Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. In order to assist my research into Local Authorities who generate and export electricity from their own energy assets I would be grateful if you could answer the following questions. I am particularly looking at grid connected assets for example solar farms, wind turbines and waste to energy plants, rather than rooftop solar installations which mostly supply electricity to the building they occupy. I'd be grateful if you could answer the following questions: -

    1) Do you own or operate electricity generation assets which export to the grid?

    2) If so, what technologies? And are they 'co-located'? E.g., a solar farm with a battery.

    3) How much electricity (in kWh) would you expect to be exported, per asset, per year?

    4) When were the assets commissioned?

    5) What is the current contractual arrangement to sell the power, to whom is it sold and what is the contract end date?

    6) Does your local authority have any plans in place to acquire, build or invest in electricity generation assets in the future?

    Published: 17 February 2023

  2. Please provide all information for the financial year 2021-2022, and from the start of financial year 2022 and 31 December 2022, for the following: 1. The total amount of money paid by the council to individual trade unions for whatever reason. 2. The name(s) of the trade union(s) to which council money was paid.

    Published: 17 February 2023

  3. Please can you confirm how much has been spent on Consultants or other independent contractors providing assistance with the 'Levelling up Scheme' to date.

    Published: 17 February 2023

  4. I am writing to request the following information regarding funerals arranged by the Council under Section 46 Public Health Act 1984 (England and Wales) and Section 87 of the Burial and Cremation Act 2002 (Scotland).

    1. How many such funerals has the Council arranged since 22 September 2022?

    2. In each case please disclose:

    a) The name and last residential address of the deceased

    b) The deceased's dates of birth and death

    c) Whether the deceased's next of kin/family members have been traced

    d) Whether the deceased's estate has been referred to the Government Legal Department or elsewhere

    3. Has the Council passed this information to any other individual or organisation (either formally through a FOI request or by other means)?

    4. Does the Council work with any genealogist? If so, which?

    5. Does the Council publish a list of Public Health Funerals it has arranged? If so:

    a) Where is the list published (please provide web url if on-line)?

    b) How often is the list updated?

    c) When was the list last updated?

    6. Who in the Council is responsible for the Council's Public Health Funerals? Please advise us of their names and contact details.

    Published: 16 February 2023

  5. 1. What is the recycling rate (as a percentage of the total weight of waste) for all waste produced in the council area for the financial year 2021-22, and from the start of financial year 2022 to 31 December 2022?

    2. If the figures for 2022/23 are not yet available, please provide an estimated amount, or the amount recycled thus far.

    3. How often in a single four-week period does the council collect recycling bins for the following from domestic households:

    a. Paper/Cardboard

    b. Glass

    c. Plastic

    d. Cans

    Published: 16 February 2023

  6. We have carried out some preliminary research of the West Midlands and note that Herefordshire made a climate emergency declaration on 08 March 2019.

    Herefordshire is considered to be the West Midlands' most rural county and has rich biological and geological diversity. Form 2005 until 2019 we have seen a 32% decrease in emissions from energy use in the county. We understand that Herefordshire identified and updated its GHG emissions in the GHG Emission Report 2021/2022 and made encouraging actions plans for: Housing and Building 2021, through which by now 80% reduction in carbon from heating has been achieved; Energy 2021, under which projects started in 2020; transport, under which most planned projects are due end in 2022/2023; food, with all projects in development since 2021; farming and land use 2021 often in cooperation with the Herefordshire Wildlife Trust; and Waste. Herefordshire also encourages its citizens to participate to meet target zero through projects like 'Get your business to net zero 30 for 2030'.

    Following our initial review we would like the Council to provide the following information:

    1. Housing and Building

    § Progress in renewable electricity generation: How much reduction in carbon emissions from the heating of buildings has been achieved through the installation of heat pumps?

    § The state of Future Homes and Passive Housings:

    o Has the erection of such housing under the 5,000 existing planning permissions already started?

    o Has the Future Homes standard inspired better house-building standards, for instance in combination with current affordable housing developments?

    2. Energy

    § Pomona Solar Cooperative: To what extent has selling solar panel to local businesses increased emission free electricity and encouraged them to take further actions?

    § Installation of LED lightning:

    o In addition to the installation of LED lighting at Widemarsh, in which other buildings has the council installed LED lighting?

    o By how much have carbon emissions been reduced through their installation?

    § Installation of 1.1 MWp of Solar PV:

    o How many council buildings have been fitted with solar PV?

    o By how much have carbon emissions been reduced through their installation?

