Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. All or some of the information provided previously has expired, I require an update on the questions below.

    See the request below:

    Contract 1 - Telephony/Voice Services (Analogue, ISDN VOIP, SIP, Cloud)

    1.Telephony/Voice Services Provider- Please can you provide me with the name of the supplier for each contract.

    2. Telephony/Voice Services Spend - Please can you provide me with the annual spend

    3.Telephony/Voice Services - Contract Renewal Date- please provide day, month and year (month and year are also acceptable). If this is a rolling contract, please provide me with the rolling date of the contract. If there is more than one supplier, please split the renewal dates up into however many suppliers

    4.Telephony/Voice Services - Contract Duration- the number of years the contract is for each provider, please also include any contract extensions.

    5.Telephony/Voice Services - Type of Lines - Please can you split the type of lines and users per each supplier? PSTN, Analogue, SIP, ISDN, VOIP, Cloud

    6.Telephony/Voice Services Number of Lines / Channels / SIP Trunks/ Cloud based users- Please can you split the number of lines per each supplier? SIP trunks/connections, PSTN, Analogue, ISDN

    Contract 2 - Incoming and Outgoing of call services.

    6.Minutes/Landline Provider- Supplier's name (NOT Mobiles) if there is no information available, please can you provide further insight into why?

    7.Minutes/Landline Contract Renewal Date- please provide day, month and year (month and year is also acceptable). If this is a rolling contract, please provide me with the rolling date of the contract.

    8.Minutes Landline Monthly Spend- Monthly average spend on calls for each provider. An estimate or average is acceptable. If SIP services, please provide me with the cost of services per month.

    9.Minute's Landlines Contract Duration- the number of years the contract is for each provider, please also include any contract extensions.

    10.Number of Extensions- Please state the number of telephone extensions the organisation currently has. An estimate or average is acceptable.

    Contract 3 - The organisation's broadband provider.

    11.Broadband Provider- Supplier's name if there is not information available, please can you provide further insight into why?

    12.Broadband expiry l Date- please provide day, month, and year (month and year is also acceptable). If this is a rolling contract, please provide me with the rolling date of the contract. If there is more than one supplier, please split the expiry dates up into however many suppliers

    13.Broadband Annual Average Spend- Annual average spend for each broadband provider. An estimate or average is acceptable.

    Contract 4 - Contracts relating to Wide Area Network [WAN] services, this could also include HSCN network services.

    14. WAN Provider- please provide me with the main supplier(s) if there is no information available, please can you provide further insight into why?

    15.WAN Contract expiry Date- please provide day, month, and year (month and year are also acceptable). If this is a rolling contract, please provide me with the rolling date of the contract. If there is more than one supplier, please split the expiry dates up into however many suppliers

    16.Contract Description: Please can you provide me with a brief description for each contract

    17.The number of sites: Please state the number of sites the WAN covers. Approx. will do.

    18. WAN Annual Average Spend- Annual average spend for each WAN provider. An estimate or average is acceptable.

    19.For each WAN contract can you please provide me with information on how this was procured, especially around those procurement that used frameworks, please provide me with the framework reference.

    20.Internal Contact: please can you send me their full contact details including contact number and email and job title for all the contracts above.

    Published: 23 February 2024

  2. 1. The name of each Monitoring Officer for the Authority since 1.1.2019. Kindly also provide the dates they were in post and any other roles they held within the Authority (before, during and after).

    2. The name of each Deputy Monitoring Officer for the Authority since 1.1.2019. Kindly also provide the dates they were in post and any other roles they held within the Authority (before, during and after).

    3. Please provide the date of every report made by the Monitoring Officer under Section 5 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 since 1.1.2019.

    4. Please provide a copy of each report made by the Monitoring Officer under Section 5 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 since 1.1.2019.

    5. The name of each Director of Children's Services for the Authority since 1.1.2019. Kindly also provide the dates they were in post and any other roles they held within the Authority (before, during and after).

    6. The name of each Lead Member for Children's Services for the Authority since 1.1.2019. Kindly also provide the dates they were in post and any other roles they held within the Authority (before, during and after).

    Published: 23 February 2024

  3. I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

    1. Which further education institutions for 16-18 year olds in your local authority offer at least one foreign languages A-Level course? Please include exact locations of these institutions, region and the type of further education institution it is (college, sixth form etc.).

    - 1.2 Which foreign languages are taught at these schools?

    - 1.3. How many students aged 16-18 currently take each foreign language course?

    - 1.4. How many students aged 16-18 currently take any foreign language course in total?

    2. For further education institutions who do not currently offer a foreign languages A-Level, did they previously? If so, what year was this stopped?

    3. Which state schools in your local authority offer at least one foreign language GCSE course? Please include exact locations of these institutions.

    - 3.1. Which foreign languages are offered as GCSE options?

    - 3.2. How many students currently take each foreign language GCSE option?

    - 3.3. How many students currently take any foreign language GCSE option in total?

    Published: 23 February 2024

  4. As a point of clarification, there was an error in the original request. The points should read:

    • The number of successful planning appeals made against the local (planning) authority.

    • The number of unsuccessful planning appeals made against the local (planning) authority.

    • The amount of money the local authority has spent on successfully defending planning appeals.

    • The amount of money the local authority has spent on unsuccessful defending planning appeals.

    The time frame for this request should be 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, and 2023/24.

