Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. 1. what if any training in gender,gender identity and equality your Council staff , or sub groups of staff e.g . Social workers, strengthening families workers, admin staff have received in the last 4 years,

    2 . All the organisations who provided this training over the last 4 years.

    3. Please confirm if you possess training resources supplied by the trainers.

    4. If you do possess the training please confirm if it is stored in a location accessible to all clinical staff e.g a shared drive or common training resource.

    5. How much any training cost.

    6. Are you a member of any organisation that assists with provision of gender, gender Identity or equality training, e.g. employers network for equality and diversity, global butterflies etc.

    7..If you are a member please name all the organisation(s) who help with gender, gender identity and equality training you are a member of

    8.what if any is the cost of this membership.

    Published: 10 July 2023

  2. 1. Does your council currently offer a food waste collection service to its residents?

    a. What percentage of households in your council are provided with this food waste collection service?

    b. What type of food waste collection do you provide? [e.g. where do you collect the food waste from and how often]

    c. How long have you been providing a food waste collection service to residents?

    If NO, please provide the following information:

    2. In line with the Environment Act 2021, when will you provide a food waste collection service to your residents?

    3. Please state the reason why you do not currently provide a food waste collection service to your residents?

    Published: 10 July 2023

  3. I am currently reviewing the amount of recycling credits paid per tonne from different County Councils to district Councils, so would it be possible to confirm your £ per tonne paid in 2023/24 for the Hereford Delivery Office Station Approach, Hereford, HR1 1AA.

    Published: 10 July 2023

  4. Since the 2020 financial year can you publish.

    1. All documents related to where to plant trees?

    2. Long term management plans for planted trees?

    3. Survival rates of planted trees?

    Published: 7 July 2023

  5. How many woman and men are in positions of head of service or above within Herefordshire council?

    And how many people from black, Asian or ethnic minority groups are also in head of service or above positions?

    Published: 7 July 2023

  6. I would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:

    1) The total number of registered private water supplies within your jurisdiction.
    2) The geographical distribution of these private water supplies.
    3) Who is responsible for dealing with private water supply? Is it Environmental protection team or Environmental health officers or specific water team?
    a) What are the qualifications and specific training they have?
    4) Do you have an online page for private water supplies that uses in your area?
    5) Is there a fee charged to users for the local authority to conduct their risk assessment?
    6) Is the DWI risk assessment tool employed as part of your risk assessment process?
    7) How do you inform private water supply users who may be impacted in the event of a pollution incident, if you become aware of it?
    8) The sources of water used in private supplies (e.g., boreholes, springs, wells, etc.).
    9) The types of properties or establishments that rely on private water supplies (e.g., residential properties, agricultural premises, food businesses, etc.).
    10) The legislation or regulations in place governing the management and quality of private water supplies.
    11) The responsible authority or agency tasked with overseeing and enforcing regulations for private water supplies.
    12) The number of inspections conducted on private water supplies in the past five years.
    13) The outcomes of these inspections, including any identified non-compliances or deficiencies.
    14) The measures taken by your authority to address any identified non-compliances or deficiencies in private water supplies.
    15) The records of any reported waterborne illnesses or outbreaks associated with private water supplies within your jurisdiction in the past five years.

    Published: 7 July 2023

  7. Please provide an up to date list of all roads within Herefordshire that currently have Section 38 or Section 278 Highway Agreements in relation to them.

    Published: 7 July 2023

  8. Saltmarshe Castle Clubhouse, Saltmarshe Castle Park, Stourport Road, Bromyard, HR7 4PN

    Please could you confirm who the premises licence holder is for the above premises whether current or pending.

    Could you also confirm whether they hold a Gaming Machine Notification, Gaming Machine Permit or a Club Gaming/Machine Permit in the same name. If there is a permit, could you also confirm the number of machines and category of machines covered and when the annual fee is due.

    Published: 7 July 2023

  9. Please also confirm when the level of groundwater contamination identified in consultancy reports was last tested.

    Please confirm whether and which farms are currently not allowed to use any boreholes, in addition to the site neighbour who is disallowed by Hereford council official communication.

    Published: 5 July 2023

  10. We are supporting the Church Commissioner's on the Three Elms Northern Quarter development and are investigating a broken drainage pipe which runs on to their land, believed to be from the Beech Business Park.

    Please could we request through a freedom of information request for any drainage designs or records you hold from the Beech Business Park off of Tillington Road in Hereford. This will help us in our investigation to understand the drainage network.

    Published: 5 July 2023