Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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2,066 disclosures

  1. I am requesting the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.

    We are conducting a small research project to understand more about the current delivery of return interviews for children who have returned following a missing episode. Return interviews are set out in the Department for Education’s 2014 statutory guidance on children who runaway or go missing from home or care. We would like to understand how they are being delivered now, and whether local authorities would recommend any changes to the guidance around them.

    We are requesting date for the period between 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024. Thank you so much for your time in responding to our questions.

    1. How many individual children were reported missing within your local authority?

    2. How many total incidents were reported of children going missing within your local authority?

    3. How many children were looked after by the local authority between 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024?

    4. How many individual looked after children went missing?

    5. How many incidents were reported of looked after children going missing?

    6. How many return interviews were offered to children following a missing incident?

    7. How many return interviews were completed following a missing incident?

    8. How many of these return interviews were completed within 72 hours of the child returning from the missing episode?

    9. Who provides return interviews to children following a missing incident in your area?

    Please select:

    • Social workers (this could be the child’s social worker)

    • Dedicated team or individual within the local authority

    • Youth worker

    • An independent service commissioned by the local authority

    • Other

    Please provide any detail possible about who is delivering return interviews in your area:

    10. Do you provide or commission any follow-up support for children and young people following an RHI?


    o If yes please give details:

    11. Please tell us more about your return interview service. Would you like to see any changes in national guidance? What are the barriers to effective provision? What is working well in your area?

    Published: 6 December 2024

  2. I would like to request data under the Freedom of Information Act regarding complaints about bin collections.

    - Can you please provide me with The number of missed bin collections reported to your authority in 2023 and also the number so far in 2024.

    - The number of complaints your authority has received regarding bin collections 2023 and also the number so far in 2024.

    - Could you also provide, if possible, the number of domestic recycling bins used within your local authority.

    Published: 5 December 2024

  3. 1. How many electively home educated children school age children were in your local authority area on 1st October 2024.

    Published: 5 December 2024

  4. Can you provide an up to date list of all roads within Herefordshire that currently have Section 38 or Section 278 highway agreements in relation to them?

    Published: 4 December 2024

  5. Could I please have a full breakdown of the steps required to implement a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for a speed limit change and the cost for each element both internal and external to Herefordshire council.

    Published: 3 December 2024

  6. I am writing to submit a Freedom of Information request for data on the location of all street lights maintained by the council. Specifically, I would like to obtain:

    - The most recent available data on street lighting locations. Please provide the total number of streetlights maintained by the council and the actual location of these lights (the latter in Shapefile, KML, and/or GeoJSON format).

    - Data on street lighting locations from 2014. Please provide the total number of streetlights maintained by the council and the actual location of these lights (the latter in Shapefile, KML, and/or GeoJSON format).

    - Data on street lighting locations from 2010. Please provide the total number of streetlights maintained by the council and the actual location of these lights (the latter in Shapefile, KML, and/or GeoJSON format).

    Published: 2 December 2024

  7. Please could you provide the following data for the time periods outlines below:

    - Total number of vehicle-related noise complaints (including complaints about noise from cars, vans, and motorbikes).

    - Number of complaints regarding vehicle alarms.

    - Number of noise abatement notices issued related to vehicle noise

    - Fines or penalties issued for vehicle noise violations Could this data be presented annually for each of the below time periods?

    1st October 2023 > 30th October 2024 (last full 12-month period) 1st January 2024 > 30th October 2024 (current year to date) 1st January 2023 > 31st Dec 2023 1st January 2022 > 31st Dec 2022

    Published: 2 December 2024

  8. FOI request – Local Authority funding for Government funded entitlement for two, three and four-year-olds – 2023 - 24 Financial year 2023/24

    1. Did you have an underspend in the early years block for funded places at the end of 2023/24? Yes/no. If yes, please give amount of underspend:


    2. Did you have an overspend in the early years block for funded places at the end of 2023/24? Yes/no. If yes, please give amount of overspend:

    3. What actions, if any, were agreed relating to this underspend or overspend?

    • Offset deficit in school’s block

    • Offset deficit in high needs block

    • Carried forward to 2024/25 budget

    • Re-distributed to the early years providers

    • Retained in reserves

    • No action has been agreed

    • Other – please specify

    4. Under the pass-through regulations, what percentage of your budget for funded three and four-year-olds did you pass through to providers in 2023/24?

    5. What was the % pass through to providers of your Early Years Supplementary Grant which local authorities received for the period September 2023 to March 2024.