    3. Transport

    § EV charging points:

    o By how much has the council's network or EV charging points expanded since 2021?

    o What percentage of the council's fleet has been switched to EVs?

    o By how much have carbon emissions been reduced through these changes?

    § Has the design of Quiet Routes and the Holme Lacy Road referring to Infrastructure Delivery Active Travel measures been improved?

    4. Farming and land use

    § Has the Supplementary Planning Document on reducing pollution in the River Wye provided new strategies?

    5. Food and Waste

    § Have green spaces in new and existing development sites been included in new Planning Policies?

    § Have the ways in which household and business waste is collected and treated changed and schemes that support and encourage a reduction in the amount of waste produced been successful in reducing emissions?

    6. Scope 3 of GHG emissions

    § There is little information available concerning progress in reducing scope 3 GHG emissions: Have you evaluated new data concerning emissions linked to organisation's operation, e.g. goods purchased, disposal of products sold?

    In addition we would like the Council to provide the following information:

    1. please confirm how many Town Councils and/or Parish Councils/Community Councils in your area have made Climate Change Emergency Declarations;

    2. please provide the names and contact details of each of these;

    3. please confirm how your Council collaborates with each Town Council and/or Parish Council/Community Council;

    4. please confirm which other community groups/organisations that you liaise and cooperate with that may have made a Climate Change Emergency Declaration and how your own declaration [links] with any other work.

    5. please provide details of any other local community action your Council carries on to pursue any plans and commitments relating to your Climate Change Emergency Declaration.

    Published: 15 February 2023

  7. Please could you provide me with:

    - The total number or weight of illegal disposable vapes seized by the council over the past three years, broken down by year.

    - Details of the policy outlining how the council must dispose of the disposable vapes it seizes, and the company and method by which it destroys them.

    - The total number or weight of illegal disposable vapes sent to be securely destroyed over the past three years, broken down by year.

    - The total cost to the council of securely destroying the illegal disposable vapes it has seized over the past three years, broken down by year. Please provide the information in the form of an Excel spreadsheet.

    Published: 15 February 2023

  8. 1. Over the last 12 months (or most up-to-date 12-month period which you have date for), has your local authority had sufficient early years places to meet local demand?

    2. Do you collect data or information on what proportion of parents and carers in your area who are accessing formal early education and childcare are able to access:

    a) the quantity of early years provision that they would like to (e.g. if they need three full days a week of early years provision, whether or not they are able to access three full days or can only access, for example, two). If so, please provide the most recent data.

    b) early years provision on the specific times and dates that they want (e.g. if they want Mondays and Tuesdays, are they able to access Monday and Tuesdays or have they had to settle for, for example, Mondays and Wednesdays). If so, please provide the most recent data.

    c) early education and childcare at their first choice early years setting? If so, please provide the most recent data.

    3. Do you collect data or information or whether or not parents and carers of children with SEND in your local area are able to access:

    a) the quantity of early years provision that they would like to. If so, please provide the most recent data.

    b) early years provision on the specific times and dates that they want. If so, please provide the most recent data.

    c) early education and childcare at their first choice early years setting? If so, please provide the most recent data.

    Published: 15 February 2023

  9. Clr David Hitchiner, as Leader of Herefordshire Council, has made a pledge, representing Herefordshire people, to UK100 CITIES NETWORK LIMITED.

    What is the relationship between Herefordshire Council and the £1.5Milion+ annual turnover, Private Company, UK100 CITIES NETWORK LIMITED, Company number 10515243?

    Has any money gone from Herefordshire public purse to UK100 CITIES NETWORK LIMITED, Company number 10515243, (or any other subsidiary company that UK100 CITIES NETWORK LIMITED is connected with)? If so how much? If so what was this for?

    Does this pledge involve proposed imposition onto Herefordshire people of travel and movement restrictions, in any way similar, to those that are currently causing controversy and protest in Oxford?

    Published: 15 February 2023

  10. I would like information about your council's carbon literacy training in relation to climate action for the Council Climate Action Scorecards.

    In particular, please supply me with information relating to the following questions: a. Have all senior management received carbon literacy training or equivalent since 1st January 2019? Please state the type of training.

    b. Have all current councillors in the cabinet or committee chairs received carbon literacy training or equivalent since being elected? Please state the type of training.

    This training could be from the Carbon Literacy Organisation or another organisation, university or in-house. We want to know the number of people who have attended the training. We don't need to know the number of staff that have received a certificate of completion or attendance.

    Published: 15 February 2023