Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. The Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, the Rt Hon Michael Gove has now received your initial response to his letter requesting the council's activity to address damp and mould in the private rented sector.

    We understand that the council would now have submitted their full response to the Secretary of State by the 27th January deadline.

    Therefore we request a copy of the full response concerning the private rented sector sent by this local authority to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

    Published: 18 April 2023

  2. I am writing to request that under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) you provide details of any awareness campaigns in place in relation to the new requirements under the Election Act 2022 to present photo ID at polling stations.

    In your response, please provide as much of the following detail as possible without exceeding your cost limit.

    a) What is the total budget that is to be spent on awareness campaigns,

    ii) what is the spend up to the 28th February 2023?

    b) How much of the total budget is local authority funded and how much is funded by central government?

    c) How many days have council staff spent on the awareness campaign?

    d) What assessment did you make of the number/% of residents who were unaware of the requirement to present photo ID at polling stations before your campaign started?

    e) What target have you set for the number/% of residents who are aware of the need for Photo ID,

    ii) how are you measuring it and

    iii) what is your latest estimate of the number/% of residents who are aware of the need for photo voter ID?

    f) Which, if any, groups have been identified as the most difficult to communicate the new requirements under the Election Act 2022 to?

    g) How much extra time has been set aside for training polling station staff who will be present at the local election polling stations on the 4th May 2023 on the new requirements under the Election Act 2022 to present a photo ID at polling stations?

    h) What additional planning have you undertaken with the local police force to ensure that polling stations staff are kept safe in the event that voters raise concerns regarding having to show photo ID?

    i) What guidance have you received from central government regarding the safety of polling station staff on polling day?

    j) How many questions or complaints from residents have you received regarding the new requirements for Voter ID under the Election Act 2022?

    Published: 18 April 2023

  3. 1. How many streetlights have been reported as faulty?

    2. What is the average amount of time taken between the reporting of a fault with a streetlight and its resolution?

    3. What is the longest delay between the reporting of a streetlight problem and its resolution?

    4. What is the most recent estimate of the number of streetlights in your area that are currently not functioning or partly functioning?

    I would like this information for each of the last three calendar years as follows: 2020/2021/2022

    Published: 18 April 2023

  4. This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2001.

    1. Between 14 June 2017 and 14 November 2022, how many complaints has the council received from council-run residential adult care homes relating to mould and/or damp? By adults, I mean people aged over-18 but who are not classified as "older people".

    2. Between 14 June 2017 and 14 November 2022, how many complaints has the council received from council-run residential children's care homes relating to mould and/or damp?

    3. Between 14 June 2017 and 14 November 2022, how many complaints has the council received from council-run residential care homes for older people relating to mould and/or damp?

    4. What action was taken in response to each of the complaints? I would like to receive the information electronically, preferably in the Excel Spreadsheet attached if at all possible.

    Published: 18 April 2023

  5. What the Budget was for the drop kerbs work carried out on Harrow Road & Plough Lane in 2022 and the cost of the completed work once it was finished.

    Published: 18 April 2023

  6. Can you tell me what "Power" has been used to house people at Hedley Lodge?

    Can you tell me how long the power will last?

    Can you tell me if Hedley Lodge is being used to house people in Priority Need of accommodation?

    Can you tell me if someone can still access Herefordshire Council Homelessness Services' if they have been asked to leave Hedley Lodge?

    Can you please provide me with copies of the policy and procedure for invoking a Serious Case Review when someone street homeless and known to your service dies on the streets?

    Can you provide me with copies of your Domestic violence pathway and explain how you quickly identify a perpetrator from a victim and vice a versa?

    Can you please confirm if suspected perpetrators of Domestic Violence are being denied access to Homelessness Services?

    Can you please confirm if a "Friend" can make a Homelessness application on behalf of someone who did not understand how to do it?

    Can you confirm the policy and procedure that enables Housing Solutions to refuse to talk to someone lawfully appointed under the GDPR and who are helping their "Friends" with their homelessness, where lack of understand is an issue.

    Published: 18 April 2023

  7. I am requesting the following information under the Freedom of Information Act: Domiciliary care:

    1. The number of council-funded adult domiciliary care packages/clients returned to the council by a provider (e.g. due to lack of capacity/funding) in January 2023

    2. The number of council-funded adult domiciliary care packages/clients returned to the council by a provider each month since January 2022 (including February 2023, if available)

    3. The number of unallocated/unsourced adult domiciliary care hours in February 2022

    4. The current number of unallocated/unsourced adult domiciliary care hours

    5. The number of clients the question 4 figure relates to Residential care:

    6. The number of council-funded adult residential care packages/clients returned to the council by a provider (e.g. due to lack of capacity/funding) in January 2023

    7. The number of council-funded adult residential care packages/clients returned to the council by a provider each month since January 2022 (including February 2023, if available)

    8. The number of council-funded care users currently awaiting an adult residential care placement 9. The average length of time the care users referred to in question 8 have been waiting for I would like the information sent by email in an Excel spreadsheet.

    Published: 18 April 2023

  8. I should like to know if the Environment and Trading Standards Department, or any other department in that Directorate and or the Legal Directorate, have a WARRANT or equivalent power to seize vehicles and property that is not theirs. That is to say, Herefordshire County do not have to request the police or the courts to issue a warrant to seize property that is not theirs. This excludes matters relating to the use of bailiffs and their debt collecting roles.

    If this should be the case, is there a named job title and or individual, who holds this power for Herefordshire County?

    If so what compulsory "warrant issue" training is the warrant-issuer required to attend?

    Published: 18 April 2023

  9. Could you please provide a list of all bids made by your local authority to the levelling up fund.

    For each bid could you please provide:

    * The date the bid was submitted

    * The bid title and a brief description of what the bid was for, if available

    * The amount of money being requested from the fund

    * The name of any external contractors used in the bid

    * The amount paid to each of the external contractors used in the bid

    * The total estimated cost to the local authority of putting the bid together

    Published: 18 April 2023

  10. 1) Please tell me if money (funding) has been exchanged between Herefordshire unitary authority, (who are a for profit private corporation), and using public (ratepayers) funds making donations or payments to UK 100 CITIES NETWORK LIMITED, a private for profit company with a turnover in excess of £1.5 million annually, (a company number 10515243) or any subsidiary company working with the UK 100 CITIES NETWORK LTD.

    2) If much funding was exchanged?

    3) If so...what was such funding for?

    4) Does the COP 26 "pledge" made by Herefordshire council imply, suggest or forward similar restrictions as those being undertaken and used in the "Trial" in Oxford?

    Published: 18 April 2023