Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. This is a Freedom of Information Request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding staffing levels at Herefordshire Council's planning department. Please provide me with the following:

    1. How many roles are there at Herefordshire Council's planning department?

    2. How many current vacancies at Herefordshire Council's planning department?

    3. What staffing capacity is Herefordshire Council's planning department currently working at?

    4. What has the staff turnover rate been in the past 12 months in at Herefordshire Council's planning department?

    Published: 23 January 2023

  2. IR1: How many community trigger applications have you received from April 2018 - April 2022?

    IR2: Out of the community trigger applications that you have received during the proposed time frame:

    A. How many applications did not meet the community trigger threshold?

    B. How many met the community trigger threshold?

    B1. Did all those that met the threshold result in a panel hearing/review meeting? If not, are you able to expand on the reasons why a review hearing did not occur?

    IR3: Do you have the information on the community trigger on your website? (Such as, what the community trigger is and how to apply for the community trigger)?

    IR4: Do you have a specified point of contact for those submitting a community trigger?

    IR5: What is your threshold criteria for a community trigger application to be met? (Please include any caveats, for example the case must be closed, one of the incidents needs to have occurred in the month prior to the application being made, etc.)

    IR6: Please select how the community trigger can be applied for at your organisation:

    IR7: Do you share all of the community trigger applications you receives with all the relevant bodies?

    IR8(1): Do you provide an independent chair to hold your community trigger panel hearings?

    IR8(2): How do you define independent?

    IR9: Are the victims given the opportunity to:

    Attend the initial part of the Community Trigger Panel hearing/case review?

    Have a representative attend on their behalf?

    Provide a statement to be read aloud at the Community Trigger Panel hearing/case review?

    IR10(1): On what grounds are applicants able to appeal?

    IR10(2): Who chairs your appeal meetings?

    IR11: How many appeals have you received in relation to the community trigger application not meeting the threshold? And how many of these appeals were upheld?

    IR12: How many appeals have been made following the outcome of a community trigger panel hearing/case review?

    Published: 23 January 2023

  3. Please respond to this request by completing the attached form.

    Published: 23 January 2023

  4. Please advise:

    1. How many staff (as measured by full-time equivalents) do you employ to work on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)?

    For clarification on question 1 - the number of employees who part of their role is equality and diversity with a FTE total.

    2. What was your spending on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) for the financial year 2021/22 and what is the budget for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the current financial year?

    3. What was your spending on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) training for the financial year 2021/22 and what is the budget for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) training in the current financial year?

    4. How many staff working days do you estimate were lost from regular work due to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) training for the financial year 2021/22 and what is your estimate of staff working days that will be lost from regular work due to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) training during the current financial year?

    Published: 23 January 2023

  5. 1. How many sick days were taken by staff (including heads, assistant heads and deputies, teachers and support staff) in schools for mental health conditions (including stress, depression, anxiety etc) in the following school years:



    2. What was the average number of days taken by those who took time off from schools for mental health conditions in the following school years:



    Published: 20 January 2023

  6. Under FOI please provide the following information relating to the IT systems the Council uses to broker and contract with providers for the adult/children's social care packages it commissions:

    1. What system(s) are currently used to facilitate social care brokerage and/or contracting for Children's services?

    2. What is the contract length and end date of the existing contract?

    3. What is the total contract value for the solution(s)? Please break this down where possible into any up-front costs including one-off payments and implementation costs; subsequent annual licensing fees and, any associated costs including hosting, support and maintenance.

    4. What system(s) are currently used to facilitate social care brokerage and/or contracting for Adult services?

    5. What is the contract length and end date of the existing contract?

    6. What is the total contract value for the solution(s)? Please break this down where possible into any up-front costs including one-off payments and implementation costs; subsequent annual licensing fees and, any associated costs including hosting, support and maintenance.

    Published: 20 January 2023

  7. The Isle of Wight Council's Adult Social Care & Housing Needs Directorate is looking at how it is performing against other Local Authorities in the country surrounding Overdue Reviews. As part of a project initiation, please can you provide the following performance figures as of 30.11.2022:

    1. How many Reviews do you have for the following categories:

    a. 6 Week Reviews

    b. 6 Month Reviews

    c. 12 month Reviews

    d. Over 1 Year

    e. 2 Years

    2. How many of these Reviews are 'Overdue' in the following categories:

    a. 6 Week Reviews

    b. 6 Month Reviews

    c. 12 month Reviews

    d. Over 1 Year

    e. 2 Years

    Furthermore, do you have a publicly accessible policy on managing reviews which could be provided within your response to this FOI.

    Published: 20 January 2023

  8. Between December 2021 and Dec 2022 , The Golden Valley Walking Club reported 104 public right of way ( PROW) defects in Herefordshire .

    With the exception of three footpaths RR11 and WP19 , WP22 no feedback was received with regard to any actions taken, or resolutions made by the authority for the remaining 101 defects.

    Fifty of these defects were in the nature of obstruction to the PROW which require enforcement action.

    From the list of reported footpaths below , can you please state which of these footpaths obstructions was dealt with by a service of statutory notice, and which of these footpaths was dealt with by remedial action using common law power. lLOB4 CA7 KS30 KS27 KS27 KS28 KS27 EB3 EH24, EH25, EH27, WP22 EB18 PY1 BY31 MY2 MY2 PR5 VO37 MS3 EB17 MY7 MY26 EB2 EB2 SA28 PM7 PM7 EH30B & RW10 KS27 KS27 MY9 MY3A MY9 KK6 GW11 MM16 MM16 MM15 MM15A WP22 WP22 MY1A PY13 PY7 TY4 TY9 MY1A EB18 LOB4

    Published: 20 January 2023

  9. Please provide your HMO in excel format including the UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number) for each property.

    Record to include:

    1. the address of the licensed HMO or house;

    2. the number of rooms in the licensed HMO providing sleeping accommodation;

    3. the maximum number of persons or households permitted to occupy the licensed HMO under the conditions of the licence;

    4. the name and address of the licence holder;

    5. the date of the licence

    6. the date of the expiry of the licence

    7. the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN). Please make sure the UPRN is provided.

    Published: 20 January 2023

  10. 1. Please confirm if your organisation has an internal IT architecture and/or Enterprise Architecture function, along with respective job titles and the quantity of these positions. For example - 1x lead architect, 2x solution architect, etc.

    2. Please confirm if your organisation uses 3rd party Enterprise Architecture tooling software. For example - Sparx, Bizzdesign, LeanIX, etc.

    Published: 20 January 2023