Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. This is an information request relating to the MIPIM conference held in Cannes from 14th to 17th March 2023

    Please include the following information:

    * Did any members of the organisation attend MIPIM in an official capacity? If so, how many attended and what are their job titles?

    * If so, what was the total spend by the organisation on attending the conference? (please make clear how much was spent by the organisation itself, and how much it received, if any, in sponsorships or grants)

    * How much was spent on flights? (please provide information on the airline, and the class)

    * How much was spent on accommodation? (Please provide the name and address of the hotel)

    * How much was spent on food and subsistence? (Please provide receipts for any restaurants, cafes or bars visited)

    * How much was spent on conference costs? For example, tickets to the conference, any stands set up at the conference

    Published: 23 March 2023

  2. We'd like to explore the sector's relationship with data, strategies for data modernisation and how it is collected, stored, and categorised. We will also look into data usage, standardisation, open data, and transparency data.

    We would like to make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request and ask you to answer the questions in the attached spreadsheet. There is the option to answer questions in a dedicated column or you may highlight the intended answer.

    Published: 23 March 2023

  3. 1. Whom do you (council) use for the supply and installation of your modular/concrete ramps?

    2. Are you (council) in a current contract with a supplier/provider for this equipment? If so whom is the contractors, you use for this type of adaptation?

    3. If you are in a contract/framework for this when does this contract expire, please?

    4. Please would you provide contact details for the Senior/Lead Occupational Therapist?

    Published: 23 March 2023

  4. How many maintained school buildings, if any, were closed due to serious structural issues in your local authority in each year since 2010.

    How many maintained schools, if any, were closed due to serious structural issues in your local authority in each year since 2010.

    What was the average length of time that maintained schools in your local authority were forced to close due to serious structural issues since 2010.

    What was the longest period of time that a maintained school was closed in your local authority due to serious structural issues since 2010.

    Published: 22 March 2023

  5. I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect to your temporary agency usage, the details I require are:

    *Your Current Model of Recruitment E.G. is it a PSL (Preferred Supplier List), Neutral or master Vend

    *The End Date of the recruitment models contract listed above

    *All the Supplier Names who supplied temporary staff to yourself in the dates between 06 April 2021 and 05 April 2022 (or a recent year if that is easier)

    * The Actual spend value each Supplier in the above period

    *The Dates the above where work/Invoiced & paid (If available)

    *The area the above was Expensed/costed too (If available)

    *The Purpose of spend (If available)

    *The Category Internal Name (If available)

    *Any Extras that may be on record (If available)

    Published: 22 March 2023

  6. 1. Anonymised response data to every question in the public consultation returned through the Commonplace public consultation for the Hereford master plan which was used to produce the recently published draft master plan.

    2. A total figure in £ sterling, and broken down as far as practical, covering all costs expended to date and projected to be spent take the project to construction, related to the draft master plan, including but not limited to, sums paid to Commonplace, projected expenditure to Commonplace, expenditure on surveys, reports and other professional fees for the preparation of the previous public consultation, recently published draft master plan, and ongoing development of the master plan to final form.

    3. A summary of time spent working on the master plan as a proportion of working hours each by both employed council staff and cabinet members, including where practical an approximate wage bill for employed hours spent on master plan related work.

    Published: 22 March 2023

  7. I am writing to you to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

    1. I would like to find out how much you have spent with FLEX360 LTD, Company number 11705328 in the last 5 years?

    2. How many contracts/projects have been awarded to Flex360?

    3. How many assessments did that cover within 5 years? What tendering process did you follow to award these contracts/projects?

    4. When did each project/contract start and expire? Can you share the tender or contract documents?

    Published: 22 March 2023

  8. Current Mobile Phone Service Provider

    Contact end dates

    Number of Mobile connections/Value

    Local Area Networks (LAN)

    Unified Communications and Cloud Telephony

    Cloud/Data Centre Provision

    Contact Centre

    Wide-Area Networks (WAN)

    IP Telephony

    For each of the contracts, please could you provide the following details where available:

    Contract Title;

    Contract Description; Supplier(s);

    Total Contract Value;

    Annual Contract Value;

    Contract Start Date;

    Contract End Date;

    Procedure Type used to Purchase Contract (If bought through a framework, please name the framework).

    Published: 22 March 2023

  9. I would like to request under the Freedom of Information act data held by Herefordshire Council relating to the amount of money paid out by the council concerning damage caused by potholes since 2016.

    I would also like to receive the number of claims made against Herefordshire Council and the number which have been settled.

    I would also like to know the number of outstanding cases against Herefordshire Council.

    I would appreciate it if this data could be broken down into damages/compensation paid to motorists and the amount the council has spent on legal costs.

    I would also like information on the number of potholes Herefordshire Council has awaiting repair on this date.

    Published: 22 March 2023

  10. Reported incidents from Feb to March 23, of damage to cars. This due to a large pothole on the C1125 Sutton St Nichols to Hereford rd. The pothole 4 foot long, 17 inches wide & approx 8 inches deep, is 1.3 miles before the Aylestone roundabout. A single cone was placed on the grass verge nearby. Police informed the council of the latest incident at approx 2030 15 March.

    Published: 21 March 2023