Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,851 disclosures

  1. I would like to make the following Freedom of Information request.

    1) Does your IT system have a blocker which filters out certain words?

    2) Do emails containing these specified words automatically go into a spam folder?

    3) If the answer to Q1 is yes, are the following words (or derivatives) filtered: 'sex', 'breast'?

    4) If the answer to Q2 is yes, do you have a procedure for checking that communications relating to genuine concerns which include blocked words are not discarded, e.g. breastfeeding support and sexual health?

    Published: 25 July 2024

  2. 1. The gross pay bill for all council employees including temporary, agency and interim employees working directly for the council.

    2. The gross pay bill for the top 18 highest earning members of staff including temporary, agency or interim employees.

    3. The gross pay bill for the Chief Executive.

    4. The gross cost to the council for any interim or consultancy appointments externally provided by an executive or recruitment agency.

    6. The overall expenditure of the council excluding capital. 

    7. The overall income of the council excluding borrowing.

    8. In addition please could you point me at the report referred to in section 13 of the pay policy statement. Found here. It says it is published but I cannot find it.


    9. For the years requested (2019/20 to 2023/24) please provide the total cost for interim cover or temporary positions, for roles within the Senior Management Team (as described on your own website Management structure).

    Published: 25 July 2024

  3.   1.  Information relating to the total number of Looked After Children in your care


      2.  Information relating to the number of Looked After Children in your care currently who have expressed that they may be a different gender to their sex or expressed a wish to change their gender. I would like to know:


      3.  Information relating to the number of Looked After Children in your care who have been referred to an NHS Service in the last 48 months due to their expression of gender dysphoria, gender incongruence, or the belief that their gender identity is different to their sex.


      4.  Documents relating to any training or resources you have used from an external provider (charity or commercial organisation) on gender identity, sex and sexuality, or transition in the last 48 months.


         *   If training has been provided, please provide details of the organisations who provided the training, the date, and the cost to the Local Authority.


      5.  A copy of all your policies relating to transgender or gender questioning Looked After Children.


      6.  Who, if anyone, would the Local Authority consult before allowing a Looked After Child to socially transition (i.e. identify as a different gender to their sex). Please name all relevant roles.


      7.  Whether you are a member of any Stonewall schemed including their “Diversity Champion” scheme


         *   Whether you have been a member of any Stonewall schemes in the last 48 months.

         *   Any application you have made to Stonewall to be a “Stonewall Diversity Champion” or to be included on Stonewall’s “Workplace Equality Index”.


    Please provide any relevant documents that set out this information

    Published: 25 July 2024

  4. 1.    For the year 2023, how many children were in residential care?


    2.    For the current year (2024) how many children are in residential care?


    3.    Can you list the cost for each child’s residential care per week?


    4.    For the years 2022, 2023 and 2024, how much per month was paid to Meadows Care per child? Can this be broken down into standard monthly charges and a breakdown of additional charges, eg. waking nights.


    5.    For the year 2024, how much per week / month was paid to 3belle ami health? Can this be broken down into the standard charge and a breakdown of additional charges, eg. waking nights.


    6.    Can you state how much Herefordshire council spent during the last 10 years on EACH of the following, broken down by year:


    1. Non-repayable grants to Foster Parents


    a. towards the purchase of bigger cars; if more than one family received a grant please elaborate.


    b. towards the building of house extensions or the purchase of bigger houses; if more than one family received a grant please elaborate.


    2. If recipients later cease fostering, are grants repayable, in full or in part - or would they be if this situation hasn't yet arisen?


    3. Non-repayable grants to Adoptive Parents


    a. towards the purchase of bigger cars; if more than one family received a grant please elaborate.


    b. towards the building of house extensions or the purchase of bigger houses; if more than one family received a grant please elaborate.


    4. If after a grant has been received and adopted children are returned to Local Authority care or are removed, are grants repayable, in full or in part.


    Published: 25 July 2024

  5. Please provide the following information concerning abuse or neglect in nurseries for each of the last five financial years, including 2023/24.

    1/ Please provide a list of all safeguarding referrals (typically known as section 47 referrals) relating to alleged abuse or neglect in nurseries for each year.

    Please provide the following break down for each one:

    a) Year

    b) Nature of abuse i.e. neglect/ physical abuse/ sexual abuse

    c) Brief description of allegation i.e. child was struck on the head by staff member recorded on CCTV

    d) Whether there was a LADO referral or not

    e) Outcome of investigation into incident (make clear who carried it out): i.e. substantiated

    f) Whether there was a complex abuse investigation (typically carried out by the local authority and police)

    2/ Please provide the highest number of allegations received in total in relation to an individual nursery over the entire period and detail how many were substantiated over the entire period (i.e. not year by year).

    If you are responding to this request on behalf of multiple of local authorities, please provide a response for all of them rather than query if a response is required for all of them.

    Published: 25 July 2024

  6. Please can you supply me with the following information?

    Registration number:



    of all your fleet Council owned vehicles between 1st April 2019 and 31st March 2024 within your Council.

    Published: 25 July 2024

  7. I would like to know number of times per year a registrar has not attended a wedding booked in with the council for each of the last 5 years.

    I would also like to know the root cause of the non show (e.g. illness, process failure etc).

    I would also like to know the number of times a year the emergency on call registrar has had to attend a wedding because the initial registrar was not able to attend over each of the last 5 years.

    Published: 25 July 2024

  8. All correspondence between the council (including councillors) and government departments and ministries since 1 May 2023 on the subject of any and all road-building projects in Herefordshire.

    Published: 25 July 2024

  9. Please see below an FOI data request which will be anonymised and used for peer reviewed social research.


    1.    What is your total budget for looked after children's services?


    2.    What is your budget for placements?


    3.    How many children do you look after?


    4.    How many of those children are in sibling groups (including half siblings and step siblings) of:


    2 siblings


    3 siblings


    4 siblings


    5 or more siblings


    5.    How many of these sibling groups are in a placement together in care


    6.    What is the decision making process for matching children with placements


    7.    Is this different for sibling groups? If yes how?


    8.    What are some of the factors when it comes to sibling group placement decision making?


    9.    For those who are not placed together, for how many sibling groups is contact maintained?


    10. How is this facilitated?


    (For time periods 1.1.2020-1.1.2025 in 1 year increments. If this is not possible then for 1.1.24-1.1.25 or the current year)


    Published: 25 July 2024

  10. We are requesting a Freedom of Information Request for the following:

    1. Please confirm the number of Education Health and Care Plans (EHC Plans) issued by the LA over the last 5 years for a child or young person diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.

    2. Of those EHC Plans, how many were issued with needs arising from Type 1 Diabetes as a primary need.

    Published: 24 July 2024