Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Please could you provide figures for the number of reports, fixed penalty notices (FPNs), prosecutions and fines relating to dog fouling from August 2013 - August 2023 for Herefordshire?

    Please could you provide the breakdown of this information per year if possible.

    If available, please could you also provide a breakdown of where these reports, fixed penalty notices (FPNs), prosecutions and fines relating to dog fouling have occurred (for example: parks, beaches, private property etc)?

    Published: 22 September 2023

  2. 1. Do you have a web-based directory of services/eMarketplace for adult social care?

    a. Is this directory / eMarketplace developed in-house or by an external provider?

    b. If an external provider please provide the name of the supplier?

    c. If an external provider please provide the renewal date for the contract

    d. What is the annual support cost for your directory/eMarketplace?

    e. Are there any plans to review provision of your directory / Marketplace in the next 12 months?

    f. Please provide the name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s) of the individual responsible for the directory / eMarketplace within your organisation

    2. Who oversees the management of personal budgets and direct payments and integrated personal budgets and what are their contact details? - i.e.. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s)?

    3. Does the LA support the administration, delivery and or/management of Personal health budgets, e.g. on behalf of the NHS Integrated Care Board, and if so, who is the contact at the LA for this and their contact details? - i.e.. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s)?

    4. Does the LA use third party solutions to assist with the delivery and budget management of personal budgets, direct payments or integrated budgets? E.g. pre-paid cards, eWallet solutions etc.

    a. If yes, what solution is used, who is the provider and when is the contract due to expire?

    b. If no, is this something that you are considering and who in the LA is the person to contact about this and what are their contact details - i.e.. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s)?

    5. Does the LA have a directory of Personal Assistants and if so, who is the person at the LA who is responsible for this and their contact details - i.e.. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s)?

    6. Who oversees the provision of personal assistants and what are their contact details - i.e.. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s) ?

    7. Who is the current Director of Finance for ASC within the LA and what are their contact details i.e.. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s)?

    8. Who is the Integrated Services lead at the LA and what are their contact details - i.e.. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s)?

    9. Is there a Transformation Manager or Personalisation Lead or similar role, if yes please provide job title, name(s), email(s) address?

    Published: 20 September 2023

  3. 1) What was the maximum amount the council budget allowed to be paid out in the form of a 'leaving care grant' (sometimes also called a setting up home allowance) in the 2022-2023 financial year?

    2) How many young people left the care of your council on or after their 16th birthday in the 2022-2023 financial year?

    3) How many of these young people received a leaving care grant?

    4) What was the average amount (both mean and median) paid out to care leavers in a leaving care grant in the 2022-2023 financial year?

    Payments are not made out to care leavers. Items chosen by the young person are ordered on a council procurement card held by the personal adviser and deducted from their leaving care balance. The average transaction from the 2022/23 financial year is median £179.00 and mean £226.95

    5) What was the lowest amount paid out to a care leaver in a leaving care grant in the 2022-2022 financial year?

    6) What was the highest amount paid out to a care leaver in a 'leaving care grant' in the 2022-2023 financial year?

    Published: 20 September 2023

  4. I am requesting the following information under the Freedom of Information Act. The information concerns the government's school rebuilding programme -

    - and these schools nominated by the council that were not selected:

    Aylestone School

    Much Birch CofE Primary School

    Peterchurch Primary School

    Wellington Primary School and Nursery

    Withington Primary School

    Please could you provide the funding applications made under the programme for each of these schools. Commercially confidential data can be redacted. Alternatively please provide the maintenance issues and work required and the funding requested for each school without providing the full application.

    The council is invited to add details of any of the required maintenance work that was subsequently performed outside the government's school rebuilding programme.

    Published: 20 September 2023

  5. How many private individuals have been billed for charges for non-residential care services with the presentation of an initial bill in excess of £5,000 without previous notice that costs were accruing, within the past 5 years.

