Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, the information requested below.

    The details we require are:

    1) Do you use a social media management platform?

    2) If so, what tools do you use?

    3) How much do you spend annually on a Social media management tool?

    4) Which month & year does your contract with your supplier end?

    5)Do you use a social listening / media monitoring platform?

    6) If so, what tools do you use?

    7) How much do you spend annually on a social listening / media monitoring tool?

    8) Which month & year does your contract with your supplier end?

    9) Who is the senior officer in charge of these contracts?

    Published: 6 November 2023

  2. How many incidents of fly tipping have their been in Leominster during the past 12 months, broken down by Month if possible.

    Published: 6 November 2023

  3. (a) Your site says car park income latest figure was £2,020,148, yet the figure for all and every fee from motorists (provisional) for 22/23 is £5,334,006. Please give a breakdown of this second figure.

    (b) In respect of empty business properties in the city, what is the policy for charging or not charging business rates? Can the Council state, approximately, what extra income would be coming in if there were no empty business properties within the city as defined below.

    For the purposes of the definition of "city" in this request, I mean the "circular" area bounded by the river in the south, the "new" bridge/Victoria Street up to the roundabout by Debenhams, then right along the A438 to the lights St Owen Street, then straight on to the river.

    Published: 6 November 2023

  4. I am currently embarking on a research project around Cyber Security and was hoping you could provide me with some contract information relating to following information:

    1. Standard Firewall (Network) - Firewall service protects your corporate Network from unauthorised access and other Internet security threats

    2. Anti-virus Software Application - Anti-virus software is a program or set of programs that are designed to prevent, search for, detect, and remove software viruses, and other malicious software like worms, trojans, adware, and more.

    3. Microsoft Enterprise Agreement - is a volume licensing package offered by Microsoft.

    The information I require is around the procurement side and we do not require any specifics (serial numbers, models, location) that could bring threat/harm to the organisation.

    For each of the different types of cyber security services can you please provide me with:

    1. Who is the existing supplier for this contract?

    2. What does the organisation annually spend for each of the contracts?

    3. What is the description of the services provided for each contract?

    4. Primary Brand (ONLY APPLIES TO CONTRACT 1&2)

    5. What is the expiry date of each contract?

    6. What is the start date of each contract?

    7. What is the contract duration of contract?

    8. The responsible contract officer for each of the contracts above? Full name, job title, contact number and direct email address.

    9. Number of Licenses (ONLY APPLIES TO CONTRACT 3)

    Published: 3 November 2023

  5. We are currently investigating flood risk to a site in Lower Bullingham, Hereford. As part of the level 2 SFRA it is understood that a hydraulic model of the Withy, Norton and Red Brooks was built in 2019.

    Could we please request the model, model outputs, and modelling reports in order to inform a site specific flood risk assessment?

    Published: 3 November 2023

  6. Please find attached a Freedom of Information (FOI) questionnaire about vision impairment (VI) education services.

    This includes habilitation services, the specialist vision impairment curriculum framework as well as education services for children and young people with VI.

    Published: 2 November 2023

  7. Please complete the attached questionnaire regarding vision rehabilitation services across England.

    Vision rehabilitation provides one-to-one training in daily living skills, mobility, and communications, to maximise people's independence, confidence and quality of life

    Published: 2 November 2023

  8. Freedom of Information Request:


    1) Please provide a copy of the reporting template containing both the spend return and qualitative report, submitted to the Department of Health and Social Care by 28 September 2023, as outlined in the Market Sustainability and Improvement Fund - Workforce Fund<>.

    2) As per the following excerpt from the following press release<> announced on 14 September:

    "£40 million is being invested to improve social care capacity, strengthen admissions avoidance services and boost discharge rates - targeting the areas with the greatest urgent and emergency care challenges... ...Local authorities can bid for the £40 million to help boost adult social care provision over the winter months."

    a) Did your local authority make a "bid" for a share of this £40 million fund, as outlined above? (Please answer Yes or No)

    b) If yes, please provide a copy of your submitted "bid"

    3) Please confirm the fee uplift percentage you offered for the 23/24 financial year for the following service types. Note: If you offered a fixed amount, rather than a percentage uplift, please confirm the amount offered. If you did not offer a standard uplift, please provide the average uplift offered for each service type. If you have not offered any form of uplift, please state so and explain why not, or when this is likely being communicated.

    a. Nursing

    b. Nursing Dementia

    c. Residential

    d. Residential Dementia

    Published: 2 November 2023

  9. Could you please share your most up-to-date list of utilities (Statutory Undertakers) operating in your area?

    Published: 1 November 2023

  10. I would be grateful if you could please provide the following information:

    * In January to June 2023, how many individuals claiming to be children (aged under 18) were referred to your children's services department having previously been assessed to be an adult by the Home Office and placed in adult asylum accommodation or detention?

    * Of those referred, how many were subsequently assessed by your children's services department to be under 18?

    Published: 30 October 2023