Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. "An offer was made to anyone with a private water extraction well who was down gradient and close to the [Sutton Walls] landfill to be added to piped mains water and was paid for by Cleanaway." Please release all documentation about that scheme. Plus how many properties were involved and how long was the scheme duration?

    Published: 13 November 2023

  2. Please could you send a list of all schools that children of secondary age with EHCPs have been placed in within the last 5 years.

    Published: 13 November 2023

  3. How many noise complaints, public and official, regarding Play Nightclub, Blueschool Street, Hereford, HR1 2AR, in the last 6 years.

    Published: 10 November 2023

  4. To enable care providers to work effectively with Local Authorities (LAs) to meet their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) commitments, the following information request looks to establish key information critical for Adult Social Care (ASC) providers to support LA to meet those commitments.


    Q1. Please provide your LA definition for "local" in regard to the procurement of goods and services. Note: if you do not have a specific definition, please offer guidance to ASC providers as to how they should consider this in regard to supporting your LA.

    Q2. Please provide your LA definition for "minority" in instances such as minority-owned businesses and similar contexts. Note: if you do not have a specific definition, please offer guidance to ASC providers as to how they should consider this in regard to supporting your LA.

    Q3. Please state any energy commitments your LA are implementing over the next 1-3 years, and what you require from ASC providers to help achieve your LA commitments to net zero carbon ambitions etc.

    Q4. Please can you provide a copy of, or a link to your current ESG policy statement, guidance, support and/or commitments or requirements as an LA.

    Q5. Please provide information relating to any requirements necessary in respect of ESG for ASC providers to work with your LA, and state any weighting or scoring this may have on your decision to work with such ASC providers now or in the future.

    Published: 10 November 2023

  5. I am making this request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

    (a) The number of Afghan citizens who entered the UK under ACRS or ARAP are living within your authority area within Government funded bridging accommodation.

    (b) The number of Afghan citizens in your authority area who entered the UK under ACRS or ARAP have declared themselves as homeless.

    I would be grateful if you could provide this information on a month-by-month basis from August 2020 to date. If this breakdown will incur too high costs, then please provide broken down by quarter.

    In addition, please provide the following:

    (c) What plans are in place to respond to homelessness amongst this cohort, including the use of bridging accommodation?

    Published: 9 November 2023

  6. I am writing to you to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

    Please note that for the below questions 1, 2 and 3 cattle grids are defined as "a device designed to prevent the passage of animals, or animals of any particular description, but to allow the passage of all or some other traffic, and includes any fence or other works necessary for securing the efficient operation of the said device".

    Please answer the following questions in the spreadsheet format provided:

    1. Does the council currently have a policy of removing existing, or not installing new cattle grids? If so, why?

    2. Please state the total number of cattle grids the Council is responsible for, the total number of cattle grids removed, number of accidents reported involving cattle grids and number of complaints involving cattle grids, number of requests for removal of cattle grids and number of requests for implementation of new cattle grids in the area the Council is responsible for, in the following years?

    3. For each of the following calendar years, please state the Council's total expenditure on cattle grids separating out implementing new ones, repairs to existing ones and removing cattle grids (as per grid below).

    Published: 9 November 2023

  7. Over the last 18 months or so significant road/construction has been carried out to improve/facilitate road access to Mill Farm Little Cowarne. This has included the purchase of land, the construction of a temporary road surface, road surfacing and associated works. The contractors have also carried out works for the residents of Mill Farm at weekends within the curtilage of their farm.

    I require full costs of all the works carried out on the road between Mill Farm up to the road leading from the A465 to Little Cowarne towards Pencombe. I would like this broken down as much as is practicable into its individual component parts.

    I would also like to see the authority/documentation and payments/costs for the works carried out by the contractors within the curtilage of Mill Farm.

    Published: 9 November 2023

  8. I would like how many fines were issued from the council, relating to unauthorised absence for children from the Aylestone federation, including Withington primary, Broadlands primary and Aylestone high.

    How many fines were issued per school year since 2013, when the guidance came in place, in all 3 schools?

    Published: 7 November 2023

  9. I would like to request historic year 7 admission data for Earl Mortimer College between 2018 and 2023.

    I would like know how many first choice applications and how many on roll for the academic year beginning 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022.

    This information is not available on the website.

    Published: 7 November 2023

  10. I would like to request the following:

    1) Information that describes "top-up", "banding," "matrix," or "element" arrangements that the Council uses to guide its allocation of High Needs Block funding to mainstream schools, resource base / units in mainstream schools, and special schools;

    2) Information showing the maximum High Needs or Top-Up funding allocation (in pounds) that each specific band, matrix point, or element attracts in the current financial year (2023-24);

    3) Information showing the maximum High Needs or Top-Up funding allocation (in pounds) that each specific band or element attracted for the previous financial year (2022-23).

    · If funding allocations for each band/element in 2023-24 are identical to those in 2022-23, please say so.

    · If it is more efficient for you to provide these allocations based on academic years rather than financial years, please use academic years instead.

    · If the Council has changed its banding arrangements during the 2022-23 and 2023-24 periods, please provide information showing the previous banding arrangements as well as the current ones.

    · For special schools where banded funding is not used, please provide information showing the High Needs Block 'top-up' allocation per place.

    Published: 7 November 2023