Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. I hereby submit a Freedom of Information request. I look forward to your reply.

    1. Has Microsoft (or a third party on its behalf) carried out an audit of your Microsoft software assets in the last 8 years?

    2. If so, what date did any such audits start and finish?

    3. What is the corporate identity of the party carrying out the audit, e.g. Microsoft or the name of the third-party auditing company?

    4. Did the audit identify any breaches of, under-licensing, or non-compliance with, your licensing conditions?

    5. If so, were any incentives relating to such breaches or non-compliance given by Microsoft to encourage your organisation to move to Microsoft cloud subscription licences?

    6. If so, please provide details of these incentives.

    Published: 13 February 2024

  2. Can you please provide me with details for s106 agreements signed between 2000-2010, including but not limited to: 1. Planning references 2. Total Contributions received 3. Total Contributions allocated (if possible where and when allocated) 4. Total Contributions Spent (with proof of expenditure) 5. Total Balance remaining

    Published: 12 February 2024

  3. This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


    i) How many qualified social workers were working on a temporary (agency) basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/18 to 31/3/19? Broken down, specifically:

    Children's Social Services

    Adults' Social Services

    ii) How many qualified social workers were working on a permanent basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/18 to 31/3/19? Broken down, specifically:

    Children's Social Services

    Adults' Social Services


    i) How many qualified social workers were working on a temporary (agency) basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/19 to 31/3/20? Broken down, specifically:

    Children's Social Services

    Adults' Social Services

    ii) How many qualified social workers were working on a permanent basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/19 to 31/3/20? Broken down, specifically:

    Children's Social Services

    Adults' Social Services


    i) How many qualified social workers were working on a temporary (agency) basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/20 to 31/3/21? Broken down, specifically:

    Children's Social Services

    Adults' Social Services

    ii) How many qualified social workers were working on a permanent basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/20 to 31/3/21? Broken down, specifically:

    Children's Social Services

    Adults' Social Services:


    i) How many qualified social workers were working on a temporary (agency) basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/21 to 31/3/22? Broken down, specifically:

    Children's Social Services

    Adults' Social Services

    ii) How many qualified social workers were working on a permanent basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/21 to 31/3/22? Broken down, specifically:

    Children's Social Services

    Adults' Social Services


    i) How many qualified social workers were working on a temporary (agency) basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/22 to 31/3/23? Broken down, specifically:

    Children's Social Services

    Adults' Social Services

    ii)How many qualified social workers were working on a permanent basis at the Council during the financial year 1/4/22 to 31/3/23?? Broken down, specifically:

    Children's Social Services

    Adults' Social Services

    2. What was the total spend by your organisation on temporary/ locum qualified (agency) social workers during the financial years 1/4/19 to 31/3/23? Broken down by financial year, specifically:

    Children's Social Services

    Adults' Social Services

    3. How many vacant positions were filled through locum temporary/ locum qualified (agency) social workers during the financial years 1/4/18 to 31/3/23? Broken down by financial year. Broken down by financial year, specifically:

    Children's Social Services

    Adults' Social Services

    Published: 12 February 2024

  4. In the United Kingdom, council tax is a local tax collected by local authorities to fund local services.

    Does it go directly to a central government consolidation fund?

    Is a percentage returned to the council to be used to finance services such as rubbish collection, street cleaning, education, and social services?

    If so what is the percentage returned to the council from government?

    Published: 12 February 2024

  5. Can you provide an up to date list of all roads within Herefordshire that currently have Section 38 or Section 278 highway agreements in relation to them?

    Published: 9 February 2024

  6. Under the Freedom of Information Act, please provide me with information on the following:

    - Confirm the total number of permanent exclusions have been withdrawn/cancelled in your local authority area in 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 and the reasons for the cancellations.

    - Confirm how many withdrawn/cancelled permanent exclusions resulted in a permanent move to an alternative setting (Managed Move) in your local authority area in 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23.

    Published: 9 February 2024

  7. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ('the Act') to please request the following information in relation to farm animal species only during the years 2022 and 2023 (broken down by year):

    1. Do you enforce farmed animal welfare legislation?

    a. if not why? e.g. no farms, a different local authority does

    b. if a different local authority enforces this legislation in your area, please inform us which one?

    2. How many of each of the following are under your authority?

    a. Farms;

    b. Markets; and

    c. Borders

    3. How many of each of the following in your jurisdiction were inspected one or more times?

    a. Farms;

    b. Markets; and

    c. Borders

    For the avoidance of doubt, if the same farm/market/border was inspected more than once then it should only be recorded once.

    4. How many of each of the following in your jurisdiction showed non-compliance with animal welfare law following an inspection:

    a. Farms;

    b. Markets; and

    c. Borders

    For the avoidance of doubt, if the same farm/market/border was inspected more than once and showed non-compliance each time, then it should only be recorded once, similarly if it showed compliance on one inspection and not the other, then it should also be recorded as one.

