Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I wish to request the following information:

    - How many units of e-cigarettes/vaping devices/e-liquid goods were seized?

    - How many units of cigarette packs were seized?

    - The number of identified cases of illegal vaping products being in possession of, stocked, or sold by businesses

    - How many fines or penalties have been issued for being in possession of, stocking, or selling illegal vapes?

    - What was the value in £ pound sterling of each fine issued by your local authority?

    Please present this data annually for each of the below periods:

    1st January 2023 > 1st November 2023

    1st January 2022 > 31st Dec 2022

    1st January 2021 > 31st Dec 2021

    1st January 2020 > 31st Dec 2020

    1st January 2019 > 31st Dec 2019

    Published: 16 November 2023

  2. In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, I would be grateful if you could comply with the following request.

    Could you provide the following information:

    1. Total number of claims made for damages caused by potholes in the last five financial years (2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23)?

    2. Total money awarded for payouts on pothole damage claims made for each of the last five financial years (2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23)?

    3. Average payout awarded for a pothole damage claim for each of the last five financial years (2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23)?

    4. Highest single payout awarded for a pothole damage claim in each of the last five financial years (2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23)?

    5. Average cost of repairing a pothole for each of the last five financial years (2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23)?

    6. Highest cost of repairing a pothole in each of the last five financial years (2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23)?

    Published: 16 November 2023

  3. I am writing to you to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. 

    1. Please give details of the parking enforcement actions that you (or contractors on your behalf) took over the past three years (2020, 2021, 2022, 1st Jan - 30 June 2023):

    • Total number of parking enforcement notices issued

    • Number of parking tickets (Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) or an Excess Charge Notice (ECN)) issued

    • Number of vehicles clamped

    • Number of vehicles towed / removed

    • Council net revenue (after paying contractors) from parking fines (Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) or an Excess Charge Notice (ECN))

    • Council net revenue (after paying contractors) from those paying to remove clamps

    • Council net revenue (after paying contractors) from those paying towing fines

    Published: 16 November 2023

  4. How many jobs have been raised re. defects in pavements and kerbs in the last 3 years in Corn Square, Leominster? And what is your best estimate of the total cost to HC of these jobs?

    This request is for Corn Square only, not the adjacent Corn Street and Victoria Street.

    Published: 16 November 2023

  5. Question 1

    For this financial year

    The average (arithmetic mean in £ and pence) rate you pay for externally provided adult learning disability and autism services (not your in-house services) for each of the service types as follows:

    The weekly rate for Residential homes (including profound and multiple learning disability (PMLD) services and respite care)

    The hourly rate for Supported living

    The hourly rate for Day services

    The hourly rate for Domiciliary care

    If the service is not commissioned hourly, please provide an estimated average hourly rate based on the average number of hours per week.

    For clarification:

    *I am looking for the average rate that has been set for this current financial year, which to my knowledge would have been decided around April.

    *Can I have data on rates to providers for adults with learning disabilities and autism only.

    *Data on purely Residential providers.

    Question 2

    The average (arithmetic mean as a percentage) annual fee uplift (inflationary uplift) you have implemented in 2023/24 for externally provided adult learning disability and autism services (not your in-house services) for each of the service types as follows:

    Residential homes (including profound and multiple learning disability (PMLD) services and respite care)

    Supported living

    Day services

    Domiciliary care

    Question 3

    For this financial year

    We want to understand the average (arithmetic means in £ and pence) rate that would be applicable for your in-house / internally provided adult learning disability and autism services for each of the service types as below.

    The weekly rate for Residential homes (including profound and multiple learning disability (PMLD) services and respite care)

    The hourly rate for Supported living

    The hourly rate for Day services

    The hourly rate for Domiciliary care

    If the hourly cost for providing the service is not already available to you, please provide an estimated average hourly rate using the assumptions below.


    National Insurance/Tax/Sickness costs per hour: £8.30

    Apportioned core costs per hour: £2.73

    Training/Management costs per hour: £2.65

    For clarification: From my understanding, LD and autism are usually categorised together, but in this case, if they can be regarded as two separate categories, that would be great.

