Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. I would like to know about the provisions you have in place to support young people. Could you please provide me with the following information regarding systems you are using across Youth Justice.

    1. Which Youth Justice system(s) and suppliers are you currently using and contracted to?

    2. What are the contract start and expiry dates for each of the individual systems listed under question 1?

    3. What are the annual licence costs and annual maintenance for each system listed under question 1?

    4. Please provide a link to the contract award notice (as published to Contracts Finder) for all systems detailed in Question 1.

    Published: 27 October 2023

  2. Can you please provide me with a copy of the following documents:

    Family reunification practice guidance Overarching Permanence Policy

    According to the answer given to the Public questions the policies are from April 2022 and are used to manage Family Reunification when children are returned to parents from Looked After Care. If they do not exist can you please confirm this and amend the Public record. Can you also explain why these policies and guidance were not provided in response to my previous FoI (FOI 2023 / 00143) regarding family reunification?

    Published: 26 October 2023

  3. How many HR staff does Herefordshire employ in total?

    Published: 26 October 2023

  4. 1. Herefordshire Council's total expenditure for the last financial year for the provision of taxi services to take pupils to school.

    2. The total cost of providing taxi services because no suitable bus service was available.

    Published: 26 October 2023

  5. 1. The number of home educated children in your local authority area as at school census date (5th October 2023) or, if not available, the nearest date to that day.

    Please note that by 'home educated' I refer to children not registered in a school, not receiving education provided by the local authority, but receiving education provided by parents or guardians.

    For this purpose, if your local authority moves home educated children to its 'children missing education' list prior to successful enforcement of a School Attendance Order, please also include those children in the data.

    2. Please state whether or not your local authority has experienced a 'spike' (unusually high additional number) of removals from the roll from 5th October 2023 to 20th October 2023 and if yes, please indicate the number of additional removals from roll in that period.

    Published: 25 October 2023

  6. I write to request any information that you have on this topic, which may include internal reports or evaluations of the following:

    -          Innovative practices for dealing with missing children from residential care

    -          Strategies used to target resources to missing children from residential care

    - Spatial behaviour of children who go missing from residential care (i.e., where they go whilst missing)

    -          Experiences and perceptions of partnership working with children's residential care homes and how this can be (or has been) improved

    -           Facilitators and barriers to identifying the reasons why children go missing from residential care

    - Prevention activities in relation to children who go missing from residential care

    - The effectiveness of Return Home Interviews and The Philomena Protocol with children who go missing from residential care in identifying the reasons why they go missing, and where they go whilst missing

    Published: 25 October 2023

  7. 1. Please release documentation showing full number of wells which have been ordered by Hereford Council to be closed as a result of the known significant groundwater contamination from Sutton Walls.

    (Please note there is reliable report that this may extend to domestic properties further afield than adjacent to the site.)

    2. Please confirm whether borehole closure has been ordered for any farm within 2 mile radius of the toxic waste site.

    Published: 24 October 2023

  8. Please can you provide the following information about each planning appeal cost award or partial cost award made against your council (including information for any now-defunct councils that have been merged into your council) by planning inspectors between 1 April 2018 and 31 March 2023:

    - Date of cost award decision

    - Date of appeal decision letter (if different to date of costs award decision)

    - Has the amount of the cost award been determined (yes/no)?

    - Amount of sum negotiated between the applicant and council for cost award (£)

    - Was the decision that was the subject of the appeal made against officer recommendation (£)?

    - PINS case reference number

    Please could you also provide the following information about each planning appeal cost award or partial cost award made against an applicant in your council's favour by planning inspectors between 1 April 2018 and 31 March 2023 (please include information for any now-defunct councils that have been merged into your council):

    - Date of cost award decision

    - Date of appeal decision letter (if different to date of costs award decision)

    - Has the amount of the cost award been determined (yes/no)?

    - Amount of sum negotiated between the applicant and council for cost award (£)

    - Was the decision that was the subject of the appeal made against officer recommendation (yes/no)?

    - PINS case reference number

    Published: 24 October 2023

  9. How many households across your council area have approached the council for advice and support to prevent them becoming homelessness in the past five years.

    If you could break it down from 2018-2022 and then any data you have so far this year.

    Published: 24 October 2023

  10. I am writing to request details of deregulated abstractions (private water supplies) within a 3km radius of NGR: 344018 268461 - Leinthall Quarry.

    Published: 24 October 2023