Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. I'd be most grateful if you could supply me with a copy of the Herefordshire Council specification upon which the contract to Balfour Beatty has been awarded.

    Published: 19 January 2024

  2. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I am therefore writing to request the following information:

    1. The number of licences (current only) you have issued under paragraph 10 of Schedule 1 to the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) Regulations 2018 (LAIA Regulations 2018) (this being the licensable activity of "Keeping or training animals for exhibition") to farm parks, petting zoos, city farms or any other set-ups/establishments where animals are exhibited to the public.

    2. The names and addresses of those establishments.

    3. Details of how many of these licensed establishments exhibit (or have, or will, exhibit) rabbits.

    4. Details of how many inspectors you have appointed under reg.4(2)(a) of the LAIA Regulations 2018.

    5. Details of who is responsible for dealing with animal welfare complaints relating to farm park, petting zoos and other such establishments in your area.

    6. Contact details for that person/those people.

    7. Details regarding how often the establishments licensed under paragraph 10 of Schedule 1 to the LAIA Regulations 2018 are inspected.

    8. What guidance the inspectors appointed under regulation 4(2)(a) of the LAIA Regulations 2018 are given as to how they are to establish that the welfare needs of the rabbits they are inspecting are being met by the farm park, petting zoo etc. (For example, are they given a copy of the Good Practice Code for the Welfare of Rabbits -

    9. The number of licences (issued at all times since the LAIA Regulations 2018 came into force) under paragraph 10 of Schedule 1 to the LAIA Regulations 2018 have been suspended or revoked under the powers in regulation 15, and why?

    10. The number of licences (current only) you have issued under paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the LAIA Regulations 2018 (this being the licensable activity of "Selling animals as pets")?

    11. Details of how many of these licensed sellers sell rabbits?

    12. Details of how many of these licensed sellers sell only rabbits?

    13. Details of how many of these licensed sellers are pet shops, and how many are private individuals?

    14. Details of who is responsible for dealing with animal welfare complaints relating to these sellers (of any animals, not just rabbits)?

    15. Contact details for that person/those people.

    16. The criteria you use for determining whether the "business test" in paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the LAIA Regulations 2018 is met.

    17. The level of income the sellers licensed under paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the LAIA Regulations 2018 need in order to be deemed to be selling animals "in the course of a business".

    18. Whether you have a dedicated animal welfare officer/team?

    19. If so, what their contact details are.

    Published: 19 January 2024

  3. Please could we request the information listed below, and request that the details relating to each type of licensed business be separately recorded on the form we have provided:


    • The number of operators using donkeys and mules registered under the Hiring of Horses licence.

    • The number of donkeys/ mules these businesses own.

    • The postcodes of these businesses.

    • Please give data for the last three years


    • The number of businesses using donkeys and mules registered under the Keeping for Exhibition licence.

    • The number of donkeys/ mules these businesses own.

    • The postcodes of these businesses.

    • Please give data for the last three years.

    3. Data regarding donkeys/ mules kept under any other licence.

    • The number of donkeys/ mules these businesses own.

    • The postcodes of these businesses.

    • Please give data for the last three years.

    Published: 18 January 2024

  4. I would like to submit a Freedom of Information request to understand the Learning Disabilities support offered by your Local Authority to adults aged 18-64. I am looking for information on care provided in both Residential care and Supported living settings.

    I have attached an excel spreadsheet to aid in collecting the data that I have requested. I would be grateful if you could use it as a template for your response.

    The data I would like to request is the following, for the financial years ending March 2019, March 2020, March 2021, March 2022, March 2023 and H1 of the 2024 financial year (April 2023 to September 2023) (please see attached excel for details):

    1. The number of people supported in:

    o Residential care settings

    o Supported living settings

    2. The number of new placements made in:

    o Residential care settings

    o Supported living settings

    3. The number of people discharged from:

    o Residential care settings

    o Supported living settings

    4. The average weekly fee across all people supported in:

    o Residential care settings

    o Supported living settings (the portion of the fee relating to the care support)

    o Supported living settings (the portion of the fee relating to the housing support)

    5. The average weekly fee across new placements only in:

    o Residential care settings

    o Supported living settings (the portion of the fee relating to the care support)

    o Supported living settings (the portion of the fee relating to the housing support)

    6. The average weekly fee across discharged people only from:

    o Residential care settings

    o Supported living settings (the portion of the fee relating to the care support)

    o Supported living settings (the portion of the fee relating to the housing support)

    7. The median time in days from referral (when the Local Authority issues a request for a placement) to placement (when the service user enters the care setting) in:

    o Residential care settings

    o Supported living settings

    For all items, please provide the information split across:

    o Where the care setting is "in-area" (the local area covered by the Local Authority)

    o Where the care setting is "out-of-area" (outside the local area covered by the Local Authority)

    Please refer to the attached excel spreadsheet which lays out this request in a clear format.