    Published: 15 November 2023

  6. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:

    1. In the years below, how much waste was collected at your Recycling Centre's (tips) in tonnes.




    (If possible) 2023:

    2. Please can you also provide a breakdown for each waste type below, in tonnes, for the years above:

    Car batteries


    Garden waste

    Hardcore, rubble, soil and plasterboard


    Mixed textiles and clothes

    Mobile phones



    Scrap metal

    Used engine oil

    Wood and timber

    Published: 15 November 2023

  7. Please provide a list of social housing providers from the housing benefit records which operate 2016 onwards within the local authority. Please provide a list by excel.

    Published: 15 November 2023

  8. 1) Between Herefordshire Council and National Highways who is responsible for the maintenance of the following traffic signals sites on the A49?

    - A49 Edgar St/ City Link Rd

    - A49 Edgar St/ Blackfriars St

    - A49 Newmarket St Rbt

    - A49 Victoria St/Eign St

    - A49/Barton Rd/St Nicholas Street

    - A49/St Martins St

    - A49/Belmont Rbt (Asda Rbt)

    - A49 Ross Rd nr Hinton Rd (Outside Hinton community centre)

    - A49 Ross Rd/ Walnut Tree Ave/Holme Lacy Rd

    2a) Do any of the above sites have UTC Monitoring or have any UTC-SCOOT functionality?

    2b) If yes:

    i) Which of these sites have UTC facilities? Please specify.

    ii): Which authority does the UTC Sytem belong to?

    iii): Which highway authority between Herefordshire Council and National Highways overees the UTC operations of these sites? i.e. makes decisions on how the sites operate on street.

    3a) If 'no' to question 2a and additionally, do any of the above sites have any Remote Monitoring facilities?

    3b) If yes:

    i) Which of these sites have Remote Monitoring facilities? Please specify.

    ii): Which authority does the Remote Monitoring Sytem belong to?

    iii): Which highway authority between Herefordshire Council and National Highways overees the handling of faults that the Remote Monitoring system flags?

    4) Between Herefordshire Council and National Highways, how do both authorities deal with any operational issues relating to traffic signals on the A49 through Hereford or general traffic co-ordination issues such as congestion, incidents and roadworks?

    Published: 15 November 2023

  9. I am looking to find the number of asylum seekers the council is currently supporting.

    Under FOI laws, please use the most recently available data to provide the areas where they are accommodated, broken down into the flowing parliamentary constituencies:

    North Herefordshire;

    Hereford and South Herefordshire;

    Please provide the total number of asylum seekers per parliamentary constituency, or the postcode prefix if this is easier.

    Please DO NOT provide the full postcode, or the name of any building.

    Please state the date to which this data applies, being as specific as possible.

    Published: 15 November 2023

  10. This FOI request is for the attention of officers who oversee administrative and enforcement duties concerning the private rented sector and social housing for the council.

    1. The number of complaints received per year by tenants related to private rented sector housing per year for the following years:



    2. The number of complaints received per year by tenants related to social housing per year for the following years:



    3. The number of Housing, Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) inspections carried out per year on PRS properties for the following years:



    4. How many improvement notices have been served in relation to Category 1 and/or Category 2 hazards on PRS properties per year for the following years:



    If possible, please list the total number of Improvement Notices served exclusively because of category 1 hazards.



    5. The total number of formal enforcement notices served: Overcrowding Notices (Housing Act 2004 Part 2) on properties in the PRS for the following years:



    For clarification, the data I'm generally after service of overcrowding notices served for larger HMOs that are covered in Part 2, which have a licence that only permits a house to be licensed for a specified number of occupants.

    6. For each year since the offence was introduced, the number of civil penalties (if any) issued to private landlords for the following offences:

    a) Smoke and Carbon Monoxide (England) Regulations 2015

    b) The Electrical Safety Standards in the PRS (England) Regulations 2020

    7. Optional open box question to council officers: we want to explore any potential barriers councils face with enforcement of the PRS and what policy/legislative changes central government can make to remove the barriers and increase uptake of certain aspects of enforcement as and when it is required.

    Therefore, we want to hear from council officers directly on what are the main barriers they face with issuing and enforcing civil penalties in the PRS currently. So, for example, factors like a lack of resources/funds, lack of legally trained staff, court waiting times etc.

    Published: 14 November 2023