Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. 1. How many people are on the social housing lists in the geographical area of Herefordshire in Spring of 2023?

    2. How many social housing units planned for completion by December 2023 in the geographical county of Herefordshire?

    Published: 7 August 2023

  2. How many schools in your area have had a sewage leak on their premises in each of the last five schools years starting in:

    a) 2018

    b) 2019

    c) 2020

    d) 2021

    e) 2022

    For each incident, please tell me the name of the school, where on the premises the leak was, whether the school or part of the school had to close and how long for.

    Published: 7 August 2023

  3. Please could I request an up to date chart containing all adults and children's services Social Work managers and service managers.

    Published: 4 August 2023

  4. 1. How many blue badge applications in total did you receive in:

    1a. 2020 (1st Jan - 31st Dec)?

    1b. 2021 (1st Jan - 31st Dec)?

    1c. 2022 (1st Jan - 31st Dec)?

    2. Of those applications, how many were approved for a blue badge?

    2a. number of approvals from applications 1a

    2b. number of approvals from applications 1b

    2c. number of approvals from applications 1c

    3. How many blue badge applications did you receive and consider under the new non-visible, 'hidden' disabilities criteria introduced on 30 August 2019 [link:] in:

    3a. 2020 (1st Jan - 31st Dec)?

    3b. 2021 (1st Jan - 31st Dec)?

    3c. 2022 (1st Jan - 31st Dec)?

    4. Of those applications, how many were approved for a blue badge?

    4a. number of approvals from applications 3a

    4b. number of approvals from applications 3b

    4c. number of approvals from applications 3c

    Published: 3 August 2023

  5. Please provide the following answer and data requests below. If your authority does not have manage maintained nursery schools, please disregard the whole request.

    1. Provide a list of a head of department contact who manages 'Early Years', the list should include their name and email address.

    2. Provide a list of 'Maintained Nursery Schools' operating with a deficit.

    3. If any 'Maintained Nursery Schools' have been discussed of possible closure, or ear marked for closure, please list them.

    Published: 3 August 2023

  6. 1. In the years 2015-2022, what is the average number of weeks between validation and determination that Herefordshire council has taken to determine small planning applications that have been granted a time extension. (Small applications, for example, house alterations / extensions up to the creation of a single dwelling)

    2. In the years 2015-2022, what is the average number of weeks between validation and determination that Herefordshire council has taken to determine small planning applications that have not been granted a time extension. (Small applications, for example, house alterations / extensions up to the creation of a single dwelling)

    3. What percentage of small planning applications validated in the last 24 weeks that have been granted a time extension have been determined.

    4. What percentage of small planning applications validated in the last 24 weeks that have not been granted a time extension have been determined.

    When I say small planning applications I mean- Applications for single Building plots Applications for single house changes that require planning ie alterations and extensions to single dwellings. Applications for conversion of barns to dwellings.

    Published: 2 August 2023

  7. AWP's for the below sites in Herefordshire. I need to check if they have valid gaming permits, would it be possible for you to confirm they have please and supply permit numbers and expiry dates

    Horse and Groom

    Saracens Head

    Black Lion

    Queens Arms

    Wellington (Widemarsh Street)

    Kerry Arms

    Nouvellos Pool and Sports Loft

    Gordon Bennetts



    Brewers Arms

    Commercial Hotel

    Black Swan


    Hereford Military Club

    Bar 62 (Long Bar Commercial Road)

    Crown and Sceptre

    Drop Inn

    Lads Club

    Vaga Tavern


    Published: 2 August 2023

  8. Please confirm:-

    1) The total head count, number of employees currently employed within the non-domestic rates business rates team within Herefordshire.

    2) The total head count, number of employees currently employed within the council tax team within Herefordshire.

    3) The total head count number of qualified IRRV members within the business rates team employed within Herefordshire business rates team.

    Published: 1 August 2023

  9. Please provide your annual contracts registers (such as those published online for the current year of all contracts worth over £5,000), for the period 2011-2022.

    Published: 31 July 2023

  10. Please can you clarify how many code of conduct complaints against councillors on Herefordshire Council were determined between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023. When I say determined, I mean the date at which the complaint was actually closed, regardless of whether it was upheld, dismissed, withdrawn, etc etc.

    Published: 31 July 2023