    5. How many of each of the following were inspected more than once in your jurisdiction?

    a. Farms;

    b. Markets; and

    c. Borders

    6. What were the total number of inspections that were conducted in your jurisdiction at each of the following:

    a. Farms;

    b. Markets; and

    c. Borders

    7. What was the total number of inspections conducted in your jurisdiction at each of the following that found non-compliance with animal welfare law?

    a. Farms;

    b. Markets; and

    c. Borders

    8. What was your body's budget for farmed animal welfare enforcement?

    9. Please list whether an official improvement notice or a prosecution was issued or commenced by you on each of the occasion an inspection revealed non-compliance at each of the following:

    a. Farms;

    b. Markets; and

    c. Borders

    10. How many welfare complaints did you receive in relation to the following:

    a. On-farm animal welfare;

    b. Welfare at markets; and,

    c. Welfare during transport

    d. Welfare at a border post

    11. How many welfare complaints did you investigate in relation to the following:

    a. On-farm animal welfare;

    b. Welfare at markets; and,

    c. Welfare during transport

    d. Welfare at a border post

    12. How many prosecution proceedings did you commence for offences named in the Animal Welfare Act 2006?

    a. Of those proceedings, how many resulted in a successful prosecution?

    13. How many improvement notices did you serve under section 10 of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 for failures to comply with section 9(1) of that Act?

    14. How many prosecution proceedings did you commence for offences named in Section 7 of the Welfare of Farmed Animals (England) Regulations 2007?

    a. Of those proceedings, how many resulted in a successful prosecution?

    15. How many compliance notices were issued by your inspectors for failures to comply with the Welfare of Animals (Transport) (England) Order 2006?

    16. How many prosecution proceedings did you commence for offences named in the Welfare of Animals at Markets Order 1990?

    a. Of those proceedings, how many resulted in a successful prosecution?

    17. How many individuals subject to any of the above enforcement action had previously committed an animal welfare offence?

    18. How many people do you employ to carry out farm animal welfare inspections as part of their duties?

    a. How many farm animal welfare inspections did they complete?

    19. How many people do you employ to carry out enforcement of the Animal Health Act 1981 as part of their duties?

    20. In handling future freedom of information requests, is your authority able to respond to questions through a Google Form as an alternative to email response to enhance accessibility and efficiency?

    Published: 9 February 2024

  8. Please answer the following questions in relation to online sexual health services.

    1. Does the authority commission or procure these services?

    2. In each of the financial periods 2021-22, 2022-23, April 2023 to December 2023:

    a. How much did the authority spend overall on sexual health testing services?

    b. How much did the authority spend on online services?

    c. How many citizens were tested using online services?

    3. How much was spent (by the authority or predecessor organisations) in each period with each of the following providers for online sexual health services?

    a. Preventx

    b. SH 24

    c. TDL or their NHS joint venture, Health Service Laboratories

    d. Viapath

    e. Synlab or their joint venture, Synnovis

    f. Lloyd's pharmacy

    g. NHS Trusts/ their laboratory services

    h. Other. Please name any provider where the spend in any year exceeded £100,000.

    4. When did the authority last issue a tender for these services?

    5. When does the current contract expire?

    Published: 9 February 2024

  9. I would like to request information through the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The purpose of this request is to gain information regarding fire safety, and to suggest ways in which local authorities could be helped to achieve this.

    Please complete the attached questionnaire.

    The questionnaire does not ask the local authority to identify itself, nor any of its staff, nor contractors

    Published: 9 February 2024

  10. I am requesting the following information under the Freedom of Information Act, relating to social care charges and debt enforcement for users of social care in non-residential care settings:

    Clarification: The request applies to all non-residential adult care services for which council adult care clients are charged for usage.

    1. How many individuals received non-residential social care services, broken down into the following financial years: 2021/22 and 2022/23?

    2. How many people were charged for care and support in non-residential settings, broken down into the following financial years: 2021/22 and 2022/23?

    3. How much money in total did the Local Authority receive from social care charging from non-residential care services, broken down into the following financial years: 2021/22 and 2022/23?

    4. How many individuals, since 1 April 2021 to date, have had debt management procedures commenced against them for non-payment of non-residential social care charges (i.e. any escalation in debt recovery, e.g. automated reminders, letter before action and referral to debt collection agency)?

    5. How many individuals, since 1 April 2021 to date, have been referred to debt collection agencies for non-payment of non-residential social care charges (this should be a subset of the question 4 figure, as question 4 includes these cases as well as lower level actions)?

    6. How many individuals have had court proceedings commenced against them relating to non-payment of non-residential social care charges, since 1 April 2021 to date? Please specify how many of these are probate cases.

    Published: 8 February 2024