Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. What is the % of Band B Social housing that get housed?

    Published: 6 April 2023

  2. For the current financial year and for 21/22 please could you provide: 

    A.      The median time (in days) taken to assess a referral made to adult social services for an assessment of needs. Please include new referrals as well as re-assessment of existing clients. 

    B.      The single longest wait (in days) taken to assess an individual after a referral to adult social services. Please include new referrals as well as reassessments. This should include any support package, whether delivered directly by social services or commissioned by them in any other way. 

    C.       The median time (in days) taken between the completion of assessment and the start of a service identified within their care and support. Please include new referrals as well as re-assessment of existing clients.  

    D.      The single longest wait (in days) between the completion of assessment and the start of a service identified within their care and support. This should include any support package, whether delivered directly by social services or commissioned by them in any other way. 

    For example:  


    Median time to assess = 7 days, Single longest wait = 45 days, median time for package to begin 12 days, single longest wait = 30 days 


    Median time to assess = 8 days, Single longest wait = 67 days, median time for package to begin 13 days, single longest wait = 44 days 

    E.       The number of people who have died awaiting the start of an initial package of social care in 2022/23.  

    Please provide this data in a spreadsheet format such as excel or a .csv file.

    Published: 5 April 2023

  3. Can you please supply the following information. If you are unable to supply this information, or do not collate this information can you please advise me which organisation I should contact to acquire this information.

    1. There has been a planning application live for change of use of the Three Counties Hotel to a Lidl supermarket. This application has been live for many months and every time I check for an update the determination dates have been extended. Can you please advise why this has happened and if this has happened because Hereford Council had been approached by the Government to discuss housing asylum seekers. Can you please supply the date the Council was contacted in relation to the housing of asylum seekers.

    2. What is the extent of the Councils involvement in this project.

    3. Please supply the name, title and contact details of the Council officer dealing with this project.

    4. Please advise the cost of this project for food, accommodation, clothing and all sundry items and whether this cost will be added to the council tax bill of Herefordshire residents.

    5. The anticipated length of this project and the anticipated rotation of migrants.

    6. The name and address and contact details of the owner of The Three Counties Hotel.

    7. The ethnicity of the asylum seekers - what Country do they originate from.

    8. Age and sex of the asylum seekers.

    9. The number of children under the age of 16 years.

    10. The school or college these children will attend if applicable.

    11. The number of Herefordshire residents currently on waiting lists for new homes.

    12. The current number of homeless people in Herefordshire.

    13. The weekly allowance (£) that will be given to individual asylum seekers.

    14. Will language assistants or interpreters be made available to the asylum seekers and the anticipated cost.

    15. The number of security personnel that will be at the facility on a daily basis.

    16. Will the asylum seekers be given a mobile phone and if so who will be paying for this.

    17. What has happened to the current staff working at the hotel.

    18. The impact on council tax bills for 2023/24.

    19. What security checks will the asylum seekers be subject to.

    20. The amount that has been paid to the owner of the Three Counties Hotel to house asylum seekers.

    21. Anticipated noise levels once the asylum seekers are in residence.

    22. Damages to the hotel - who will be responsible for repairs.

    23. Access to Dental/health/social services/childrens services/mental health services - please explain the process and if the asylum seekers will have priority over Herefordshire residents.

    Published: 5 April 2023

  4. 'A survey of females took place in Hereford City and the results of those surveys along with police intelligence identified all the locations. Aylestone Hill was identified due to the sheer volume of people of all genders and ages using it to access and exit the city centre at all times of the day and night.'

    Is this survey available or a summary of its results?

    In view of the considerable expansion of the camera program it seems that there should be a more recent version of Herefordshire council's self-assessment 2017.

    Published: 4 April 2023

  5. Following on from a letter dated the 2 February by Baroness Scott encouraging councils to apply for funding of up to £10,000 from the National Lottery to host Coronation parties, I would like to ask:

    1. Has your council applied for funding from the National Lottery to host a Coronation party?

    If yes, please give details on how much was awarded and for what.

    2. Will your council be having a Coronation party which is organised by the council; meaning paid for, hosted, and attended by a council representative, for example a mayor or council leader? For reference, here is the letter from Baroness Scott I am referring to:

    Published: 4 April 2023

  6. 1, Please could you list any local authority trading companies and/or arms-length organisations owned (partly or wholly) by the council

    2. Name the principal activity of each entity

    3. Do they employ staff? If so, what is the headcount?

    4. Do you wholly or partly own them? If you jointly own the entity, please list the other owners

    5. What year were they founded?

    6.How many staff were TUPE'd over on setting up the company?

    7. If you hold the information, please could you supply the pay grading structure for the companies? Do the LATCs/ AMLOs participate in the local government pension scheme? If you do not hold this information, please could you pass on the relevant Foi email addresses for the companies so that they can be contacted directly.

    Published: 4 April 2023

  7. 1. The number of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) from Vietnam currently registered in your jurisdiction

    2. The number of Vietnamese UASCs in your jurisdiction who are under 18 and, separately, between 18-25 years old

    3. The percentage of UASCs who have left their English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses before completion in the past year (I.e. since January 2022)

    4. The percentage of Vietnamese UASCs who have left their English courses before completion since January 2022

    5. The number of Vietnamese UASCs who left their ESOL courses early since January 2022 to work in nail bars

    6. A breakdown of the living arrangements for Vietnamese UASCs who left their Supported Living Placements since January 2022? Please send as a categorised breakdown I.e. X in council homes, X in private rental accommodation. Please provide the information in a table.

    Published: 4 April 2023

  8. Could you please send me the overall amount of grant money that has been allocated for the building renovation work being carried out on the Conservative club 7 Corn Square Leominster, HMLR Title number HE30449.

    If there is a contribution being made by the association of conservative clubs Ltd, could you please indicate the amount.

    Published: 3 April 2023

  9. 1) How many claims has the Council received from motorists in the last 12 months (to most recent available) because of damage caused by potholes?

    2) How many of these claims were successful?

    3) What is the total amount that has been paid out as a result of the successful claims?

    Published: 31 March 2023

  10. I would like to request information pertaining to the annual highways new works, refurbishment, renewal and maintenance expenditure within your local authority for the past three years. Specifically, I am interested in obtaining the following details:

    1. Annual expenditure on highways renewal and maintenance for the financial years: a. 2020-2021 b. 2021-2022 c. 2022-2023

    2. A list of the providers of professional services, including quantity surveying and cost management, engaged by your local authority for the aforementioned financial years.

    3. The total value spent on professional services, specifically quantity surveying and cost management, for each of the financial years mentioned above.

    4. The date on which the current agreement, if any expires.

    Published: 31 March 2023