Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. I would like to request a copy the wayleave agreement for the streetlight mounted on 31 Church Street, Hereford.

    Published: 14 June 2024

  2. 1. How many Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) do you operate in total and out of these how many accept carpets and other textile flooring materials (underlay, rugs, mats, covers) from: Please provide a number for each option:

    a) Residents only

    b) Commercial operators only

    c) Residents and commercial operators

    2. How are carpets and other textile flooring materials managed and stored at HWRCs? Please select one option:

    a) In a separate sheltered container

    b) In a separate un-sheltered container

    c) Mixed in with mattresses and other bulky household waste

    d) Mixed in with residual and black bag waste

    3. How are carpets and other textile flooring materials disposed of from HWRCs? Please select one option:

    a) Sent for recycling

    b) Sent for landfill

    c) Sent for incineration for energy recovery (please specify type - RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) or SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel))

    4. Do you provide residents with a bulky household waste collection service, and does this service accept carpets and other textile flooring materials? Please answer yes or no

    5. How are carpets and other textile flooring materials collected via the bulky household waste service disposed of? Please select one option:

    a) Sent for recycling

    b) Sent for landfill

    c) Sent for incineration for energy recovery (please specify type - RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) or SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel))

    6. Do you collect, record and report data and information on carpets and other textile flooring materials collected at both HWRCs and via the bulky household waste service? Please specify yes or no for each service.

    7. If yes, is this data and information broken down by material type and recorded using the government database WasteDataFlow? Please answer yes, no or not applicable

    8. Does your authority have plans to revise how carpets and other textile flooring materials are collected, stored and/or disposed of in the next 12 months? Please answer yes or no

    9. If yes, please give details about how you plan to revise these processes.

    10. What are your authorities’ biggest challenges in accepting and processing carpets and other textile flooring materials? Please select from the list below

    a) Storage space and bulky nature of materials

    b) Limited recycling and disposal options

    c) Cost of processing these materials

    d) All the above

    11. Where possible, please provide URLs for pages on your website which provide relevant information about HWRCs, a bulky household waste collection service and/or any other resources relating to the disposal of carpets and other textile flooring materials.

    Published: 14 June 2024

  3. Under the FOI Act, I would like to request some data regarding the building repair backlog in schools.

    I would like to request:

    1. The number of repairs which have been done to all schools managed by the local authority in each financial year since 2018/2019?

    - The number of these repairs which were done due to issues with mould.

    - The number of these repairs which were done due to issues with asbestos.

    2. How much have you spent on school building repairs since in each FY since 2018/19?

    Published: 14 June 2024

  4. Please compile a list in excel file format, of all businesses in your council with current/active premises licenses (status cannot be expired), with the following information:

    - The trading name of the premises (i.e the name of the business/restaurant/bar etc)

    - Postal address of the premises

    Published: 14 June 2024

  5. The number of children placed in unregulated accommodation by the council.


    - Please provide the figures for the following calendar years: 2023 and 2022.


    - I.e in 2023, the council placed 10 individuals under 16 in unregulated accommodation settings.


    Please note: By unregulated accommodation, I am referring to unregulated independent or semi-independent or supported placements not approved by Ofsted


    Please note: By children – I mean any individuals under the age of 16


    Please note: if for data protection reasons you are unable to provide the figures broken down by year, please collate the figures over the two-year period.


    - I.e. between January 1st 2022 and 31st December 2023, 15 individuals under 16s were placed in unregulated accommodation settings by the council


    Published: 14 June 2024

  6. I am currently embarking on a research project around Cyber Security and was hoping you could provide me with some contract information relating to the following information:

    You may have received the same request in the past and this information sent has now expired and I require an update as soon as possible for the following information. If nothing but the expiry date has changed then please provide me with the new expiry date:

    1. Standard Firewall (Network) - Firewall service protects your corporate Network from unauthorised access and other Internet security threats

    2. Anti-virus Software Application - Anti-virus software is a program or set of programs that are designed to prevent, search for, detect, and remove software viruses, and other malicious software like worms, trojans, adware, and more.

    3. Microsoft Enterprise Agreement - is a volume licensing package offered by Microsoft.

    The information I require is around the procurement side and we do not require any specifics (serial numbers, models, location) that could bring threat/harm to the organisation.

    For each of the different types of cyber security services can you please provide me with:

    1. Who is the existing supplier for this contract?

    2. What does the organisation annually spend for each of the contracts?

    3. What is the description of the services provided for each contract?

    4. Primary Brand (ONLY APPLIES TO CONTRACT 1&2)

    5. What is the expiry date of each contract?

    6. What is the start date of each contract?

    7. What is the contract duration of the contract?

    8. The responsible contract officer for each of the contracts above? Full name, job title, contact number and direct email address.

    9. Number of Licenses (ONLY APPLIES TO CONTRACT 3)

    Published: 14 June 2024

  7. Under the Freedom of Information Act I would like to request the following information:

    1. Does your council have a contractual relationship with a firm of locksmiths or building contractors who are engaged to secure empty properties?

    2. Does your council have a panel of approved locksmiths or building contractors who are engaged to secure empty properties?

    3. Please supply the name of the firm of locksmiths or building contractors that are contracted or on your panel of approved contractors.

    Published: 14 June 2024

  8. 1. In the last financial year 2023/24 how many incidents did your authority record where refuse collectors were physically assaulted by members of the public while carrying out council duties? Please give a brief description of the circumstances of the incident.

    NOTE: By refuse collectors I mean all employees whose main duties are involved in the collection of rubbish (all types) from homes and businesses with your authority.

    NOTE: If the refuse collection duties are carried out by a third party company hired by the council the information is still HELD by the council, because it is information held on your behalf.

    Published: 13 June 2024

  9. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to request the following information, regarding local childcare availability in your local authority:

    - The number of childcare places available for children aged 0-5 with special educational needs or disabilities in each of the last five years;

    -  The number of children aged 0-5 with an EHC plan or an application for an EHC plan in each of the last five years.


    Published: 12 June 2024

  10. 1) As of date of receipt of this email (8th May) how many children with EHCPs are currently waiting for a school place in your council area?

    2) As of date of receipt of this email (8th May) how many children are awaiting assessment for an EHCP in your council area?

    3) How many SEN appeals were undertaken in the years of 2021, 2022 and 2023?

    4) How many of these appeals ended up at tribunal, broken down by the years 21, 22, 23?

    5) How many SEN appeals were upheld/partially upheld in favour of the council, broken down by the years 21, 22, 23?

    6) How much was spent by the council on the SEN appeals process in the years of 2021, 2022, and 2023? This includes appeals that went to tribunal, and those which were settled before tribunal was necessary. It should also include a breakdown of legal fees where possible.

    7) As of date of receipt of this email (8th May) how many SEN appeals are currently on your authority's caseload? This includes appeals which are yet to go to tribunal, appeals which are at tribunal stage, and any other appeals which are outstanding.

    Published: 12 June 2024