Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:

    - Parking Tickets issued between 01/01/2022 and 01/01/2023.

    - For each ticket, it would be great if we could also have the date and time of when the ticket was issued as well as the location please.

    - Also, if there is any information about the car/vehicle the ticket was given to, such as the make and model, that would also be very useful, if possible. Please provide the information in the form of a written email response, word or excel document.

    Published: 26 May 2023

  2. I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information act to obtain information regarding the use of Family Group Conferences, or similar meetings within your Children's Services and would be grateful for the following information please: Are you holding Family Group Conferences, or similar meetings (if so what are they called) as a standard part of your process? Do you provide this service of Family Group Conferences or similar meetings internally or use an external provider (if so which provider)? How many Family Group Conferences or similar meetings do you hold on average per year? I look forward to receiving your response in due course.

    Published: 26 May 2023

  3. Under the Freedom of Information Act please advise the following:

    1) Please provide a list of educational establishments using fingerprint technology for students 18 and under.

    2) Please provide your advice to companies which are providers to schools and schools/educational establishments wishing to use fingerprint technology. (This would include advice ref GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018).

    3) Please advise if you have been approached by any companies wishing to supply fingerprint to schools and provide all communications you have had with them, this includes all communications, i.e. minutes of meetings, letters, emails, video calls, etc.

    4) Please advise if your office has examined or have any details of standards any fingerprint technology hardware and software to be used in educational establishments.

    5) Please advise where in the schools fingerprint technology is being used and what is the purpose?

    Published: 25 May 2023

  4. Please could you provide answers to the following questions about the use of pay supplements (market supplements, incentives) for council job roles as of 1 January 2023. We have provided a spreadsheet (attached) to help you fill in the answers and would be grateful if you could complete the information in that way.

    Q1. Please list the job roles in the Council that are receiving any kind of supplement in their pay (this could be a recruitment/ retention/ 'welcome' payment), the directorate and service area the job role is in e.g Adult social cate, the type of supplement e.g. recruitment and the value of the supplement that the role receives.

    Q2. For each job role in the above list, please state its grade, its lowest and highest spine points, its minimum and maximum salary.

    Q3. For each job role, please also list how many women currently receive the supplement and how many men as well as the total number that receive it.

    Q4. For each job role, please list the month/ year when the supplement was introduced and the month/year when it is due to end or be reviewed.

    Q5. Please say which pay spine your Council follows e.g NJC, GLPC Il/OL, or local? If possible, please supple us with a copy of your grading structure.

    Q6. Please state the total value of the most recent annual Council wage bill and the total value of the annual spend on pay supplements.

    Published: 25 May 2023

  5. Please could you provide the following information regarding litter & enforcement in your council area:

    Littering Fine Value:

    1. Do you issue fines for littering? YES/NO

    2. If so, at what level do you levy fines?

    3. The Government said in March 2023 that they are increasing the upper limit on fines for littering to £500.

    a. Will you be levying fines at this level?

    b. If not, at what level will you levy fines for littering?

    Enforcement & Statistics:

    4. Do you use an in-house team or private enforcement company to issue fines for littering?

    5. How many fines (FPNs) for littering were issued in your council area in 2021/2022?

    6. How many fines (FPNs) for car parking were issued in your council area in 2021/2022?

    Litter Bins:

    7. How many litter bins do you have in your council area now?

    8. How many litter bins did you have 10 years ago?

    9. Have you removed any litter bins in the past 10 years, and if so, how many?

    Published: 24 May 2023

  6. 1) How much money has been spent in the last three calendar years (2020, 2021,2022,2023 so far, please state the month you have gone up to) on testing vapes for compliance with UK laws? Please break this down by year and say the company you used for compliance testing if you can.

    2) How many illegal vapes have been seized by trading standards in the last three calendar years (2020, 2021,2022,2023 so far, please state the month you have gone up to)? Please break this information down by year.

    Published: 23 May 2023

  7. a) The number of fixed CCTV cameras currently operated by the council in public spaces.

    b) The total amount spent on CCTV provision by the council in the 2022 calendar year.

    Published: 23 May 2023

  8. I would like to know the average cost of a child's placement commissioned by children's services when placing within supported accommodation (also known as semi-independent living).

    Published: 22 May 2023

  9. Under The Freedom of Information Act I would like to request the following information:

    1. With regard to your Local Authority's fiscal situation, how much do you need to save in the next fiscal year (23/24) in order to deliver a balanced budget?

    2. How many Social Worker vacancies does your Local Authority have across all of its Adult Social Care Teams as of today's date?

    3. How many Locum/Agency Social Workers are current in post across all of your Adult Social Care Teams as of today's date?

    4. How many people are waiting for an initial adult social care assessment from your Local Authority as of today's date?

    5. How many of those currently waiting for an adult social care assessment have been waiting longer than 3 months, and how many longer than 6 months?

    6. How many care plan annual reviews are outstanding across all your Adult Social Care Teams as of today's date?

    7. How many of these reviews are overdue by 0 - 3 months?

    8. How many of these reviews are overdue by 3 - 6 months?

    9. How many of these reviews are overdue by 6 months or more?

    10. How many packages of care for adults (18+ years old) is the Local Authority funding at a cost of £750 or more per week, including supported living placements, care home placements and care at home?

    11. How many adult packages of care are currently joint funded between your Local Authority and the NHS?

    12. How many continuing healthcare screening assessments have been completed by your Adult Social Care Teams each month over the past 12 months? For clarification, I am referring to the completion of CHC checklists.

    13. What model of working do your Adult Social Care Teams currently use, i.e. 3 conversations model?

    14. What case management system is currently used by your Adult Social Care Teams, i.e. Liquid Logic, Mosaic, AIS, Swift?

    15. If a resident in your Local Authority area was on the waiting list for a Care Act (2014) assessment and instead of waiting for an assessment from one of your Social Workers, paid for an independent Social Worker to complete a Care Act assessment, would the Local Authority accept this as a complete assessment and arrange support as recommended in the assessment, or would a Local Authority employed Social Worker still be required to complete an assessment?

    Published: 22 May 2023

  10. 1. How many personal injury claims were made against the council during 17 April 2022 to 17 April 2023?

    2. What were the causes of these claims, for example, potholes and slips, trips and falls?

    3. How much did the council pay out in compensation in personal injury claims during this time?

    Published: 19 May 2023