Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. There was an embankment built during the late 50's, early 60's. The A4103 runs along the top of this embankment and continues to where the A4103 crosses the river Frome.

    Can you provide me with the design diagrams of this embankment, specifically showing any culverts going through the embankment.

    This request covers the embankment running from the bridge over the river Frome and the entrance to Five Bridges Inn

    Published: 5 June 2023

  2. Please complete the attached

    Published: 5 June 2023

  3. I would like to submit a freedom of information request regarding your council's data linkage practices.

    Data linkage (also known as matching, entity resolution or record linkage) is the process of joining data sets through deciding whether two records, in the same or different data sets, belong to the same entity (Harron et al., 2016).

    Data linkage provides insight, informs policy change and helps answer society's most important questions through increasing the utility of administrative data. However, linkage presents challenges, as discussed in the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) 2018 report on joining up data, and more work needs to be done to realise its full benefit.

    My colleagues and I are leading commissioned research that involves the linking of education (school census), social care (child in need census) and health data sets within NHS digital. I am interested to find out how many other local authority areas are linking data on children and young people and the barriers and enablers to the process.

    1. Do you currently link your education and social care data for children and young people? Y/N/in development.

    2. Which of your datasets are you linking? Please state all that apply.

    School census

    Children in Need (CiN) census

    Children looked after return SSDA903 data collection

    Other (please specify)

    3. Which groups of children and young people do you link data on? Select all that apply

    Children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

    Children in Need

    Children looked after (care experienced)

    Children and young people on Free School Meals

    All children and young people

    Other (please specify)

    4. How are you using the linked data?

    Strategic planning

    Data dashboard

    Joint commissioning

    Service review

    Targeted interventions (individuals)

    Other (please specify)

    5. Do you currently link local authority data sets for children and young people with health data sets? Y/N/in development.

    6. Which health data sets are you linking with education and or social care? Select all that apply

    Primary care (GP data)

    Community Services Data Set (CSDS)

    Secondary care (CAMHS)

    Children and Young Peoples Service (CYPS)

    Accident and Emergency data

    Secondary Uses Services (SUS) also known as HES (Hospital Episode Statistics)

    Child Health Records



    Other (please specify)

    Published: 5 June 2023

  4. Freedom of Information Request about Special Educational Needs provision in Herefordshire:

    1. Please provide a breakdown of the number of children (0-25), first, who have been diagnosed with SEN, and, second, who have got an EHCP, living and studying in your local authority for the last 5 years, split by:

    a. Primary need

    b. Age group (e.g. 0-4, 5-11, 12-18, 19-25)

    c. School type attending (e.g. mainstream state, maintained special, non-maintained special, mainstream private, special private etc),

    d. This is a subset of the above point but please could you specifically provide the number of children (age 0-25) with an EHCP and a primary need of SEMH or ASD who attend independent special schools

    2. Please provide the following details of any changes in capacity of SEND provision (e.g. school openings, expansions, closures etc) in your local authority over the last 12 months (state and private) for young people aged 0-25

    a. Name of school

    b. Location of site

    c. The old capacity and the new capacity

    d. The new planned day pupil places

    e. The new planned residential pupil places

    f. The planned pupil age range

    g. The type of SEND acuity/acuities it will cater for

    h. The approximate planned opening date

    i. The name of the Trust/organisation that will run the school

    3. Please provide the following details, if known, of any planned changes to the capacity of SEND provision (e.g. school openings, expansions, closures etc) in your local authority over the next 4 years (state and private) for young people aged 0-25.

    a. Name of school

    b. Location of site

    c. The old capacity and the new capacity

    d. The new planned day pupil places

    e. The new planned residential pupil places

    f. The planned pupil age range

    g. The type of SEND acuity/acuities it will cater for

    h. The approximate planned opening date

    i. The name of the Trust/organisation that will run the school

    4. If your local authority has made any internal projections of future numbers of young people aged 0-25 with EHCPs in the local authority, please provide can you provide them (if possible split by primary need).

    5. If available, please provide the total level of annual EHCP funding for young people aged 0-25 whose primary needs are either SEMH or ASD/ASC over the last 5 years in your local authority, if possible split by funding for SEMH and funding for ASD

    Published: 5 June 2023

  5. Premises Licence Enquiry - Barbar Cafe, 31 Union Street, Hereford, HR1 2BT

    We wish to enquire as to whether or not this property has a Premises Licence and if so, whether this is subject to any conditions.

    Premises Licence Held - Yes/No

    Date Granted

    Times the licence authorises the carrying out of licensable activities

    Area of Premises to which applicable

    Any conditions attached to the Certificate

    Published: 2 June 2023

  6. Please provide the current £ average weekly fee (also for the last 3 financial years if possible) for residential placements for children with learning disabilities split by acuity and primary care need if possible as defined by the following:

    Acuity definitions

    Low acuity: Children requiring general care or less complex care receiving residential care without any need for significant complex care

    Mid acuity: Children classified as requiring more personal care and some 1-1 or 2-1 care

    High acuity: Children with highest level of complexity and those with most acute needs who constantly require 1-1 care or 2-1 care or even multiple care staff to 1 care

    Definitions for level of care

    Regular care: children who receive standard residential care and do not have significant personal needs -

    1-1 care: children who require some 1-1 care in certain situations

    2-1 care: children who are more complex and required more constant care from 2 staff - multiple to 1 care - children with severe needs who needs multiple staff members to assist them in their care needs

    Published: 1 June 2023

  7. We ask you to provide the information described below, including the prices paid to independent and voluntary sector Homecare Providers for the provision of regulated Homecare services delivered to people aged 65 years and over in their own home during the seven-day Reference Period which includes Monday, 17 April 2023. Your attention is drawn to the definitions and interpretation described in sections 2 and 3. The information requested is:

    (a) The lowest rate per hour paid to any individual Homecare Provider during the Reference Period, expressed in pounds and pence per hour.

