Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Please advise,

    1. If you have a schedule for clearing gullies on residential roads and if so the frequency with which this work is carried out.

    2. Is your maintenance work for clearing gullies carried by a contractor or your own staff?

    3. What type of equipment is used? Eg do you own a gully sucker? Or do your contractors use a gully stucker?

    4. Have you used new technology for your gully clearing? If so, please give details. Specifically have you used In Touch Ltd SmartWater sensors or do you have plans to do so? If so, what, if any, reductions in cost and/or reductions in blockages have resulted?

    Published: 16 January 2024

  2. Between the 1st of January 2020 and the 1st of January 2023, please provide the below requested information for contraventions reported against trees and hedges protected through Tree Preservation Orders, Conservation areas, and Hedgerow Regulations.

    Please work from the 1st of January 2020 to most recent, should the free FOI time limit be met, please state at what year/month this was met and return.

    Please provide numerical data for:

    1. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions reported.

    2. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions pursued to Magistrates and/or Crown Court.

    3. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions closed with no action deemed necessary.

    4. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions where a decision to take action or not was reached within 6 months of the case being registered.

    5. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions closed through serving of tree replacement notices, or voluntary tree planting.

    Published: 15 January 2024

  3. I am currently determining a small sewage discharge permit in Gorsley, Herefordshire and wanted to check if there were any drinking water abstractions in the area. The centre of the site is SO6724826104.

    Our base maps indicate 2 wells listed and a spring within 150m west of the site boundary.

    Could you please provide information on any private abstractions within 250m for this point.

    Published: 15 January 2024

  4. Please may you tell us what costs are recharged to defendants for:

    1. Summons and,

    2. Liability orders by your Council.

    Please may you provide this for each year of the last five years. Please may you be clear if this is the calendar or accounting year.

    This may be broken down as:

    * Summons cost Justice - set by legislation (was £3, now 50p)

    * Summons cost Council

    * Liability Order cost

    Published: 15 January 2024

  5. I would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information on all Section 38 and Section 278 technical approvals granted from 1st October 2023 - 31st December 2023.

    Published: 15 January 2024

  6. Please can I request the following relating to any animals registered to Herefordshire Council which are currently listed under the Dangerous & Wild Animals Act 1976:

    - Species of animal

    - The location of the animal

    - How long the animal has been registered with the council

    Published: 15 January 2024

  7. This request applies specifically to Class A premises, which includes shops and retail premises such as restaurants.

    Please see the attached questions.

    Published: 12 January 2024

  8. Please complete the attached questionnaire.

    Please note the FOI request does not require you to complete Section D.

    Published: 12 January 2024

  9. 1) The minimum, maximum and average rates paid to independent providers for the delivery of care and support to adults with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, and mental health?

    Clarification: For the upcoming financial year and the last 3 financial years.

    Further Clarification for Q.1. and Q.2. - I am asking about both hourly rates (which should be a 1 set amount) and average package costs paid to supported living providers caring for adults with mental health, and I can clarify that the type of support service referred to is supported living for adults with mental health.

    2) The minimum, maximum and average rates paid to independent providers for the delivery of care and support to young adults 18-25 with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and mental health?

    Clarification: Information NOT required on persons who are 16-17. Amended question to reflect this.

    3) What are your minimum room sizes and property requirements, e.g. is an open-plan kitchen suitable? Do you require all en-suites and a separate living and dining room?

    Clarification: In a supported living environment caring/supporting service users 18-65-year-old with mental health, what are the requirements of the living conditions?

    4) What type of supported living services are needed in your local authority (learning disabilities, mental health, section 117, section 17, informal)?

    5) Who do we contact about setting up a supported living service?

    6) What type of services are you looking to commission now, for example, is it Supported Living 18-65 for people having long-term, in-patient treatment?

    7) Do we need to apply for a local authority contract in order to register as a supported living service, if so where do we apply?

    8) What are the brokerage contact details?

    9) Who are the mental health and learning disabilities commissioners and their contact details?

    10) Who is the local finance officer and their contact details?

    11) Who is the mental health commissioner and their contact details?

    Published: 12 January 2024

  10. Please can you advise/supply the following information:

    Any permissions / license documents issued by the Highway Authority for Herefordshire Council with respect to planters located on the traffic Islands on Hereford City Link Road (See attached Google Map Link).

    Please provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Act 2000.

    1) Confirmation what licenses / permissions were issued

    2) Copies of all associated licenses / documents issued for my reference.

    Published: 12 January 2024