    Published: 20 September 2023

  6. Please can I request the following information in respect of Children's Social Work Team Managers:

    1. What is Team Manager basic salary - bottom to top of scale?

    2. Do Team Manager's receive a market forces payment? Yes/No

    3. If yes, how much do they receive? When is this paid?

    4. Do Team Manager's receive a welcome payment? Yes/No

    5. If yes, how much do they receive?

    6. Do Team Manager's receive a retention payment? Yes/No

    7. If yes, how much do they receive?

    8. Any other benefits that Team Managers receive, both financial and none-financial?

    Published: 20 September 2023

  7. The information I require is to do with the organisation's CCTV maintenance and support contract.

    Please can you send me the information stated below:

    1. Supplier of the contract for CCTV maintenance and support.

    2. How much the Organisation spend annually with the supplier? (if multiple suppliers please list the annual spend for each)

    3. What is the expiry date of this contract?

    4. What is the duration of the contract?

    5. What is the review date of this contract? If possible the likely outcome of this review?

    6. The primary brand of the CCTV equipment. I don't require the model just the brand. If there is various brands could you please list?

    7. What is the total number of cameras in use/under this contract?

    8. The description of the services provided under this contract. Please state if this contract includes more than just CCTV services.

    9. Contact details of the employee responsible for the contract between the supplier and the organisation. Can you please provide me with their full contact details

    If there is no CCTV maintenance contract in place

    1. What is the brand of CCTV cameras in use? if there is variety could you please send me a list? I do not need the serial number or model just the brand.

    2. How much is the average annual spend on the in-house maintenance?

    3. How many cameras are in use?

    4. Is there a plan to review this at any point, if so what would the date be?

    5. Who is in charge of overseeing the in-house maintenance?

    If there is no maintenance contract or in-house maintenance in place, is there a ad-hoc agreement?

    If yes,

    1. Who is the supplier? Is this varies could you please list?

    2. What is the brand of CCTV cameras in use? if there is variety could you please send me a list? I do not need the serial number or model just the brand.

    3. How many cameras are in use?

    4. How much is the average annual spend on the ad-hoc agreement?

    5. What is the date it is to be reviewed?

    Published: 20 September 2023

  8. 1) How many new homes have been built as part of developments in your council area in each of the financial years:

    2023/24 (as much information as can be provided) -






    2) For those news homes, how much money did the council collect from the developers, either via section 106 obligations or by the community infrastructure levy, to support local infrastructure in:

    2023/24 (as much information as can be provided)

    2022/23 - 1 April 2022 - 31 March 2023

    2021/22 - 1 April 2021 - 31 March 2022

    2020/21 - 1 April 2019 - 31 March 2021

    2019/20 - 1 April 2019 - 31 March 2020

    2018/19 - 1 April 2018 - 31 March 2019

    3) How much of that money was spent on building or developing GP practices in your area in:

    2023/24 (as much information as can be provided) - to 29 August 2023


    4) Please list, for each year in questions 1-3, what kind of support was given to GP practices using this money -

    Published: 20 September 2023

  9. 1. How many incidents of anti-social behaviour were reported in 2022/23 where any social housing tenants were the alleged perpetrators? Please advise both by number of incidents and by number of households accused of being responsible for at least one incident.

    2. How many of the above incidents resulted in any penalty being imposed?

    3. How many of the above incidents resulted in any warning being issued?

    4. How many evictions for anti-social behaviour took place from 2022/23?

    Published: 18 September 2023

  10. Information regarding Compulsory Purchase Orders for deceased residential properties in your area and any monies paid into Court Funds following a CPO of a deceased person's property between 1st September 2018- 1st September 2023. Please supply the following information:

    • Addresses for any deceased's residential property that have been purchased through a Compulsory Purchase Order

    • Date of CPO of deceased residents' property

    • Any monies being held by yourselves for any deceased person's residencies that have been purchased through a Compulsory Purchase Order.

    • Any monies from CPO's of a deceased person's residents that have been paid into Court Funds

    • Dates any monies were paid into Court Funds.

    Published: 15 September 2023