Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. 1. How many ofsted registered residential children's homes are registered in Herefordshire? This is for children up until the age of 17 years of age.

    2. What is the Council's average weekly cost to place a child in a residential children's home? Non VAT figure is fine.

    3. How many supported accommodation providers are registered with the council? Either ofsted registered or not ofsted registered (both required).

    4. What is the council's average weekly cost to place a child in supported accommodation?

    5. Is there a need in Herefordshire for more children's homes for children with emotional behavioural difficulties? Who is the Council lead in this area?

    6. Is there a need for more supported accommodation provisions for children 16+?

    Published: 6 October 2023

  2. Could you please tell me if Herefordshire Council uses AI (Artificial Intelligence) to help provide any of its services?

    If so, please give me some context - please provide me with some examples of how AI is used across the authority, as well as the estimated cost, and the benefits.

    Published: 6 October 2023

  3. Under the Freedom of Information Act, please provide me with:

    1. A full list of the schools in your area which were surveyed during the 2017-19 Condition Data Collection Programme, and for each provide:

    A) A breakdown of whether any element was given a C or D grade. Please provide a list of elements (these are Electrical service, mechanical services, external walls, roofs, site area, fixed furniture, floors & stairs, internal walls, playing fields, ceilings, redecoration and sanitary ware) given these grades and which of the grades given.

    B) A breakdown of whether any element was given a 3 or 4 priority grade. Please provide a list of elements (these are Electrical service, mechanical services, external walls, roofs, site area, fixed furniture, floors & stairs, internal walls, playing fields, ceilings, redecorations and sanitary ware) given these grades and which of the grades given.

    C) Estimated cost of repairing condition broken down by element type (these are Electrical service, mechanical services, external walls, roofs, site area, fixed furniture, floors & stairs, internal walls, playing fields, ceilings, redecorations and sanitary ware).

    D) Whether it has received funding from the School Rebuilding Programme.

    E) Whether it is expected to receive funding from the School Rebuilding Programme in the next two years.

    F) If you are unable to do the above due to time constraints, provide some form of summary on the schools receiving a C and D grade and an indication of whether they recieved School Rebuilding Programme funds. If you are, ignore this part of the question.

    2. A full list of the schools in your area which have so far been surveyed during the 2021-2026 Condition Data Collection Programme, and for each provide:

    A) A breakdown of whether any element was given a C or D grade. Please provide a list of elements (these are Electrical service, mechanical services, external walls, roofs, site area, fixed furniture, floors & stairs, internal walls, playing fields, ceilings, redecorations and sanitary ware) given these grades and which of the grades given.

    B) A breakdown of whether any element was given a 3 or 4 priority grade. Please provide a list of elements (these are Electrical service, mechanical services, external walls, roofs, site area, fixed furniture, floors & stairs, internal walls, playing fields, ceilings, redecorations and sanitary ware) given these grades and which of the grades given.

    C) Estimated cost of repairing condition broken down by element type (these are Electrical service, mechanical services, external walls, roofs, site area, fixed furniture, floors & stairs, internal walls, playing fields, ceilings, redecorations and sanitary ware).

    D) Whether it has received funding from the School Rebuilding Programme.

    E) Whether it is expected to receive funding from the School Rebuilding Programme in the next two years.

    F) If you are unable to do the above due to time constraints, provide some form of summary on the schools receiving a C and D grade and an indication of whether they received School Rebuilding Programme funds. If you are, ignore this part of the question.

    Published: 5 October 2023

  4. Please can you provide responses to the below questions:

    1.How many farms does the council own?

    2. How many farms have the council sold off in the last 10 years?

    3. What is the average age of your council farm tenants?

    4. How many AHA council tenancies do you have left in your portfolio?

    5. What is the average length of your FBTs?

    6. How much you invested in your council tenant farms in the last 10 years? If possible, please specify examples of things you have invested in.

    Published: 5 October 2023

  5. I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act about your organisations Workforce Planning and HR Leads. Please complete the below FOI questions.

    Does your organisation have workforce planning* on its risk register?

    If yes, please provide the name and job title of the risk owner/ person responsible for managing this risk?

    Could you please provide the name, job title and email address of the HR Director/ Chief People Officer for the organisation?

    Could you please provide the name, job title and email address of the Workforce planning lead or person responsible for workforce planning for the organisation?

    * Workforce Planning- is the process of analysing, forecasting, and planning workforce supply and demand.

    Published: 5 October 2023

  6. For 2022 and from January to August (inclusive) in 2023:

    How many potholes were reported

    How many potholes were repaired

    How many pothole compensation claims were received

    How many pothole compensation claims were paid out

    How many pothole compensation claims were rejected

    How much did the council pay out for pothole inflicted compensation claims

    How much did the council spend on repairing potholes

    Published: 4 October 2023

  7. From the 1st September to the 31st November 2022:


    a. How many homelessness cases were referred to Now Medical Ltd

    b. Of those cases identified in 1a, how many cases concerned vulnerability in relation to priority need under Part 7 of the Housing Act 1996

    c. Of those from 1b, how many responses from Now Medical Ltd supported the conclusion that the individual was vulnerable?

    d. Of those from 1b, how many cases were then found to be vulnerable in the s.184 decision letter and therefore in priority need?

    Published: 3 October 2023

  8. Information regarding any deceased person's residential properties that have been sold by the local authority either by but not limited to an enforced sale or a Section 116 of the Senior Courts Act 1981 between 1st September 2018 - 1st September 2023.

    Please supply the following information:

    1) Addresses for deceased person's residential property that have been sold by the local authority

    2) Monies held by the local authority for any such sale

    3) Date deceased person's residential property was sold

    4) Any monies and dates from the sale of a deceased person's residential property that was paid into court funds.

    Published: 3 October 2023

  9. Under the Freedom of Information Act (2000), I would be grateful if you could provide information to us on all the geographical areas that you cover, for the following two periods:

    * 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022

    * 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023

    1. The value* of community disability equipment** provided by your organisation (we require information from each organisation separately, if you wish to provide joint spending figures - please let us know) to disabled and terminally ill children (as defined by the 2010 Equality Act please see *** below) in your area.

    2. The numbers of individual pieces of equipment supplied to disabled and terminally ill children in your area.

    * Value to include both recycled equipment (if relevant) provided to specific children through services such as Community Equipment Stores and equipment purchased new for specific children.

    **The term community equipment includes such items as wheelchairs, buggies, specialist beds, standing frames, hoists, car seats and specialist seating. We do not include structural adaptations, consumables such as nasal gastric tubing and incontinence supplies, IT equipment or surgical aids.

    *** As defined by the 2010 Equality Act. Children up to their 18th birthday who have 'a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term negative effect on their ability to do normal/daily activities'.

    Published: 2 October 2023

  10. I would like to know how many applicants get planning permission for one type of building and then reapply for something else instead. Please provide figures for the past five years (no preference over financial or calendar years) We have had a number of planning decisions approved in our local area for a small cottage In keeping with the character of the area but then the applicant has reapplied for enormous unsuitable building instead and it seems to be waived through.

    Published: 2 October 2023