Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to request the following information from your council.

    1. Please put 'yes' in the table attached if the local authority offers any of the programmes listed. Many of these programmes have numerous different sub-programmes, please put 'yes' if the authority uses any of these.

    2. Does the local authority provide any e-learning style parenting skills programmes?

    3. If the local authority does provide any e-learning style parenting skills programmes, what are they called?

    4. How much did the local authority spend on e-learning style parenting courses - including commissioning and licensing costs - in the last fiscal year for which finances are available?

    Not including courses delivered by Zoom/Microsoft Teams or staffing costs.

    5. If an external body delivers parenting skills training on behalf of the local authority, what is their spend on e-learning style parenting courses?

    6. How many parents accessed e-learning parenting skills courses and online parenting skills programmes in the last year for which data is available?

    Not including those supported via Zoom or Teams. Even if parents didn't complete courses, please do include their initial uptake as attendance.

    7. Does the local authority collect any feedback on the e-learning style courses delivered?

    Published: 4 March 2024

  2. Can you please give me the statistic for Bromyard, i.e. social housing, unemployment, how many residents, adults and children and any other information that would be relevant to the Town.

    Published: 4 March 2024

  3. From April 2013 local authorities were given responsibility by Public Health England for providing drug and alcohol services. This FOI request relates only to those patients who have become addicted or dependent upon tranquilising medications prescribed by their doctors. They do not abuse these or other substances, and were not previously dependent on these or other substances. This group is therefore distinct from illicit drug users. Can I please request the following information:

    1. How many referrals have there been to drug and alcohol services in your local authority in the years 2021, 2022, 2023 for treatment for addiction to benzodiazepines, z drug tranquillisers, gabapentinoids and opiods prescribed by their GPs? Please break this down by year, gender and drug.

    2. How many Involuntary Tranquilliser Addicts are currently in treatment provided by your local authority's drug and alcohol services for addiction to benzodiazepine, z drug tranquillisers, gabapentinoids and opiods prescribed by their GPs? Please break this down by gender and drug. Could you please supply your answer in an excel spreadsheet. -

    Published: 1 March 2024

  4. I would like to make the following freedom of information request:

    • How many Early Help cases are open across Herefordshire, 2023-24 school year to date?

    • How many Early Help cases are open for students accessing all secondary schools in Herefordshire, 2023 - 24 school year to date?

    • How many Early Help cases were opened across Herefordshire, 2022-23 and 2021-22 school years?

    • How many Early Help cases were opened for students accessing all secondary schools in Herefordshire, 2022-23 and 2021-22 school years?

    • How many TAF meetings have been requested across Herefordshire involving schools, 2023-24 school year to date?

    • How many TAF meetings have been requested across Herefordshire specific to secondary schools, 2023-24 school year to date?

    Published: 1 March 2024

  5. I am writing with a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Could I ask, for the financial years 2018-19, 22-23 and 23-24:

    1. How much did your local authority spend on providing residential placements to children taken into the council's care? Please provide a breakdown for each year, including a projected spend for the rest of 23-24 if it is available.

    2. Of that figure, how much of the figure was spent on private-sector residential placements? Again, please provide a breakdown for each year and include a projected spend for the rest of 23-24 if it is available.

    3. How many children were taken into the council's care for each financial year?

    Published: 1 March 2024

  6. We are requesting the following information:

    1) How many deaf children are in the Herefordshire area?

    2) How many deaf children have EHCPs?

    3) How are children performing against their EHCPs? are their needs being met?

    Published: 1 March 2024

  7. 1. Does your local authority use the NJC job evaluation scheme?

    2. If not, which job evaluation scheme do you use?

    3. Does your local authority opt into the NJC Terms and Conditions for your employees?

    4. Does your local authority employ anyone who is not under NJC terms and conditions and associated rates of pay?

    5. Does your local authority employ anyone defined as a 'Craft Worker', whose terms and conditions follow national Craft Worker agreements or any who have alternative local bargaining arrangements?

    A. If so, how many workers?

    B. What are their job titles?

    C. Please supply rates of pay for each job title.

    D. Do these workers have access to any additional allowances, bonuses overtime schemes? Please list all.

    E. Please provide copies of all documents that outline the working conditions, additional allowances, bonuses or overtime schemes.

    Craft Workers occupations generally fall under the categories on the attached spreadsheet although you may employ other categories that are not listed. Please add to the list of this is the case.

    Published: 1 March 2024

  8. All years specified refer to financial years.

    Highway Bond Provision

    1. What is the total bond value for S278 and S38 agreements for:

    a) 2020-21

    b) 2021-22

    c) 2022-23

    2. What is the total number of bonds completed in:

    a) 2020-21

    b) 2021-22

    c) 2022-23

    3. What items of adoptable highway infrastructure currently attract commuted sums, and what are the individual costs?

    4. What is your inspection fee or percentage applicable relevant to the bond provision for S278 and S38 agreements?

    S278 Timescales

    5. What was the average time taken from technical submission to technical approval of a S278 agreement in:

    a) 2020-21

    b) 2021-22

    c) 2022-23

    6. What was the average time taken from technical approval to the completion of a Section 278 legal engrossment in:

    a) 2020-21

    b) 2021-22

    c) 2022-23

    7. What was the average time to grant a Street Works Permit, post execution of Legal Engrossment in:

    a) 2020-21

    b) 2021-22

    c) 2022-23

    S38 Timescales

    8. What was the average time taken from technical submission to technical approval of a S38 agreement in:

    a) 2020-21

    b) 2021-22

    c) 2022-23

    9. What was the average time taken from technical approval to the completion of a Section 38 legal agreement in:

    a) 2020-21

    b) 2021-22

    c) 2022-23

    10. What was the average total time taken from technical submission to formal adoption of a S38 agreement in:

    a) 2020-21

    b) 2021-22

    c) 2022-23

    Survey questions

    1. What is an appropriate timescale for the submission and final execution of a S38/S278 Agreement?

    2. Do you have target timescales for submission to final execution? If yes, what are they?

    3. What improvements do you think could be made to the overall process from submission to engrossment?

    4. What improvements are you already considering/ have already implemented?

    5. Would you consider using the developer obtained tender value for calculating the bond provision for S278 and S38 agreements? What conditions would you need in place to do/consider doing this?

    6. Would you consider completion of a legal agreement before confirmation of Land Title Registration?

    7. What is an appropriate total bond value of a S278/S38 agreement?

    8. Would the planning process benefit from a national standard for:

    a) bond provision values

    b) inspection fee percentages

    c) statutory timescales for approval

    Published: 29 February 2024

  9. I would please like to request the following information:

    1) In the financial years 21/22, 22/23 and 23/24 (Up to 07.02.24), could you please provide me with the total monetary value of council-related debts (such as council tax, parking fines, failures to pay business rates and housing arrears) which were referred to external enforcement agencies?

    2) Of this figure, please could you provide the amount that was recovered by external debt agencies broken down for each of the financial years referenced?

    3) For each of those financial years, please provide the number of complaints the council has received about the conduct of external bailiffs and debt collectors.

    Published: 29 February 2024

  10. I am writing to make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to obtain information regarding the Management of Permits to work (PTW) on your sites. Could you kindly provide details on the following:

    a. Which types of work require a Permit To Work to be completed on your sites?

    b. Does your organisation utilise a software platform to issue, record, and provide evidence of completed works that require a permit?

    c. If a software platform is used, please specify the name or type of software utilised to complete and evidence work permits.

    d. Who within your organisation is responsible for the issuance, sign-off, and provision of evidence for Permits To Work?

    Published: 28 February 2024