the number of fixed penalty notices (FPNs) issued for the offence of breach of CPN between November 2022-October 2023.


    4. Please state the number of fixed penalty notices (FPNs) issued for the offence of violating a PSPO in the calendar year 2023.

    5. Where possible, please state the offences for which these PSPO FPNs were issued (eg begging, alcohol, dog control, dispersal).

    6. Please state whether these PSPO FPNs were issued by a private company (Y/N).

    Political campaigning in public spaces

    7. Please state whether your council has an area in the town centre where people could put up a political stall (for example, a political party or campaigning organisation).

    8. If so, would a fee be required? What is the amount of this fee?

    9. Please specify if anything else is required for a political stall (e.g. public liability insurance, or completion of an application form). If there is an application form, please provide a copy of the form.

    Published: 5 March 2024

  8. Could I please request the planning references for all agreements that contain a S106 document for the years 2000-2010?

    Published: 5 March 2024

  9. Under the FOI Act, I would like to know how much the council has spent on energy bills in each of the last three financial years.

    Published: 5 March 2024

  10. Please can I request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act on sport and youth services facilities.

    The total number of sport facilities ran by or receiving financial support from your Local Authority at the beginning of each of the financial years a) 2019-20, b) 2020-21, c) 2021-22, d) 2022-23, e) 2023-24

    The total budget in pounds (£) and the percentage of your Local Authorities total budget spent on sport facilities funding in each of the financial years a) 2019-20, b) 2020-21, c) 2021-22, d) 2022-23, e) 2023-24

    The total number of youth and children's services ran by or receiving financial support from your Local Authority at the beginning of each of the financial years a) 2019-20, b) 2020-21, c) 2021-22, d) 2022-23, e) 2023-24

    The total budget in pounds (£) and the percentage of your Local Authorities total budget spent on youth and children's services funding in each of the financial years a) 2019-20, b) 2020-21, c) 2021-22, d) 2022-23, e) 2023-24

    Published: 5 March 2024