Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. I am submitting a freedom of information request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Can you please tell me:

    * How many people are living in local authority homes (council housing) in your local authority?

    * How many evictions have there been for rent arrears in:

    1. 2020

    2. 2021

    3. 2022

    4. So far in 2023

    Published: 26 January 2023

  2. details of all highway gulley cleansing activities undertaken in Ross-on-Wye between 1st January 2022 - 31st December 2022

    Published: 25 January 2023

  3. How many individuals who came to the UK as part of the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (Homes for Ukraine scheme) or the Ukraine Family Scheme are now statutory homeless, as registered with your council?

    To be clear, I am referring to Ukrainians who arrived in your council's constituency under either scheme and have now been recorded as statutory homeless.

    If a parent has made the homelessness application/registration on behalf of a family, please include the total number of family members affected (not just the one member making the application).

    Published: 25 January 2023

  4. I would like to request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 the following information about planning application P224291/PA7.

    Has a Health and Safety Risk Assessment been completed, if so please provide a copy.

    Has an Environmental Impact Analysis been completed, if so please forward a copy.

    Does the 5G telecoms equipment have an insurance policy, if so please forward a copy of this.

    Do the other 5G telecoms equipment under the jurisdiction of Herefordshire Council have the above documents?

    Published: 25 January 2023

  5. a) The number of applications you have received for Voter Authority Certificates between September 2022 and January 2023

    b) The number of applications you have processed for Voter Authority Certificates between September 2022 and January 2023

    Published: 25 January 2023

  6. Please can I ask for the following table to be completed relating to waste material handled by the Authority:

    Material Annual Tonnage 2021 Current Price Paid per T for Disposal/Recycling Current Contractor Contract Until? Council Contract Manager contact email
    General Waste/ Black Bag
    Street Litter, Bin Waste
    Inert (Stone & Soil)
    Street Sweeping

    Published: 23 January 2023

  7. Information Request - Housing Policy - Guest House vs HMO

    Please provide a copy of the Local Authority's policy on when a Guest House (or similar) becomes, in the LA's opinion an HMO and therefore subject to HA 2004.

    This question is raised in particular with regard to the considerable number of Guest Houses which house 'homeless' persons on a temporary or short term basis whilst permanent accommodation is found for them.

    The policy (or additional notes) should explain how the LA judges whether each such individual is a "guest on licence" or a "tenant on implied AST".

    Any additional information that would help this firm in explaining to landlords your LA's distinctions (and therefore their liabilities within your LA area) would be welcomed. If any amplification upon this request is required please contact the below.

    If the policy is already published on the LA's website giving all of the information requested then a hyperlink will suffice. If not then a digital copy of the policy document would be required please.

    Please ensure that the policy supplied covers all of the questions asked above.

    Published: 23 January 2023

  8. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information relating to highway drainage maintenance.

    1. Please can you provide the number of highway drainage assets under your responsibility? If available, can you split the information by type (e.g. gullies, chambers, ditches etc.)?

    * Could you also provide information about the number of gullies cleaned per year for the last 3 available years?

    * If available, please could you provide the number of blocked drainage assets for the last 3 years?

    2. Please can you provide your highway drainage budget for the last 3 years

    * Does this budget only cover gully cleaning, or does it also include other services such as relining, emergency jetting, CCTV surveys?

    * If not, please include budgets and actual expenditure for these additional services over the last 3 years

    3. Can you please provide your actual expenditure on drainage over the last 3 years, if available.

    4. Are highway drainage services provided in-house by the council? If so, how many employees do you use for this?

    * If outsourced, are they outsourced directly to a drainage contractor or are they managed as part of a wider highway maintenance contract?

    5. In the case of a highway maintenance contract, please could you provide the following information:

    * Number and description of lots

    * The current provider(s)

    * The start date and duration

    * Current contract value total

    * Previous contract value

    6. If available, would you be able to provide number of flooding incidents on highways in your area historically and any classification on severity

    If contract information is available online, please would you be able to attach a copy / link to the information.

    Published: 23 January 2023

  9. I believe that the current provider of the councils Schools and SEN Management Software is Data Images Software Solutions Ltd and that the contract is due to expire on the 31-Aug-24 and I am looking for the following information:

    1. Has a decision been made yet on whether the framework(s)/contract(s) are being either extended or renewed? Yes/ No

    2. Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for this contract?

    a) Who is the responsible person heading the councils Schools and SEN transport department:




    Phone Number:

    b) In addition, who does the above-named person report into:




    Phone Number:

    Published: 23 January 2023

  10. Please can I request the number of deaths from 1st January 2022 - 31st December 2022 (inclusive) in each of the following housing situations in your local authority area:

    * accommodation for homeless people commissioned by your council, including hostels and supported accommodation for people identified as rough sleeping or with a history of rough sleeping

    * exempt accommodation * temporary accommodation commissioned by your local authority * supported accommodation for homeless young people commissioned by your council

    * rough sleeping or with no fixed abode Where you have access to any of the following information, please include the cause of death or suspected cause of death, date of death, the person's gender, the person's age when they died, their ethnicity, and their immigration status. If you cannot provide any of this additional information, then please just provide the number of deaths.

    Please provide the information in the Excel document attached.

    Published: 23 January 2023