Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. I am requesting the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.

    Questions 1-6 concern schools' revenue budgets.

    1. A list of all LA-maintained schools in the local authority area and the following information for 2022/23:

    a. the type of school (nursery, primary, secondary, PRU, special etc)

    b. each school's in-year financial outturn - i.e. the surplus or deficit the school recorded on its revenue budget in 2022/23

    c. each school's cumulative outturn balance at the end of 2022/23 (i.e. factoring in previous years)

    2. The forecast in-year financial outturn (as defined in question 1b) in 2023/24 for each LA-maintained school in the local authority area (please state the type of school as per question 1a for any newly opened schools that don't appear in question 1)

    3. The total number and percentage of schools with a surplus revenue balance in 2022/23, broken down by type of school (as per question 1a)

    4. The total number and percentage of schools with a negative revenue balance in 2022/23, broken down by type of school (as per question 1a)

    5. The total number and percentage of schools with a forecast surplus revenue balance for 2023/24, broken down by type of school (as per question 1a)

    6. The total number and percentage of schools with a forecast negative revenue balance for 2023/24, broken down by type of school (as per question 1a)

    7. Please state how many children of compulsory school age with Education, Health and Care Plans have no school place for September and are not in Elective Home Education

    If the council is on the Delivering Better Value in SEND Programme, please also answer questions 8 and 9:

    8. What is the council's forecast unmitigated cumulative DSG deficit for 2027/28? Please provide a forecast figure for 2026/27 if no forecast is available for 2027/28.

    9. What is the council's forecast mitigated cumulative DSG deficit for 2027/28 under implementation of DBV savings? Please include all forecasts that have been calculated (e.g. upper/lower bound, target and stretch forecasts etc). Please provide forecast figures for 2026/27 if no forecast is available for 2027/28.

    Please do not refer me to the council's Schools Forum papers - my experience is that councils do not routinely publish the requested information via their Schools Forums.

    Published: 27 October 2023

  2. How many litter bins are there in Herefordshire?

    How often are the litter bins emptied?

    How many litter bins are there from The Courtyard Theatre to the end of Station Road?

    Published: 27 October 2023

  3. Please could you tell me whether any of the buildings currently owned by Herefordshire Council have solar panels installed? If so, please could you advise when these were installed.

    Published: 27 October 2023

  4. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:

    How many 'unaccompanied child migrants' has your authority been responsible for between January 2022 and now?

    What percentage of 'unaccompanied child migrants' that your authority is responsible for have had their age reassessed during this time period?

    What is the total number of 'unaccompanied child migrants' that have been found to be above the age of sixteen during this time period?

    Published: 27 October 2023

  5. Q1. Your current suppliers used to collect the following debts (please give names of all suppliers for each debt type):

    • Parking Fines (PCNs)

    • Council Tax

    • Business Rates (NDR)

    Q2. Number of cases issued to enforcement agents for each debt type, for the immediate past two financial years and year to date, e.g. 2021/22; 2022/23; 2023 Year to date:

    • Parking Fines (PCNs)

    • Council Tax

    • Business Rates (NDR)

    Q3. Enforcement/Debt Collection contract start and contract end date, and any contract extension dates for each of the following debt types:

    • Parking Fines (PCNs)

    • Council Tax

    • Business Rates (NDR)

    Q4. Are your Revenue and Benefits or Parking Services outsourced, and if they are, please state who is the supplier responsible for each or both service e.g. Capita, APCOA, Agilysis, Serco, Liberata etc.

    • Parking (RTD)

    • Revenues and Benefits

    Q5. The name and/or job title of the Senior Office (outside of procurement) responsible for the above contract(s)?

    Published: 27 October 2023

  6. Planning Application P223229/F - Land to the rear of the Sun Inn, Winforton, Herefordshire HR3 6EA

    This request is to provide a History of Changes report showing the date and time stamps when data entry fields were added or last changed in the General Information table for this application, as published on the Herefordshire Council Planning portal. The report should provide this data for all input fields included in the table.

    Published: 27 October 2023

  7. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request data on the total amount of credits and over-payments (£) held in CLOSED council tax accounts by the council between the tax years for 2021/22 and 2022/23.

    I am also requesting the total number of such accounts in the same period.

    Please provide the information in the form of a simple table like the example below:

    Tax year

    Number of closed accounts in credit

    Total credits/ over-payments (£)


    e.g. 508

    e.g. £54,678.09


    If it is not possible to provide a breakdown of credits by financial year and they are instead only recorded on a rolling basis, could I get the total value of current credits (£) and the total number of accounts in credit as of the current date.

