Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Please provide the following information on all known cases whereby the Developer has yet to fulfil their obligation of paying a commuted sum and transferring the Open Space to the Council:

    *Site name/address


    *Date of 106 Agreement

    *Agreed sum to be paid by Developer

    *Planning Application reference

    Please provide this information in a table.

    Published: 19 May 2023

  2. I am contacting you to request information on any Water Abstraction near Hatfield Court, HR6 0SD.

    Published: 19 May 2023

  3. I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act for information held by the council Specifically, I would like the following information:

    1. The total number of people currently on the waiting list for council housing properties, broken down by bedroom number?

    2. The number of people currently on the waiting list for housing in each area of the council, broken down by property bedroom number?

    3. The anticipated waiting time for council accommodation, broken down by bedroom number.

    4. The anticipated waiting time for council accommodation in each geographical area, broken down by bedroom property number.

    5. The average waiting time for council accommodation, broken down by bedroom number, in each of the last ten years.

    6. The average waiting time for council accommodation in each geographical area, broken down by bedroom number, in each of the last ten years.

    Published: 18 May 2023

  4. I request to see the full text of representations to my planning applications currently with the council from the Planning Officer of the Malvern Hill AONB. In particular, it is the application P230197/F for which I request the full unredacted text. Only the redacted version is available on the council planning portal.

    Published: 18 May 2023

  5. Section 106

    Q1) How much Section 106 funding (i.e. commuted sums) has been received for affordable housing delivery broken down on a per annum basis for the period between 2012/13 and 2021/22?

    Q2) How much Section 106 funding has been spent on affordable housing delivery broken down on a per annum basis for the period between 2012/13 and 2021/22?

    Q3) How many affordable housing units have been secured directly through the Council making use of Section 106 funding broken down on a per annum basis for the period between 2012/13 and 2021/22?

    Q4) How much Section 106 funding secured for affordable housing broken down on a per annum basis for the period between 2012/13 and 2021/22 has been clawed back by developers?

    Q5) How many affordable housing units will be delivered from current schemes the Council has agreed to fund from Section 106 agreements?

    Housing Delivery Vehicle

    6) Does the council have a housing delivery housing delivery vehicle, such as an arms-length body, a Council owned company, or through development undertaken by the Council itself?

    7) If no to Q6:

    Does the Council have a published plan or intention to establish a housing delivery vehicle?

    8) If yes to Q6:

    8a. The number of NET housing completions delivered by the councils housing delivery vehicle broken down on a per annum basis for the period between 2012/13 and 2021/22.

    8b. The number of NET affordable housing completions delivered by the councils housing delivery vehicle broken down on a per annum basis for the period between 2012/13 and 2021/22.

    8c. What are the primary sources of funding for the housing development vehicle?

    Published: 17 May 2023

  6. This is an Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) request regarding new intensive poultry farms.

    * How many planning applications have been filed with your council between 01/01/23 and the day this request is processed with regard to a new intensive poultry farm (>40,000 birds)?

    * How many of these applications have you approved to date?

    * For each application, please provide a brief summary of the proposed farm, including (where possible) its capacity, acreage, ownership details, address and Eastings and Northings. If you have any planning application documents and/or approval documents for these farms, I would also like to request these, as long as this doesn't result in my request exceeding the time limit. If it will result in this, please just focus on the first part of the request.

    Published: 17 May 2023

  7. Please provide me with a list (in Excel format) of all large-scale renewable energy development planning applications (such as solar and wind farms), submitted between 02.10.2013 - 19.04.2023 whereby no decision was made within 26 weeks (unless a longer period has/had been agreed in writing between the applicant and the Local Authority) and no refund of fees has been made to date. The information should be provided in the following columns:

    * Planning application reference

    * Applicant name

    * Planning application date

    * Planning application fee paid (£)

    * Decision due date

    * Actual decision date

    * Extension of time/Planning performance agreed - yes or no?

    * Evidence of extension - yes or no?

    * Withdrawn - yes or no?

    * Refund - yes or no?

    I would appreciate if the information could be broken down into each respective year.

    Lastly, if any of the applications have received an EOT/PPA then please send evidence of this.

    Published: 17 May 2023

  8. Please supply information on the revenue received from the Mayfair.

    The cost of removing the large plant /seat tubs from Hightown and commercial street and the loss of income from the parking spaces in Gaol Street carpark whilst the plant tubs are being stored. I also request the reason for keeping the 15 ton fork lift on hire parked in the carpark.

    Published: 17 May 2023

  9. Following receipt of the condition status reports for the pothole in Jubilee Drive:

    Can you please advise how the following criteria are assessed?

    1. Risk.

    2. How are the terms very low, low, medium and high defined? Is it based on actual measurements and location? If so, what are the criteria?

    3. Was the assessment described in job no. 41384924, dated 04/04/2023 the result of a Drive past or a static visual inspection?

    4. Was the inspection on 18/04/2023, Job numbers 4138786 and 41387175 carried out as a result of the complaints dated 14th and 17th April?

    Published: 16 May 2023

  10. Could you please provide a breakdown the costs that the Showman's Guild or May Fair pay to be in the City of Hereford and Leominster during the time for the May Fair?

    I am interested in how much they pay for the removal of plants, planters and their return and exactly how much they pay Herefordshire Council to be here for the duration of the May Fairs.

    You could provide the cost for 2022 and 2023.

    Published: 16 May 2023