    For clarification:

    - I am not sure about the distinction between supported in or supported by, I am referring to people using those services (i.e. staying in residential care homes or supported living homes)

    - For new placements, I am referring to service users who have just started in the period, yes

    - Please consider people discharged from residential and supported living settings (i.e. stopped receiving care support)

    Published: 18 January 2024

  5. Under the Freedom of Information Act, please can you provide me with information:

    For the latest available date, and for local authority maintained schools in the local authority area, what were:

    The total of funded teaching assistant posts (inclusive of both filled and unfilled posts);

    (a) The total number of unfilled teaching assistant vacancies;

    (b) The teaching assistant vacancy rate; and

    (c) The date for which these figures are valid.

    In each case, I would be grateful if the definition of 'teaching assistant' could be treated as consistent with the Department for Education's Workforce Census definition (i.e. inclusive of HLTAs).

    Please can the figures for (a), (b), and (c) be provided on both a headcount and an FTE basis, if possible.

    Published: 18 January 2024

  6. Regarding the tender document for the "Invitation to Tender for the provision of Herefordshire 20MPH Policy" (Opportunity ID: DN699122) that is listed on the Proactis website:

    If there is any feasibility study, proposals, or research behind this tender and policy, I would greatly appreciate receiving those supporting documents.

    For clarification please proceed with the request for information. The following request is still relevant with regard to the 20mph policy.

    Published: 18 January 2024

  7. I would like to make a freedom of information request for the following information in relation to affordable housing contributions under section 106 and community infrastructure levies.

    I would like a list of all developments from 2019 that have agreed on a affordable housing contribution or CIL. I would like the application number, the date, the amount agreed and the amount received.

    I would also like to know the council's policy on collecting such payments.

    Published: 18 January 2024

  8. 1. The number of illicit cigarettes seized, broken down by year, in the last ten years (2013-2023).

    2. The amount of hand-rolling tobacco seized, broken down by year, in the last ten years (2013-2023).

    3. The number of Trading Standard officers in operation seizing illicit cigarettes and hand-rolling tobacco in your area, and the number for each of the last ten years (2013-2023).

    Published: 18 January 2024

  9. Can you please provide me with the data for school aged children in the year 2023 to answer the questions below broken down by ages:

    5-10 (Primary)

    11-15/16 years (Secondary)

    For questions 3 and 5, please use the below list to categorise the setting type:

    • Mainstream - (This can be academy, Free or LA maintained)

    • Grammar School

    • Private Independent Mainstream (NOT special)

    • Specialist Resource Base/Provision or SEN unit - If so, what is the primary area of need

    • Special School (Academy, Free, LA maintained)

    • Independent Special School (maintained or non-maintained)

    • Pupil Referral Unit (PRU)

    • Alternative Provision

    • Educated Otherwise than At School (EOTAS) - Section I is blank or states EOTAS

    • Electively Home Educated (EHE)

    • No placement available

    • Other

    • Don't know

    Please provide the data as detailed above for the following 8 questions:

    1. How many children have an EHCP?

    2. How many children identified as autistic do not have an EHCP?

    3. How many of these EHCPs identify ASD, ASC or Autism as a need or diagnosis?

    4. For the EHCPs that have Autism (ASD/ASC) identified, what is the type of educational setting they attend (type of school named in Section I).

    5. For the EHCPs that have Autism (ASD/ASC) identified, how many mention that a child has demand avoidance, identifiable by any of the following terms being used in any section of the EHCP:

    ○ Demand Avoidance

    ○ Pathological Demand Avoidance

    ○ PDA

    ○ Extreme demand avoidance.

    ○ Avoids everyday demands or activities

    6. For these EHCPs that have demand avoidance mentioned, what is type of educational setting they attend (type of school named in Section I). Please use the above list to categorise setting type

    7. Does your LA use the term 'Pathological Demand Avoidance' or 'PDA' or 'autism with a demand avoidant profile' in EHCPs if provided in a professional report?

    8. If these terms in question 7 are not used, what is the reason for this?

    Published: 16 January 2024

  10. • Herefordshire Council Policy & Procedure document in relation to the introduction and implementation of Public Spaces Protection Order's (PSPO).

    • The completed application 'case file' for this particular PSPO.

    • The results of the initial evidence gathering phase.

    • Any assessments made in relation to the application site.

    • The consultation and process results - both generic & site specific

    • The correspondence sent to the relevant Local Parish Councillor as part of the consultation process and when.

    •When and if any site notices were displayed, press notification or other Parish notices.

    • The relevant PSCO order covering the site and when it was made.

    Published: 16 January 2024