Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Can you tell me for your local authority:

    How many Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) or other alternative provision (AP) in your area are in deficit or are projecting a deficit in the next year?

    What is the average funding PRUs/AP receive per pupil in your area?

    How many permanent exclusions were there in your local authority area in the following academic years: 2018-19, 2021-22, and 2022-23?

    Do you have a waiting list for PRU/AP places in your area?

    How many children are currently waiting for places?

    If your PRUs and AP are already full, when did they fill up?

    Published: 11 December 2023

  2. Please supply details of the Parking Order For Mill Street Car Park, Kington:

    • A copy of the Order as made, dimensions of places, signs to be displayed for Electric Vehicles only, and for Disabled spaces.

    • When the markings were last painted.

    • When the space markings were last checked for legibility.

    • When all earlier non-applicable markings were permanently removed.

    Please provide statistics of all penalty notices, as held, issued for:

    • General car parking spaces

    • Electric vehicles spaces used by non-electric vehicles

    • Disabled spaces by failure to display a blue badge

    • Including if appealed, and if successful, and if informal/formal/independent adjudicator.

    An example of inadequate defective markings is on FMS:

    Clarification: This is only for Orders and penalty notices which are in force today.

    Published: 11 December 2023

  3. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:

    What is the total number of people currently on a waiting list for social and council housing?

    What is the total number of people currently on the waiting list for social and council housing that are non-UK nationals?

    What is the breakdown of non-UK nationals on the waiting list by nationality?

    Published: 11 December 2023

  4. Please provide information on whether or not you employ an access officer(s). Notes: They do not need to have the specific job title of access officer for you to respond affirmatively. The role may be defined as having responsibility for any one or all of the following and may be split between more than one person; • respond to requests, comments and complaints from all concerned with disability access • prepare adaptation programmes, including budgets, and monitor progress • carry out surveys, feasibility studies, drawings, specifications, contract documentations and supervise their implementation • give advice on all access design issues: transport, pavements, damaged kerbs, road crossings, highways schemes, traffic calming, parking and street furniture. • assist in the development of appropriate access plan policies and design guidance, primarily through implementing supplementary planning guidance • provide technical consultation and interpretation on applications that justify detailed input and provide guidance to development control officers on when to consult • be available for pre-application consultations on larger applications. • co-ordinate the consultation process with statutory consultees, such as English Heritage, Building Control and the Statutory Highway Authority • co-ordinate and manage the Council's training programme for new and existing officers, in particular in development control • liaise with neighbouring authorities and national bodies • establish a local access group where one does not exist, encourage and support the local access group and ensure that disabled people and other appropriate voluntary groups are effectively involved in the planning process. Servicing regular planning application consultation meetings and providing accessible transport and meeting rooms can be supportive If an employee(s) is responsible for the above, please respond and clarify which responsibilities or similar responsibilities they hold. Please note, the request relates to whether the council employs someone whose role / part of their role in the above activities for any subject, not necessarily in relation to disability access.

    Published: 8 December 2023

  5. 1) How many staff members make up your elective home education team?

    2) How many staff members from your Elective Home Education team are members of the Association of Elective Home Education Professionals (AEHEP)?

    3) How many staff that come under the line management of your director of childrens services are members of the Association of Elective Home Education Professionals (AEHEP)?

    4) Is your director of childrens services a member of the Association of Elective Home Education Professionals (AEHEP)?

    5) How many attendances have those staff members made at AEHEP meetings within the previous 12 months (i) face to face; (ii) virtually?

    Published: 6 December 2023

  6. I am writing to request information I am entitled to under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

    I am requesting the following information:

    1. Any policies and papers, from 1 Jan 2022 to 1 November 2023, stating the percentage of biodiversity net gain your council will require as a condition for planning permission (under the Environment Act 2021)

    (a) as part of an agreed Local Plan; or

    (b) as part of a draft Local Plan.

    2. Any polices and papers, from 1 Jan 2019 to 1 November 2023, stating whether you have formally declared a nature/ecological emergency.

    3. Any policies and papers, from 1 Jan 2022 to 1 November 2023, containing a target for your area to contribute to protect and manage 30% of land and sea for nature by 2030.

    4. On what date your current Local Plan will be five years old and when you expect a new Local Plan to be agreed.

    Published: 6 December 2023

  7. I am fact checking an article and would like to ask the following information: What is the size of land (in acres) occupied by: Woodhouse Farm Abbeydore HR2 0AL They requested planning permission from you in 2009, but with no mention of the property's amount of land. I need to know by the end of today please if at all possible.

    Published: 6 December 2023

  8. I would like to know how many pupils in total in schools overseen by Herefordshire Council have been persistently absent, i.e. recorded as missing more than one day in ten, in each half-term since 2019 inclusive, both in number and as a percentage of the total number of pupils, with the figures for primary and secondary schools in the county tallied separately.

    I would like the above information to be provided to me in electronic form.

    Published: 5 December 2023

  9. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:

    What is the total number of people currently living in social and council housing?

    What is the total number of people currently living in social and council housing that are non-British citizens?

    What is the breakdown of non-British citizens living in social and council housing by nationality?

    Published: 5 December 2023

  10. 1. The average length of time households spent in temporary accommodation after making a homelessness application to the council in each of the past 4 and a half years…

    a). between April 1st 2019 and March 31st 2020

    b). between April 1st 2020 and March 31st 2021

    c). between April 1st 2021 and March 31st 2022

    d). between April 1st 2022 and March 31st 2023

    e). between April 1st 2023 and September 30th 2023

    2. The average length of time households with children spent in temporary accommodation after making a homelessness application to the council in each of the past 4 and a half years…

    a). between April 1st 2019 and March 31st 2020

    b). between April 1st 2020 and March 31st 2021

    c). between April 1st 2021 and March 31st 2022

    d). between April 1st 2022 and March 31st 2023

    e). between April 1st 2023 and September 30th 2023

    3. What were the number of households in Temporary Accommodation:

    a) On September 30th 2020

    b) On September 30th 2021

    c) On September 30th 2022

    d) On September 30th 2023

    4. Of the households living with children in temporary accommodation in each of the following financial years, how many were placed in accommodation outside of your local authority area?

    a). between April 1st 2019 and March 31st 2020

    b). between April 1st 2020 and March 31st 2021

    c). between April 1st 2021 and March 31st 2022

    d). between April 1st 2022 and March 31st 2023

    e). between April 1st 2023 and September 30th 2023

    Published: 5 December 2023