    Please also break these down by all applications and applications specifically for house-building (applications that would deliver a net increase in habitable dwellings).

    Published: 23 February 2024

  5. 1) How many miles of paved roads are Herefordshire Council responsible for maintaining?

    2) How many miles of paved roads did Herefordshire Council maintain by re-sealing (including tar and chip) each year in 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023?

    Published: 23 February 2024

  6. I am looking for the number of Equine welfare convictions since the year 2000. I am not looking for any personal details, I only require the number of convictions there have been.

    Published: 23 February 2024

  7. Please can you provide the following information, in each category I am asking for:

    1. numbers of individuals

    2. total weekly cost

    3. average weekly amount per person

    Please can you provide information tor 0-25 year old's who have a learning disability, autism or both. Please break down to the following financial years:

    2022/23 (actual)

    2023/24 (actual and forecast)

    2024/25 (forecast)

    1. How many people with a learning disability, autism or both (or their carers) receive Direct Payments from Herefordshire County Council for day services, carer breaks or to meet needs around community access and/or learning? how much is paid each week in total and what is the average weekly budget?

    2. How many people with a learning disability, autism or both (or their carers) receive Direct Payments from Herefordshire County Council for support work? how much is paid each week in total and what is the average weekly budget?

    For clarification for Support work I am referring to any part of a direct payment that is allocated to a resident to use to purchase care from one or more persons. This may be a personal assistant or a care agency.

    It is distinct from respite and day services which are usually place based.

    3. How much is paid weekly to people with a learning disability, autism or both (or their carers) under short breaks scheme, to how many people and what is the average weekly payment. Broken down to the following groups?

    4) What is the total budget for 0 - 25 year olds with a learning disability, autism or both in social care and education for:

    a) day opportunities

    b) respite (if possible broken down to overnight and day)

    c) support work

    5) How much have Herefordshire county council spent or forecast to be spent in contracted budgets and how much allocated to spend on Direct Payments for 0 -25 year old's with a learning disability, autism or both for the following?

    a) day opportunities

    b) respite (if possible broken down to overnight and day)

    c) support work

    Published: 22 February 2024

  8. Under the FOI Act I would like to request the amount of staff employed by the council that are currently on long term sick leave as of 12th February 2024.

    I would also like to request the amount of staff that were on long term sick leave on the same day in 2023 and in 2019.

    For clarification, long term sick leave is classed by the UK Government as four or more weeks of absence due to sickness. See definition here:,be%20considered%20long%2Dterm%20sick.

    Published: 21 February 2024

  9. I have provided a shortened version of the request below and would be grateful if you could provide what you are able to and indicate which aspects might still take longer than the specified limits.

    1) The number of MHA assessments completed in 2022?

    2) The number of MHA assessments completed in 2023?

    3) Where you commission independent/self-employed AMHPs to undertake MHA assessments what is the standard fee (in 2023) you pay them?

    4) Do you make payment to the (independent/self-employed) AMHP where an MHA assessment cannot be completed (but the AMHP attends the arranged location)? (if so, is this at the same rate?)

    5) Do you make payment for mileage incurred to undertake assessments? If so, what is the rate (in 2023)?

    6) Is this same mileage rate paid to substantive/rota AMHPS as well as independent/self-employed AMHPs?

    Ultimately, what we are trying to understand is the number of assessments which may involve independent doctors/GPs who subsequently claim for their attendance at an assessment from the ICB (or other organisation under a s75 agreement).

    Therefore, within the definition of 'MHA assessment', as well as assessments for detention under sections 2, 3 and 4, please could you include s7 (Guardianship) assessments (as this may involve these doctors) but exclude s17F (as the RC would not be claiming for revoking a CTO as a discrete MHA assessment undertaken). In respect of s136 please could you include where patients are interviewed at the place of safety by the AMHP (as per s136(2)).

    Published: 21 February 2024

  10. Please find below an Freedom of Information request relating to Modern Slavery Services within your Local Authority.

    Modern Slavery Leads

    Q1. Do you as a local authority have a specialist lead/single point of contact on issues relating to modern slavery?

    Q2. If relevant, what team is the specialist lead/single point of contact based within? (e.g. adult social care, children's services, community safety etc.).

    Q3. If relevant, does the specialist lead/single point of contact coordinate responses for both children and adults? If not please specify which group they respond to.

    Q4. If relevant, is this specialist lead/single point of contact employed specifically to carry out this role relating to modern slavery, or are these duties carried out on top of other professional duties?

    Q5. If relevant, in what year did you begin to employ a specialist lead/single point of contact on duties relating to modern slavery?

    Modern Slavery Funding

    Q6. For each of the following years, please indicate how much money your local authority invested in identifying and supporting potential victims of modern slavery (if data is only available in financial years please provide in this format):

    - 2023

    - 2022

    - 2021

    - 2020

    - 2019

    Where relevant, please examples of what these funds were invested in (i.e. training, commissioning survivor support services etc.)

    Modern Slavery Training

    Q7. What specialist training do you provide for employees to carry out their duties as First Responders in carrying out referrals of potential victims of modern slavery to the National Referral Mechanism? Where possible please provide examples.

    Q8. What specialist training do you provide for employees to better understand the rights of modern slavery survivors when it comes to issues of housing and accommodation for survivors of modern slavery? Where possible please provide examples.

    Published: 21 February 2024