Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Please advise:

    1. The total number of children you currently have in care.

    2. The percentage of the children currently in care who have re-entered care after reunification with their birth parent(s) and/or a special guardianship with another relative.

    3. The percentage of the children currently in care who have re-entered care after reunification with their birth parent(s) and/or a special guardianship with another relative and who have re-entered care due to abuse or neglect.

    4. The percentage of the children currently in care who have re-entered care after adoption.

    5. The percentage of the children currently in care after adoption who have re-entered care after adoption and who have re-entered care due to abuse or neglect.

    Published: 23 May 2024

  2. If you have the data, please include academies, but if not, local authority maintained schools within the local authority area will be fine.

    * How many pupils were excluded from primary and secondary schools managed by Herefordshire Council during the years 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, and 2024 to date.

    * For each exclusion, can you state what the reason(s) were?

    * For each exclusion, can you state what school the pupil attended.

    Published: 22 May 2024

  3. According to the borrowing and investment live table, as of 31 December 2023, the council's outstanding investment in loans to other local authorities was £5,000,000. (Source:

    In regards to the above figure, I would like to know:

    For each individual loan given by the council:

    1. The local authority/borrower name

    2. The amount advanced (the initial amount)

    3. The outstanding balance

    4. The interest rate

    5. The settlement date (the date the loan was agreed)

    6. The agreed maturity date (the date on which the loan is set to end). 

    I would like the response in Excel format with the questions as column headings.

    Published: 22 May 2024

  4. Does the council rely on externally commissioned services or employ in-house assessors for blue badge Independent Mobility Assessments?

    If you use an externally commissioned service, could you provide the name of this service provider?

    If the council internally employs in-house assessors, please specify the number of clinically trained assessors and administrative staff who work on blue badge applications.

    Do you collaborate with local GP services or NHS trusts to conduct blue badge assessments?

    How many of your applications are received through the .gov blue badge digital portal?

    How many applications are received direct to the council outside of the .gov blue badge digital portal process?

    Do members of the blue badge administration team fill out an application on either the .gov blue badge digital portal, or an internal form on behalf of an applicant that feels they are unable to do it themselves?

    Do you use an internal digital case management system for blue badge applications? If so, what is the name of this system.

    What is your current cost per assessment? (i.e. triage, telephone assessment & Independent Mobility Assessment)

    Published: 22 May 2024

  5. For the purposes of this request 'dogs' includes females and males.

    1. How many dog breeding businesses does your local authority currently licence that are licensed to keep:

    a. 10 or less dogs for breeding purposes
    b. 11 to 25 dogs for breeding purposes
    c. 26 to 50 dogs for breeding purposes
    d. 51 to 100 dogs for breeding purposes
    e. 101 to 200 dogs for breeding purposes
    f. 200 or more dogs for breeding purposes

    2. How many of those businesses that keep 11 or more dogs have the following star rating:

    a. One star
    b. Two star
    c. Three star
    d. Four star
    e. Five star

    3. What is the highest overall number of dogs currently registered on a valid dog breeding licence issued by your local authority?

    Published: 22 May 2024

  6. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to request the following information pertaining to Section 106 agreements under the Town and Country Planning Act:

    1) The total number of Section 106 agreements between developers and the Council for each financial year since 2010.

    2) For the total number of planning obligations agreed under Section 106 since 2010, please provide the number of agreements that fall under each of the following categories:

    a) Delivered in line with S106 and to expectations

    b) Expected to be delivered in full in due course

    c) Delivered but with agreed changes

    d) Not delivered as agreed

    e) Outcome unknown

    3) Of the total S106 agreements made between 2010 to present, the number that resulted in a financial payment to the Council instead of a building or construction obligation.

    4) Of financial contributions collected under Section 106, how much remains unspent?

    Published: 22 May 2024

  7. I am seeking information on the erection of road signage for 'Caplor Glampling & Lodges' on the B4224.

    My main questions are:

    - How much did this cost and was the cost covered by the business/privately or Herefordshire Council?

    - Do they have a street furniture permit and installed under this permit?

    - How long from the request for signage to installation?

    Published: 22 May 2024

  8. Following up on our previous correspondence in Q1 2023 regarding dog breeding licence protocols within your authority, we are reaching out again to request further information to complete our data for the entire year of 2023. This continued engagement aims to enhance our understanding and ensure our records are as current and comprehensive as possible. We kindly request the following additional information:

    1. Number of Licensed Breeders: The total number of licensed breeders within your authority as of the end of 2023.

    2. Licence Applications and Approvals for 2023:

    - The number of new licence applications received in 2023.

    - The number of new licences approved in 2023.

    - The number of licence renewal applications received in 2023.

    - The number of licence renewals approved in 2023.

    3. Inspections:

    - The total number of inspections undertaken in 2023.

    4. Licence Revocations:

    - Details of any licences that were revoked during 2023, including the reasons for revocation.

    5. Complaints:

    - The number of complaints received in 2023 related to licensed breeders.

    - The nature of these complaints and any subsequent actions taken.

    6. Litters Recorded:

    - The total number of litters and puppies in each litter recorded by each licence holder in 2023.

    Published: 22 May 2024

  9. Information relating to private water supplies in the Widgeon Hill, Hamnish, Leominster, Herefordshire (HR6 0QN) area of Herefordshire.

    Can you please provide a list with associated detail confirming the existence of registered private water supplies within a 2 mile radius of the above address.

    Published: 22 May 2024

  10. Re: the population of great crested newts identified on the Barratt Homes development at Bishop Fields on the edge of Tupsley (P141526/O)

    The Landscape and Ecological Management Plan (EDP March 2016) was "considered sufficient to discharge the requirements of conditions 20 and 21" pertaining to the identified protected species and biodiversity enhancement. It contained detailed provisions for Years 1 to 5 (see Objective 2 in Section 4). However, there were no specific provisions for the long-term management of great crested newts for Years 6 to 25 and beyond (see Section 5). Section 5.2 merely states that a review of the LEMP should be undertaken after 5 years and updated as required.

    The LEMP was augmented by a Great Crested Newts Working Method Statement and Work Schedule which was apparently submitted under email from David Poole on 5th July 2016, although this does not appear to be amongst the supporting documents on the planning portal.

    Please could you therefore provide the following information:

    1. The full working method statement and work schedule for the great crested newts on the Bishop Fields development agreed when planning permission was granted and, per the discharge notice, was submitted under email from David Poole on 5th July 2016;

    2. Details of the 5 year review that should have been undertaken and any subsequent amendments to the Landscape and Ecological Management Plan;

    3. Details of any habitat protection and enhancement scheme agreed with Herefordshire Council for the long-term management of great crested newts on the Bishop Fields site (6 to 25 Years+);

    4. Details of any long-term monitoring strategy for great crested newts on the Bishop Fields site agreed with Herefordshire Council (including frequency and results from the last two surveys).

    Published: 20 May 2024