Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Please can you inform me the names of the Companies who maintain the Moss Filters and the Planters.

    Published: 3 June 2024

  2. Under the Freedom of Information Act of 2000, could you please provide me with the most up-to-date list of all incorporated companies within the authorities billing area that have a council tax credit against their account.

    Please note, I am not requesting business rates data but council tax accounts held by companies such as charities e.g housing associations and property developers etc.

    Could you please including the following data in the response:

    (A) The company name to which the account in credit relates to.

    (B). The value of overpayment.

    (C). The years(s) the overpayment relates to.

    (D) The property address the credit relates to. (E) Whether the account is a live/open account or a closed account. (F)The date that the data was generated. Please can you provide the most up to date data held.

    Published: 3 June 2024

  3. In accordance with the FOI act, please can you answer the following question below: ·

    What was the lowest rate (£ per week) you paid for placing a person in your area for 2023/24 and 2024/25.

    Please disregard Funding Nursing Care (FNC) from these calculations.

    Fee Rates - Working Aged Adults (18-64) FY2023/24 FY2024/25

    Residential Nursing (excl. FNC) Fee Rates - Older People (65+) FY2023/24 FY2024/25

    Residential Residential Dementia Nursing (excl. FNC) Nursing Dementia (excl. FNC)

    If you do not have all the data for all this, please send what you can

    Published: 31 May 2024

  4. 1. Does the council have a preferred agency/agencies for the supply of temporary staff within


    A)   Adult Social Care settings 


    B)   Children's Social Care settings

    2. What is the council's process in reviewing/appointing preferred agencies


    3. Excluding care at home and domiciliary care, what was the council's total spend on agency staff in:


    3a) 2022-2023 within Adult Social Care settings


    3b) 2022-2023 within Children's Social Care settings

    3c) 2023-2024 within Adult Social Care settings


    3d) 2023-2024 within Children's Social Care settings


    4. What was the total spent on agency Nurses (excluding care at home/domiciliary care) in


    4a) 2022-2023


    4b) 2023-2024


    5. A list of the care settings where agency staff was provided via funding from Herefordshire Council over the past 12 months


    Published: 31 May 2024

  5. In each section of this survey please report on your most recent data.


    Section A – Cost of holiday childcare


    2. Please give the typical (average/mean) price per day and per week of a full-time place in a holiday club in your local area.


    Typical price per day

    Typical price per week

    Maintained sector



    PVI sector




    Section B – Amount of holiday childcare in your area

    3. What is the total number of holiday clubs in the PVI and maintained sector?


    Total number of holiday clubs

    Total in maintained sector


    Total in PVI sector



    Section C – When holiday childcare is available

    4. How many holiday clubs in your area are open for a full day (8am-6pm, Mon-Fri)?


    Number of holiday clubs open for a full day (8am-6pm, Mon-Fri)

    Maintained sector


    PVI sector



    5. How many holiday clubs in your area are usually open in each of the school holidays and inset days?

    Important guidance on completing question 5:

    ·       Each holiday club can be counted once for each of the school holiday periods in which they are open.

    ·       This means that answers to this question do not need to sum to the total number of holiday clubs in your area as one holiday club, may be counted more than once.

    ·       However, the figure for any one holiday period should not exceed the total number of providers in your local authority.



    Summer holiday

    Easter holiday

    Christmas holiday

    Half terms

    INSET days







    Maintained sector






    PVI sector







    Section D - Changes to childcare providers and places

    6. a) For the following categories, please mark the box (X) indicating whether the total number of holiday clubs/play scheme providers has increased, decreased, or stayed the same since 2023.




    Same as 2023

    Not applicable (none either year)

    Data not held or cannot tell

    Maintained sector






    PVI sector







    b)  Similarly, please mark the box (X) indicating whether the total number of holiday childcare places across all sectors has increased, decreased, or stayed the same since 2023.




    Same as 2023

    Data not held or  cannot tell

    Overall number of places






    Section E – Whether there is enough holiday childcare

    7. Is there enough holiday childcare in your local authority area (childcare sufficiency) for the following groups?


    Yes: in all areas

    Yes: in some areas


    Data not held or cannot tell

    4- to 7-year-olds





    8- to 11-year-olds





    12- to 14-year-olds





    Disabled children





    Parents working full-time (9am-5pm on weekdays)





    Parents working atypical hours (outside 9am to 5pm on weekdays)





    Please leave this question blank if there are no rural areas in your local authority


    Children in rural areas






    Published: 31 May 2024

  6. In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following:

    Could you please provide the planning references for all applications that contain a S106 agreement for the years 2011-2019?

    Published: 31 May 2024

  7. Please forward me for last year and this year:

    1) How much revenue is paid by the May Fair.

    2) The cost of removing and resitting the planters back to there original place.

    3) The loss of revenue in from Gaol Street car park whilst storing the planters.

    Published: 31 May 2024

  8. Could you please advise as to how many illegal evictions have been made from council land over the past three years?

    The request would then specifically be requesting:

    Annual figures of the following over the past three years:

    - No. of evictions of illegal traveller encampments on council land.

    - What the size of these evictions were.

    - And what the spend on evictions was, with the split between legal fees versus physically evicting individuals.

    - Could you also please advise as to whether the cases were common law, or high court evictions and who looked into the legalities of eviction; was the case prepared internally or did external parties look into cases?

    Published: 30 May 2024

  9. I would like to request the following information regarding the moss filters installed in Hereford:

    1.The location of each of the moss filters together with the dates when they became operational.

    2.The purchase price of each filter.

    3.The running/maintenance cost of each filter for each year they have been operational.

    4.The mass of carbon dioxide (NOT volume) removed by each filter each year.

    5. Where and how the carbon dioxide has been disposed of.

    Published: 24 May 2024

  10. I would like to request the following as an FOI please:

    Whether the council has considered submitting a section 114 since 2021, and whether the council thinks it will submit one in the next three years (until financial year finishing 2027).

    Published: 23 May 2024