    (b) The highest rate per hour paid to any individual Homecare Provider during the Reference Period, expressed in pounds and pence per hour.

    (c) The average ("arithmetic mean") price per hour paid to all Homecare Providers for all hours of Homecare services purchased during the Reference Period, expressed in pounds and pence per hour.

    (d) The total hours of Homecare purchased from all Homecare Providers during the Reference Period.

    (e) The total hours of Homecare purchased from all Homecare Providers during a seven-day period which includes Monday, 18 April 2022 (i.e. the figure which provides a like-for-like comparison with item (d), above, for the previous year).

    (f) Your organisation's total spend on Homecare services purchased from all Homecare Providers during the Reference Period.

    (g) The total number of Care Packages handed back by all Homecare Providers between Friday, 1 April 2022 and Friday, 31 March 2023.

    (h) The total number of Care Packages handed back by all Homecare Providers between Thursday, 1 April 2021 and Thursday, 31 March 2022 (i.e. the figure which provides a like-for-like comparison with item (g), above, for the previous year).

    Questions (a)-(h) refer to Homecare services exclusively.

    The following questions (i) and (j) relate to all social care services, including Homecare services.

    (i) The total number of people aged 65 years and over who were awaiting assessment, review or the start of a care service on Monday, 17 April 2023 (or on a date as close to this as possible).

    (j) The total number of people aged 65 years and over who were awaiting assessment, review or the start of a care service on Monday, 18 April 2022 (or on a date as close to this as possible) (i.e. the figure which provides a like-for-like comparison with item (i), above, for the previous year).

    2. Definitions Terms defined below in the singular include the plural, unless otherwise stated. Homecare should be interpreted as referring to social care and support services delivered in people's own homes. This service may also be known as 'domiciliary care' or 'care at home'. Homecare Provider refers to an independent or voluntary sector organisation providing Homecare registered by any of the following national statutory regulators:

    * Care Quality Commission<> (CQC) * Care Inspectorate Wales<> (CIW)

    * Care Inspectorate<>

    * The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority<> (RQIA)

    Reference Period means any period of seven consecutive days which includes Monday, 17 April 2023. In relation to the lowest, highest and average prices paid to Homecare Providers in questions (a) to (c), you should note that our assumption is that your answers will include careworkers' travel time and mileage costs, unless you advise us to the contrary. You may, at your discretion, provide any qualifying statements or clarification about the figures returned in your reply to these questions. Care Package refers to the combination of services put together to meet a person's assessed needs after an assessment or review made by a public body.

    3. Selecting the data requested The following guidance will help you select the correct data sample to complete this request in questions (a) to (h), above. In case of doubt, you should apply a common-sense interpretation to the request outlined in section 1, above. The data sample used to provide this information should include:

    * Homecare delivered by independent and voluntary sector Homecare Providers.

    * Services delivered to adults aged 65 years and over.

    * Services which are primarily designed to provide personal care and support, including prompting people to undertake such activities for themselves.

    * The care element (only) of services delivered in 'extra care housing' or 'supported living' schemes (i.e. excluding any payment for providing housing or housing services).

    You should exclude the following items from the data sample used:

    * Services provided to adults under the age of 65 years.

    * Services which are charged by reference to a unit price, other than a price per hour (or part thereof).

    * Any payments made directly to people in lieu of the provision of services by your organisation (e.g. a direct payment).

    * Services provided by any 'in-house' homecare team, where the workforce is employed by your organisation.

    Published: 1 June 2023

  8. Please send the following information relating to all contracts active during Financial Year 2023/24 procured under either:

    1. Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) codes 85000000 (Health and social work services) and 98000000 (Other community, social and personal services), and/or

    2. ProClass Classification codes ranging from 32100 to 40999 (Level 1 Social Community Care) I require for each contract:

    1. The name of the contract

    2. A brief description of the contract

    3. The value of the contract per annum

    4. The start date of the contract

    5. The end date of the contract including any extension opportunity

    6. The awarded contract provider

    7. Any contract breaches during the course of the current contract

    I specifically wish to ensure all contracts are included that the Local Authority Commissions for:

    1. Hospital Discharge services

    2. Adult and Young Carers Information Advice Guidance services

    3. Carers Respite Break services

    4. Carers Grants provision

    If any of these are not commissioned by the Local Authority, can you explain how this provision(s) is supported in the local area?

    Finally, can you detail:

    1. Which tendering portal the Local Authority uses to publish contract opportunities, and

    2. The web address for the Local Authorities' public contract register

    Published: 31 May 2023

  9. What is the weight limit for the bridge over the River Lugg on the eastern edge of Moreton-on-Lugg?

    When was it last assessed and when is it scheduled to be reassessed?

    Published: 30 May 2023

  10. In relation to parents being fined for taking their children out of school during term time, for each school year from September 1 2015 to present date - including where possible how many have been handed out during the current 2022/23 school year - please kindly provide data on the number of unauthorised absences. Further, in each school year from September 1 2015 to present date - including where possible how many have been handed out during the current 2022/23 school year - please provide data on the number of fines you have awarded Further, in each school year from September 1 2015 to present date - including where possible how many have been handed out during the current 2022/23 school year - please provide the number of parents you have prosecuted for non-payment of fines. Further, please can you also break all of the above data down into primary and secondary schools. Please provide the information in the Excel spreadsheet template

    Published: 26 May 2023