Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. I am writing to request the GPS co-ordinates of all the Litter Bins in the Herefordshire Council area.

    Please could this data be made available in an excel spreadsheet format not as a PDF or other non-usable document form.

    Published: 28 April 2023

  2. Parliament will hear a new Bill regarding young people's mental health and well being being included in the National Curriculum, I am trying to get my MP to support this bill.

    Therefore I would like to know the number of deaths recorded as suicide in the county for last 2 years - Male, female and age group.

    Published: 28 April 2023

  3. Please provide a copy of any Opening Notices (Streetwork Notices) you have received in respect of any utility at the following location, WHITE HORSE SQUARE, HEREFORD, HR4 0HD prior to 15 November 2021.

    Published: 27 April 2023

  4. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:

    With regard to the Public Sector Equality Duty, does your decision-making regarding the provision of food take into account the fact that veganism is a protected characteristic for the purpose of the Equality Act 2010?


    How many vegan hot and cold meal options do you offer:

    In your own local authority canteen every day (if you have one)?

    0, 1, 2, 3 or more. Please also express this as a proportion of the overall number of options offered. 

    In external events catering (if applicable)?

    0, 1, 2, 3 or more. Please also express this as a proportion of the overall number of options offered.  

    Is a requirement for providing vegan hot and cold meal options included within the catering procurement contracts you issue for other catering provision for which you are responsible including schools, leisure centres, care homes, libraries, and any other public buildings?


    Has your organisation taken any action to reduce meat and dairy consumption in order to meet environmental goals?

    ·        If yes, please detail what actions have been taken, e.g. 100% or 50% plant-based food options offered.

    ·        If no, do you have ambitions to take action in this area, eg through setting meat reduction targets? Yes/no, if yes please detail what ambitions you have set out.

    Published: 27 April 2023

  5. 1) Please tell me in what way the money donations, payments or services being made by UK 100 CITIES NETWORK LIMITED, a private for profit company with a turnover in excess of £1.5 million annually, (company number 10515243) or any subsidiary company working with the UK 100 CITIES NETWORK LTD are being used and how the council arrived and approved donations or paid for services/support from this private corporation.

    2) What specific targets or goals were set, made or applied by the private 100 Cities Network Ltd (or any subsidiary) for the funding/support/services given or offered to the private unitary authority acting for Herefordshire.

    3) Was such service or support or monetary exchange targeted for implementation of all or part of the Herefordshire Masterplan?

    4) In what contact from was the agreement made between the two private corporation and what if any resolutions were passed to implement changes in unitary authority policy.

    4B) And if so in what way was both context and information made publicly available for scrutiny or debate.

    Published: 27 April 2023

  6. 1. What was the total spend by your council on all temporary staff in social services from recruitment agencies during the last 3 financial years (YE: March 31st) and for spend in 2022/23 to date (noting the months provided), split by:

    Total agency spend in:

    2019/20 For Children's services

    2020/21 For Children's services

    2021/22 For Children's services

    2022/23 (spend to date) For Children's services

    2019/20 For Adult social care services

    2020/21 For Adult social care services

    2021/22 For Adult social care services

    2022/23 (spend to date) For Adult social care services

    2. What was the total spend by your council on temporary support workers in social services from recruitment agencies during the last 3 financial years (YE: March 31st) and for spend in 2022/23 to date (noting the months provided), split by:

    Agency spend in:

    Agency staff - job role

    2019/20 For Children's services Support workers

    2020/21 For Children's services Support workers

    2021/22 For Children's services Support workers

    2022/23 (spend to date) For Children's services Support workers

    2019/20 For Adult social care services Support workers

    2020/21 for Adult social care services Support workers

    2021/22 for Adult social care services Support workers

    2022/23 (spend to date) for Adult social care services Support workers

    Note - support worker job role definition: please include spend on all types of support workers (including but not limited to the following job roles: support workers, senior support workers, family support workers, independent living support worker, residential support worker, crisis support worker, children's support worker etc).

    3. Do you use any of the following model(s) to manage temporary agency support worker recruitment (in adult or children's social care services) in the previous financial year 2021/22? (YE: March 31st).

    a. Master vendor

    b. Neutral vendor

    c. PSL (preferred supplier list)

    Published: 26 April 2023

  7. Herefordshire Council have powers to use (issue) community protection notices (CPN) as per the Anti-Social Behaviour, Policing and Crime Act 2014.

    I request figures individually for years 2020; 2021; 2022 and 2023 up to 28/02/23. Please provide figures for the number of:

    CPN warnings

    CPN formal notices

    Prosecutions for breach of CPNs

    Published: 25 April 2023

  8. The number of sexual health clinics closed in your local authority since 2018.

    If you could provide the information in this way:

    Sexual Health Clinics Closed







    Published: 25 April 2023

  9. Please can you provide me with the following information :-

    1. What systems/platforms do you use for appointment bookings - this could be for taxi and private mot bookings, room bookings for corporate council rooms, desk/workspace bookings for internal staff, course bookings, sports and facility bookings, venue and facility bookings, open spaces and physical item resources

    2. Who is responsible for the system/platform and their contact details - name, job title, email address, phone number?

    3. What is the current contract value/expiry and renewal date of the system/platform?

    Published: 25 April 2023

  10. For each of the calendar years (1) 2020, (2) 2021 and (3) 2022, please state:-

    a. How many dogs were seized by the Council as strays

    b. Of the number of dogs in (a), how many were;

    (i) reunited with their owner

    (ii) rehomed

    (iii) destroyed

    Published: 24 April 2023