Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. This is a request for information under the FOI Act 2000 and the EIRs 2004. Please release to me the following information:

    - A GIS file (ideally in Shapefile format) of all landowner deposit maps made under the provisions of the Highways Act 1980 section 31.6 to your council.

    I am requesting a GIS file of this data because it contains more information than the online register and any online mapping interface you may publish (for e.g. a GIS file gives the precise geolocations of the boundaries of the land in question): therefore, this information is not available via other means. There is a strong public interest in releasing this information as it relates to the prevention of future rights of way claims.

    Published: 12 January 2024

  2. In your role as a Local Transport Authority, would you be able to answer the following please:

    Ÿ How many bus routes are operated in your area as of January 2024?

    Ÿ Has that number reduced or increased since January 2023?

    Ÿ If so, by how many?

    Ÿ Has the number of services on those routes been reduced or increased since January 2023?

    Ÿ If so, by how many?

    Published: 11 January 2024

  3. According to the minutes of the Hereford Stronger Towns Board meeting on Friday 3 November 2023, Herefordshire Council's chief executive Paul Walker "confirmed that any aborted costs in relation to the Maylord Orchards site works would be met by Herefordshire Council", following the new council administration's decision to house the city's planned new library and resource centre in Shirehall instead.

    My question is: What is the council's current best estimate of these aborted costs, and to whom are they owed?

    Published: 10 January 2024

  4. Please advise:

    1. The number of children in care (also known as "Looked After Children") that your local authority is responsible for, that are currently placed in children's homes that are attending mainstream state education. In this definition please include mainstream academies, free schools and maintained schools but exclude independent boarding schools, special schools and Pupil Referral Units/alternative provision.

    2. The total placement costs for children in care that your local authority is responsible for, that are currently placed in children's homes that are attending mainstream state education.

    3. The highest annual placement cost any individual child in the financial year 2022/23 of children in care that your local authority is responsible for, that were placed in children's homes and were attending mainstream state education during that period.

    (Please note I wish to make two clarifications to this FOI.

    Firstly, the placement costs refer to the costs of residential placement in the children's home, not the costs of the mainstream schooling.

    Secondly, question 2. "The total placement costs for children in care that your local authority is responsible for, that are currently placed in children's homes that are attending mainstream state education" is for the financial year 2022/23.)

    Published: 10 January 2024

  5. I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act please. Could you please let me know how much you spent on advertising on social media platforms in each of the last four financial years - 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 - broken down by platform .

    Published: 9 January 2024

  6. Please find attached document relating to version control.

    "It does not apply to software control, which follows a different established convention."

    Please can you provide your policy/document relating to software control.

    Clarification: I can confirm request is relation to your version control in software.

    Published: 9 January 2024

  7. Hereford Council supports a new bypass for Hereford. Please let me have the latest estimate for the cost of this bypass.

    Published: 9 January 2024

  8. FOI request - Local Authority funding for free entitlement for two, three and four-year-olds

    Financial year 2022/23

    Did you have an underspend in the early years block for funded places at the end of 2022/23? Yes/no.

    If yes, please give amount of underspend.


    Did you have an overspend in the early years block for funded places at the end of 2022/23? Yes/no.

    If yes please give amount of overspend.

    What actions, if any, were agreed relating to this underspend or overspend?

    For example, we used our underspend to offset a deficit in the high needs block, or the overspend will be recovered from funding rates in future years etc.

    Has your early years block been subject to an in-year adjustment by the Department for Education? If so, was this a positive or negative adjustment and how much was it?

    For example, the DfE adjusted our early years block by +/- £200,000 before 01 April 2023

    Does your answer to Q1 or 2 above factor in this adjustment?

    For example, a £40,000 overspend was recorded after a -£200,000 adjustment.

    Has your 2022/23 early years block been subject to an adjustment by the Department for Education since 1 April 2023 and now? If so, was this a positive or negative adjustment and how much was it?

    For example, the DfE adjusted our early years block by +/- £200,000 after 01 April 2023.

    Does your answer to Q1 or 2 above include any adjustment?

    Under the pass-through regulations, what percentage of your budget for funded three and four-year-olds did you pass through to providers in 2022/23?

    Published: 9 January 2024

  9. This is a request for information according to the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please note there are three parts to my request.

    1. How many equal pay claims have been made against your council in the time period between 31 December 2018 and 29 December 2023.

    2. Please share the cost of claims closed/settled with compensation paid for successful claims in the last five years (31 December 2018 and 29 December 2023) in relation to equal pay claims. Please include the following information in the table: Compensation paid Defence costs paid Claimant Costs Paid Total Paid

    3. What is your council's current estimated equal pay liability?

    Published: 8 January 2024

  10. from 2010 to present (Date of incident): The top 10 most expensive compensation pay outs (total fees the council is paying out) related to a pothole incident for the roads you cover (this could be car damage, personal injury etc.). So can I have where and when they took place, and how much was paid out please.

    Published: 5 January 2024