    I am also requesting the main reasons why residents have overpaid on their council tax during these periods.

    Published: 27 October 2023

  8. In terms of the Freedom of Information Act of 2000, and subject to section 40(2) on personal data, could you please provide me with your local authority's complete and most-recently updated list of all business (non-residential) property rates data, including the following fields: -

    Billing Authority Property Reference Code (linking the property to the public VOA database reference)

    - Firm's Trading Name (i.e. property occupant or ratepayer)

    - Full Property Address (Number, Street, Postal Code, Town)

    - Occupation / Vacancy status

    - Date of Occupation / Vacancy

    - Reliefs and / or exemption categories (classifications) granted or applied

    - Date that reliefs and / or exemption categories granted or applied

    - Value of reliefs and / or exemption categories granted or applied (in Pounds)

    - Actual annual rates charged (in Pounds)

    If you are unable to provide an absolute "Occupation / Vacancy" status, please provide the balance of the information requested.

    Please could you also provide a list of definitions for the codes for the Exemptions and / or Reliefs you use.

    Published: 27 October 2023

  9. On 27 July 2023, Mr Justice Chamberlain handed down his judgement in the case of R (ECPAT UK) v (1) Kent County Council; (2) Secretary of State for the Home Department [2023] EWHC 1953 (Admin) which, amongst other matters, made findings about the transfer of unaccompanied asylum-seeking ("UAS") children between local authorities in accordance with the National Transfer Scheme Protocol (the "NTS Protocol") operated by the Secretary of State for the Home Department ("SSHD"). The NTS Protocol states that:

    • Only local authorities which are looking after numbers of UAS children which exceed 0.1% of their general child populations may refer a UAS child into the NTS; and

    • Local authorities which are looking after a UAS child population or 0.1% or above of their general child population will not be directed by the SSHD to accept any UAS children transferred via the NTS.

    In relation to your specific local authority, please provide the following information which is requested under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:

    1. The number of UAS children which represent the 0.1% threshold in the NTS Protocol for your local authority;

    2. The number of UAS children which are currently within the care of your local authority as looked after children, as at the date of this request, for the purposes of sections 17, 20 and/or 22 of the Children Act 1989;

    3. The number of British citizen and/or ordinarily resident children (i.e. non-UAS children) which are currently within the care of your local authority as looked after children, as at the date of this request, for the purposes of sections 17, 20 and/or 22 of the Children Act 1989;

    4. The number of UAS children for whom your local authority has been requested to accept the transfer of functions from another local authority via the NTS since 14 December 2021;

    5. The number of UAS children for whom your local authority has accepted the transfer of functions from another local authority via the NTS since 14 December 2021;

    6. The number of UAS children for whom your local authority has declined the transfer of functions from another local authority via the NTS since 14 December 2021;

    7. Where your local authority has declined the transfer of functions in relation to UAS children via the NTS since 14 December 2021, the reason or reasons given in each case for declining the transfer of functions.

    8. The number of UAS children, if any, which your local authority has referred for transfer via the NTS since 14 December 2021;

    9. Where your local authority has accepted the transfer of functions in relation to UAS children via the NTS, the number of days - on average - which elapse between the request first being made from your local authority and the physical transfer of the UAS child concerned to your local authority's area; and

    10. Where your local authority has accepted the transfer of functions in relation to UAS children via the NTS, the proportion of those transfers which are completed within 10 working days from when the request was first made to your local authority; and

    11. Confirmation of whether the Home Office and/or the SSHD has taken any enforcement actions, including by threatened legal proceedings, to require your local authority to accept the transfer of functions for UAS children from another local authority.

    Published: 27 October 2023

  10. I am writing to you to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

    1. Does the council currently have a green fleet strategy for converting to EVs/low carbon vehicles?

    2. Please state the total number of vehicles registered to your council fleet in the following years, and please state how many of these were electric at the end of:

    2021 2022 2023YTD

    Number of electric cars

    Number of electric vans

    Total number of vehicles Internal Combustion Engine + electric

    3. Please state how many electric vehicles the council currently has on order?

    4. Please state the total number of electric vehicle charging points available in your council depots at the end of:

    * 2021

    * 2022

    * 2023 YTD

    5. For each of the following calendar years, please state the total expenditure on electric vehicle charging infrastructure at the council's depots:

    * 2021

    * 2022

    * 2023 YTD

    Published: 27 October 2023