Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Please could you provide the following information.

    Please note there are four parts to my request.

    1. How many (i) care experienced children in your local authority aged 16-17 (inclusive) are currently housed in unregulated accommodation and (ii) how many unaccompanied asylum seeking children aged 16-17 (inclusive) are currently housed in unregulated accommodation.

    Unregulated accommodation is sometimes known as "independent accommodation" or "semi-independent accommodation".

    By care experienced children I mean children who are known to the council and who have been living in foster care or residential accommodation or another form of regulated accommodation as outlined above.

    By unregulated accommodation I mean accommodation for care experienced children aged 16 and over, where they can receive support but not care.

    It does not include foster homes, residential care, hospital settings, residential school settings.

    2. How many care experienced children in your local authority aged 16-17 have gone missing between 18 February 2021 and 1 March 2023?

    3. How many unaccompanied asylum seeking children in your local authority aged 16-17 have gone missing between 18 February 2021 and 1 March 2023?

    4. Please can you provide information on what mechanisms are in place to ensure that children housed in independent or semi-independent accommodation are properly cared for. Information could be but is not limited to guidance for housing providers or landlords, guidance for social workers, guidance for children and young people.

    Published: 18 April 2023

  2. I am searching for contact details (mainly email address) for;

    * Childrens Commissioning Department

    * Childrens Placement Department

    Published: 18 April 2023

  3. 1. How many 16 and 17 year olds have presented themselves as homeless/requiring accommodation to your local authority each year over the past five years?

    2. Of these 16 and 17 year olds who have presented themselves as homeless/requiring accommodation to your local authority each year over the past five years, how many are housed in adult accommodation e.g. adult hostel accommodation?

    Published: 18 April 2023

  4. As per my records, CareForIT cloud hosting contract has expired. I would like to know whether this contract is still valid or replaced by any other supplier.

    If all the information besides the contract dates are the same, I am happy to just receive an update on the contract dates

    Below the original FOI request for your reference:

    I wish to submit a request to the organisation around their hosting contract(s) with 3rd party providers.

    The type of contract I wish to see is below:

    1. Dedicated hosting- Managed environment

    2. Co-Location- hosting allows a business to still own their own server equipment; however, instead of storing it in their own data centre, they instead are able to store it in rented space in a colocation hosting centre.

    3. Cloud Hosting- Cloud hosting services provide hosting for websites on virtual servers, which pull their computing resources from extensive underlying networks of physical web servers.

    Not all of these will be applicable to the organisation.

    For the different types of hosting services, can you provide me with the following information:

    1. Type of hosting - Dedicated, Co-Location, Cloud Hosting, Other?

    2. Who is the supplier of the contract? If possible can you also provide me with the name of the vendor, if applicable?

    3. What is the annual contract value for each contract?

    4. What type of cloud environment?

    Private Cloud- a distinct and secure cloud based environment in which only the specified client can operate.

    Public Cloud - where cloud services are provided in a virtualized environment, constructed using pooled shared physical resources, and accessible over a public network such as the internet.

    Hybrid- integrated cloud service utilising both private and public clouds to perform distinct functions within the same organisation.

    5. What is the original start date of the contract agreement? If there are more than one contract please provide me with the start date for each contract.

    6. What is the actual expiry date of the contract agreement? If there are more than one contract please provide me with the expiry date for each contract.

    7. When will the organisation plan to review this contract? If there are more than one contract please provide me with the review date for each contract.

    8. What is the contract period in years? Please include whether the agreement has any extension periods?

    9. What services are provided under the contract? Please do not put hosting information such as web hosting, file storage, hosted application. The more information the better,

    10. Can you please provide me with the contract officer responsible for this contract? Complete contact details if possible name, title, contact email and number.

    Published: 18 April 2023

  5. I would like to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act:

    1. How many FTE work in your HR, Finance, Property and IT departments, broken down by department?

    2. What is the total annual expenditure for HR, Finance, Property and IT departments (total budget, not just staffing costs), broken down by department?

    3. Is any part of these departments outsourced? Please provide a list of contracts with a brief description of what is covered per contract.

    4. What is the total of FTE working for the whole authority including temporary staff?

    5. Does your authority use an ERP system and if so which one?

    Published: 18 April 2023

  6. All information regarding Ash trees and footpath (inspections, request for tender, visits, job requests, raised and cancelled, any work schedules planned or cancelled, as well as planned improvements to the footpath in respect of surfacing, lighting, railings, etc) along Rock Footpath PROW. Running from Campion Lane (The knook) to crooked well. Also schedule for inspection of the footbridge along this stretch of the Brook.

    Published: 18 April 2023

  7. We would like information on the percentage of children who were victims of child sexual exploitation offences who had a 'Child in Need' assessment undertaken, from January 2016 - December 2022.

    For the purposes of this Freedom of Information request, child sexual exploitation offences are defined by the Sexual Offences Act 2003 as amended by Section 68 of the Serious Crime Act 2015. This includes:

    * Section 47 Sexual Offences Act 2003: Paying for sexual services of a child;

    * Section 48 Sexual Offences Act 2003: Causing or inciting [sexual exploitation of a child];

    * Section 49 Sexual Offences Act 2003: Controlling a child [in relation to sexual exploitation];

    * Section 50 Sexual Offences Act 2003: Arranging or facilitating [sexual exploitation of a child].

    'Children in Need' plans are defined by Section 17 of the Children's Act 1989.

    We are looking to find out:

    * What was the percentage of children who were victims of child sexual exploitation offences who had a 'Child in Need' assessment undertaken, from January 2016 - December 2022.

    Published: 18 April 2023

  8. This is an information request relating to relocation payments made to employees hired by the council.

    Please include the following information, for council staff only (i.e. not school staff) for the 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 financial years:

    * How many relocation payments have been made, per financial year, to employees hired by the council

    * What was the value of each payment

    * What was the total amount paid per financial year

    By "relocation payment" I mean a payment made above and beyond a salary for the purpose of paying for the expenses of moving, in cases where the employee did not, at the time of hiring, live within commuting distance of their place of work.

    Published: 18 April 2023

  9. A full organisational chart, including all departments, job titles, and clearly showing line manager names of everyone in your Property/Regeneration & Asset Departments . Specifically, the names of the people in the below positions or the equivalent. Director of Property Director of Regeneration Assistant Directors of Assets & Property, Regeneration Head of Property Head of Asset Management Head of Regeneration Head of Capital Works Head of Development

    Published: 18 April 2023

  10. Please provide the numbers of teaching and non teaching staff at Whitchurch C of E school, and any associated school, and the total salaries for teaching and non teaching staff respectively.

    Please only provide salaries for non teaching staff who have a management role.

    Published: 18 April 2023