Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. 1) As of 3rd May 2023 (or the most recently available date), please could you tell me how many private and council homes have been vacant in your authority for the following numbers of financial years*:

    a. Less than one year (i.e. current financial year)

    b. One year

    c. Two years

    d. Three years

    e. Four years

    f. Five years

    g. Six years

    h. Seven years

    i. Eight years

    j. Nine years

    k. Ten years

    l. 11 - 19 years

    m. 20 or more years

    *Please treat 'years' as financial years. If a home has been listed as empty within the current financial year, I would expect this to be listed as 'less than one year'.

    Please could you break this information down by:

    Column a) The 'number of years'

    Column b) 'Private' or 'council' home - a separate count for private, and council, if available

    Column c) The number of vacant homes

    2) For the financial years (2016/2017 - 2021/2022 and any data available for 2022/2023), how much money has your council raised from charging extra council tax on homes that have been vacant for two or more years?

    Please could you break this information down by:

    Column a) The year

    Column b) The amount raised via council tax paid on vacant dwellings

    Published: 10 May 2023

  2. Please could you provide the following data:

    · Average waiting time for victims of domestic abuse and violence who have requested support services commissioned by your council between the years below.

    Please categorise the data by the types of domestic abuse and violence support services your council commissions (e.g. refuges, counselling).

    o Feb 14 2020-Feb 14 2021

    o Feb 14 2021-Feb 14 2022

    o Feb 14 2022-Feb 14 2023

    · Please also provide a list of charities or organisations currently commissioned by your council. If you are not the local authority who commissions these services in your area, please could you provide me with the relevant local authority so that I can contact them instead.

    I would like to receive the information in an electronic excel spreadsheet.

    Published: 9 May 2023

  3. 1. How many teachers were hired through recruitment agencies by schools for which your local authority is responsible in each year since 2010?

    2. The amounts spent on supply teachers by schools for which your local authority is responsible in each year since 2010?

    Published: 5 May 2023

  4. I am researching the funding of road safety education in unitary authorities in England, and am specifically interested in funding arising from other than publicly funded organisations such as government or councils, and to be more specific funding by or on behalf of the motor industry. By motor industry I mean businesses that manufacture or sell motor vehicles, and organisations which represent motoring interests such as the Road Haulage Federation, Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, the RAC and AA etc. My request is as follows:

    1. Has your authority received funding and/or educational materials for road safety education in or for schools since 1/4/2019 from the motor industry.

    If so please provide details. Specifically,

    a) which organisation(s) (eg Ford Motor Company, Road Haulage Association, RAC)

    b) How much by financial year from each organisation

    c) if materials, please state the name/title of the materials and source.

    2. Does your authority have a policy on the use of educational materials in schools provided by businesses, and if so does that policy include the motor industry? Please provide a copy or link to same.

    Published: 5 May 2023

  5. Could you please supply information regarding how many houses have annexes (for incidental or ancillary) accommodation, air bnb's or holiday accommodation within firstly Herefordshire and then specifically the Cradley and Storridge parish area.

    Published: 5 May 2023

  6. I am after information relating to the number of 20mph zones and limits in place in your Local Authorities.

    In particular, are you able to provide me with:

    1) The number of roads that had a speed limit of 20mph implemented in each calendar year. This should only include roads that did not previously have a 20mph limit. Could you please provide answers to Question 1) for the following years





    2023 - up to the latest month available

    2) The number of roads that had a 20mph Zone implemented in each calendar year. Could you please provide answers to Question 2) for the following years:





    2023 - up to the latest month available

    If your database works under a Fiscal Year calendar, please provide figures to the corresponding fiscal years. If possible, please provide the data in an excel document with separate columns for each year.

    Published: 5 May 2023

  7. 1. How many rough sleepers in your local authority area were accommodated in total between (a) 01 October 2020-30 June 2021 and then (b) 01 July 2021-01 April 2023?

    2. How many of the rough sleepers accommodated at any time during these periods (a) 01 October 2020-30 June 2021 and (b) 01 July 2021-01 April 2023?) are/were considered to be No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF)?

    3. How many of the rough sleepers accommodated at any time during these periods (a) 01 October 2020-30 June 2021 and then (b) 01 July 2021-01 April 2023 are/were EU nationals?

    4. Have any rough sleepers placed in accommodation during this time ((a) 01 October 2020-30 June 2021 and then (b) 01 July 2021-01 April 2023) been supported through a reconnection service to another part of the UK or to return to country of origin as well as information on the age, gender, nationality and marital status of those who have subsequently accessed a reconnection service.

    5. Information (if any) more broadly on the number of people (excluding rough sleepers- as asked above) who have been supported through a reconnection service to another part of the UK or to return to country of origin as well as information on the age, gender, nationality and marital status of those who have accessed a reconnection service.

    6. Information on the source of funding for reconnecting/ supporting people to another part of the UK/ return to their country of origin?

    Published: 5 May 2023

  8. 1. Does the council record how many households are living in overcrowded conditions in temporary accommodation (i.e. their temporary accommodation itself is overcrowded)? If so, please provide current (or most recent available) figures for overcrowding in temporary accommodation, and how the council has defined 'overcrowding'.

    2. Please state how many households the council currently houses in temporary accommodation broken down by the size of the household (i.e. number of one-person households, number of two-person households, three-person households etc)

    3. Of the three-person households currently housed in temporary accommodation, how many are currently housed in one-bedroom properties?

    4. Of the households in the question 3 figure, how many have been in their current temporary accommodation placement for more than six months?

    5. Of the four-person households currently housed in temporary accommodation, how many are currently housed in one-bedroom properties?

    6. Of the households in the question 5 figure, how many have been in their current temporary accommodation placement for more than six months?

    7. Of the four-person households currently housed in temporary accommodation, how many are currently housed in two-bedroom properties?

    8. Of the households comprised of five or more people who are currently housed in temporary accommodation, how many are currently housed in one-bedroom properties?

    9. Of the households in the question 8 figure, how many have been in their current temporary accommodation placement for more than six months?

    10. Of the households comprised of five or more people who are currently housed in temporary accommodation, how many are currently housed in two-bedroom properties?

    11. Of the households in the question 10 figure, how many have been in their current temporary accommodation placement for more than six months?

    I would like the information sent by email, using the attached spreadsheet for questions 2 to 11

    Published: 5 May 2023

  9. 1. In the 2022 calendar year could you please state how many complaints about noise issues were recorded by your environmental health/noise complaints department?

    2. In relation to the complaints in 2022 calendar year how many of these related to complaints about:

    (i) Barking dogs,

    (ii) Chickens and cockerels,

    and (iii) Sexual noise.

    If you had any complaints that related to (iii) sexual noise please state (a) a summary of the nature of the complaint and (b) what you as the local authority did as a result of the complaint.

    Published: 5 May 2023

  10. Under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) and in relation to disabled children's occupational therapy (OT) services provided by your local authority, I would be grateful if you could provide the following information to us:

    For the following two periods:

    • 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022 and

    • 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023

    1) What was the average timeframe from referral of a disabled child to the Occupational Therapy service to the comprehensive assessment of their needs by an Occupational Therapist? From the date of receipt of this request (11 April 2023):

    2) How many disabled children are currently waiting for an assessment?

    3) After being referred, what is the longest waiting time that a disabled child is currently waiting for an assessment?

    Published: 5 May 2023