    Teachers’ pay grant and teachers’ pension employer contribution (TPPG) in 2023/24:

    6. How much additional funding did your local authority receive in the early years block as a result of changes to the TPPG allocation in 2023/24?

    7. What percentage of early years providers in your local authority area were eligible to receive additional funding as a result of the TPPG rate being added to the EYNFF rates.

    8. What percentage of private, voluntary and independent (PVI) early years providers in your local authority area were eligible to receive additional funding as a result of the TPPG rate being added to the EYNFF rates.

    9. What decisions were made about how the TPPG funding uplift was distributed? (for example: used to create separate supplements to the early years hourly rate, distributed to specific categories of providers only, added to the overall early years base rate, etc.)

    Published: 29 November 2024

  9. Number of new born babies within 10 days of date of birth and children under 1 year old taken into care by Herefordshire Council (I believe this would be CP and Court Team).

    Question 1: (a) How many new born babies within 10 days of date of birth were taken into care by Herefordshire Council in the calendar year 2020 (or 12 month statistical period).

    (b) How many (not new born babies - 10 days) children under 1 year old  were taken into care by Herefordshire Council in the calendar year 2020 (or 12 month statistical period).

    Question 2: (a) How many new born babies within 10 days of date of birth were taken into care by Herefordshire Council in the calendar year 2021 (or 12 month statistical period).

    (b) How many children under 1 year old  were taken into care by Herefordshire Council in the calendar year 2021 (or 12 month statistical period).

    Question 3: (a) How many new born babies within 10 days of date of birth were taken into care by Herefordshire Council in the calendar year 2022 (or 12 month statistical period).

    (b) How many children under 1 year old  were taken into care by Herefordshire Council in the calendar year 2022 (or 12 month statistical period).

    Question 4: (a) How many new born babies within 10 days of date of birth were taken into care by Herefordshire Council in the calendar year 2023 (or 12 month statistical period).

    (b) How many children under 1 year old  were taken into care by Herefordshire Council in the calendar year 2023 (or 12 month statistical period).

    Question 5: (a) How many new born babies within 10 days of date of birth were taken into care by Herefordshire Council in the calendar year 2024 to date (or 12 month statistical period to date).

    (b) How many children under 1 year old  were taken into care by Herefordshire Council in the calendar year 2024 to date (or 12 month statistical period to date).

    Published: 29 November 2024

  10. Question 1:

    (a) How many (total) Placement Orders obtained in the calendar year 2020 (or 12 month statistical period).

    (b) Of these how many were: “that the parent or guardian has consented to the child being placed for adoption with any prospective adopters who may be chosen by the local authority and has not withdrawn the consent.”

    (c) How many were opposed/non consenting: “that the parent’s or guardian’s consent should be dispensed with”.

    (d) How many were: the child has no parent or guardian.

    Question 2:

    (a) How many (total) Placement Orders obtained in the calendar year 2021 (or 12 month statistical period).

    (b) Of these how many were: “that the parent or guardian has consented to the child being placed for adoption with any prospective adopters who may be chosen by the local authority and has not withdrawn the consent.”

    (c) How many were opposed/non consenting: “that the parent’s or guardian’s consent should be dispensed with”.

    (d) How many were: the child has no parent or guardian.

    Question 3:

    (a) How many (total) Placement Orders obtained in the calendar year 2022 (or 12 month statistical period).

    (b) Of these how many were: “that the parent or guardian has consented to the child being placed for adoption with any prospective adopters who may be chosen by the local authority and has not withdrawn the consent.”

    (c) How many were opposed/non consenting: “that the parent’s or guardian’s consent should be dispensed with”.

    (d) How many were: the child has no parent or guardian.

    Question 4:

    (a) How many (total) Placement Orders obtained in the calendar year 2023 (or 12 month statistical period).

    (b) Of these how many were: “that the parent or guardian has consented to the child being placed for adoption with any prospective adopters who may be chosen by the local authority and has not withdrawn the consent.”

    (c) How many were opposed/non consenting: “that the parent’s or guardian’s consent should be dispensed with”.

    (d) How many were: the child has no parent or guardian.

    Question 5:

    (a) How many (total) Placement Orders obtained in the calendar year 2024 to date (or statistical period to date).

    (b) Of these how many were: “that the parent or guardian has consented to the child being placed for adoption with any prospective adopters who may be chosen by the local authority and has not withdrawn the consent.”

    (c) How many were opposed/non consenting: “that the parent’s or guardian’s consent should be dispensed with”.

    (d) How many were: the child has no parent or guardian.


    Published: 29 November 2024