Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I wish to request information about the Household Support Fund please see the attached excel spreadsheet containing 14 questions.

    All amounts should be presented in Pounds Sterling (£), to the nearest whole pound, and should include amounts for all four rounds of HSF funding to date. If HSF4 (2023/4 allocations) have been allocated, but not yet distributed or spent, please include this in the total provided.

    Published: 23 June 2023

  2. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information regarding the drug and alcohol services commissioned by the Council. Please may you provide me with:

    A comprehensive list of the organisations commissioned by the council to provide drug and alcohol services.

    For each organisation, from the service specification between the council and the provider, please provide the following:

    Start and end dates of the contract.

    A comprehensive list of the services that each organisation is commissioned by the council to provide.

    For the listed services above, which of these has associated KPIs? If so, what are they?

    For the listed services above, are there payment by results outcomes for any of them? If so, what are they?

    Published: 23 June 2023

  3. Under the Freedom of Information Act, please list/provide me with:

    A full list of the schools in your region that were surveyed during the 2017-19 Condition Data Collection Programme that had at least one (i) building element, (ii) construction type graded (A) C (poor) and (B) D (bad);

    And which of those schools:

    (1) Have already received funding from the School Rebuilding Programme

    (2) Are expected to receive funding from the School Rebuilding Programme in the next two years.

    Published: 23 June 2023

  4. Could you please provide the number of potholes you have repaired in each of the following financial years please:

    * 2022/23

    * 2021/22

    * 2020/21

    For each year please provide the number of potholes repaired and, if possible, the number of potholes reported and the estimated cost of the repairs that year.

    Published: 23 June 2023

  5. Please release all detail, including dates and full content, for all liaison or any other kind of communication regarding Sutton Walls or any other of the Monsanto toxic chemical dump sites, from 1/1/23 to the date of formal reply to this request, between Herefordshire Council and 1. Environment Agency 2. Natural Resources Wales 3. Defra, including Ministerial communication 4. Arcadis 5. former personnel of any of the above 6. any Bayer or former Monsanto personnel, including Mark Buckingham who has reportedly been in contact with Telford and Wrexham councils about their Monsanto chemical barrel dump sites

    Please confirm on what date Monsanto's senior scientific expressed concern about Sutton Walls PCB dump was first known to Herefordshire Council or any predecessor bodies.

    Please confirm how NRA designation of Sutton Walls as contaminated land alongside Brofiscin and Maendy contained in EALit national summary was reversed by Herefordshire Council, having regard to two known toxic chemical regular seasonal flows at Sutton Walls from underneath the cap inside the site out across public-used pathways into surrounding fields. The significance is clear, as a contemporary news report draws preliminary attention to regarding the crop field.

    Were these flows even investigated by Arcadis and sediment samples tested at scientific minimum detection levels, such as those analysed by ALS as surprisingly opposed to Socotec?

    Published: 23 June 2023

  6. With regards to your work around biodiversity net gain, please can you tell me:

    1. How much you are currently charging, or plan to charge, developers for offsite biodiversity units so that they can meet their biodiversity net gain requirements.

    2. What % of biodiversity net gain you are requiring, or expect to require, from developers.

    Published: 23 June 2023

  7. Herefordshire Council has voted to support 20mph speed limits for the whole county on roads where people live. Please let me have the implementation plan that is in place to give effect to the formal vote in full council. When will 20mph on residential roads be put in place?

    Published: 23 June 2023

  8. 1. A copy of your most up to date procurement policy

    2. A copy of your most up to date I.T. procurement policy

    3. A copy of your most up to date software asset management policy

    4. A copy of your most up to date hardware asset management policy

    5. A copy of your most up to date corporate/purchasing credit card policy

    6. A copy of your most up to date expenses policy

    Published: 22 June 2023

  9. I write with 5 separate requests for information:

    1. How many affordable housing units have been provided as a result of planning agreements related to residential-led developments that were signed in financial years (a) 2020/21 (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23?

    2. What percentage of overall housing units in this local authority have been provided by as a result of these planning agreements?

    3. How many of the affordable housing units provided as a result of planning agreements related to residential-led developments in 2022/23 were for (a) social rent, (b) affordable rent, (c) shared equity/shared ownership, (d) discounted market housing (including starter homes) and (e) other affordable housing tenure.

    4. How much was received by the authority in S106 payments in financial years (a) 2020/21 (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23?

    5. How much money received via S106 agreements is held, unspent, by the local planning authority? How much of this figure is specifically earmarked for (a) affordable housing provision, (b) highways improvements (c) education contributions, (d) social infrastructure, (e) healthcare services and (f) other?

    Please find attached a spreadsheet where responses to this request can be entered.

    Published: 22 June 2023

  10. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information regarding adult learning disability services. Where possible, please kindly include responses on the attached Excel spreadsheet.

    1. Please could you supply the name, email address and telephone number of the commissioner with responsibility for learning disabilities placements? For questions 2 to 6, please supply this information as a snapshot at the end of the year for the financial years 2022/23 and the most up to date snapshot available for 2023/24.

    2. Please provide the total number of adults with learning disabilities funded by the Local Authority in residential care.

    3. Of the total number of adults with learning disabilities funded by the Local Authority in residential care (q.2) please provide the number that are in 'in area' placements and the number that are in 'out of area' placements.

    4. Please provide the total number of adults with learning disabilities funded by the Local Authority in supported living.

    5. Please provide the number of adults with learning disabilities who transitioned from children's learning disabilities services into adult's services - in total, into adult residential care services only, and into adult supported living services only.

    6. Please provide the number of adults with learning disabilities who 'stepped down' from specialist inpatient hospital placements into adult residential care and supported living services.

    7. Please provide the local authority's total expenditure on residential care and supported living for adults with learning disabilities for the financial year 2022/23, and budgeted expenditure for 2023/24.

    8. Please provide the highest, lowest, and average weekly rate paid by the Local Authority for residential care placements for adults with a learning disability for each of the financial years 2022/23 and 2023/24. If the Local Authority has weekly rate bands, please also provide these.

    9. Please provide the highest, lowest, and average hourly rate paid by the Local Authority for supported living placements for adults with a learning disability for each of the financial years 2022/23 and 2023/24. If the Local Authority has hourly rate bands, please also provide these.

    Published: 22 June 2023