Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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2,184 disclosures

  1. Dear Herefordshire Council,

    I appreciate the explanations provided for certain aspects. However, there remain some gaps or ambiguities in the council's prior responses: areas where further clarification is needed to understand the council’s processes.

    Remaining Questions Within the 18-Hour Limit:

    Your response indicates that answers to questions outside the RIPA-related SAR analysis can be provided within the 18-hour limit. I would appreciate it if you could proceed with addressing these remaining questions to the fullest extent possible.

    1. Definition of ‘Reasonable Search’

    While your response references a ‘reasonable search,’ the criteria for this remain unclear. Specifically:

    • What factors or processes define whether a search is considered reasonable?

    • Does this include access to metadata, log files, and potentially deleted records?


    2. Handling Surveillance Data

    Given the sensitivity of surveillance data:

    • Are there documented procedures or specific safeguards in place for SARs involving such data?

    CLARIFICATION: Regarding your query about "3. Handling Surveillance Data," I clarify that my question pertains to both aspects:

    a. Collation of relevant information: Please confirm whether the council has documented procedures or safeguards to ensure that all relevant surveillance data (whether overt or covert) is identified, retrieved, and considered during the SAR process.

    b. Disclosure of surveillance data: Additionally, I seek to understand what documented procedures or safeguards exist to guide decisions about disclosing surveillance data, ensuring compliance with legal obligations and data protection principles, particularly given the sensitive nature of such data.

    • If data collected without RIPA authorisation is identified during SAR processing, are there escalation procedures to review its lawfulness?


    3. Documentation of Exemptions

    While it is helpful to know that reasons for redactions or withholding information are provided in response letters: • Are there formal, standardised processes for documenting these decisions?

    • Who is responsible for overseeing or approving redactions to ensure compliance with applicable laws and policies?


    4. Retention and Protection of Log Data

    Your response states that log data retention varies across systems. To better understand the council's practices: • Are there minimum standards or policies for log data retention across systems?

    • How is the integrity of log data safeguarded against inappropriate alteration or deletion in cases of legal inquiries?


    5. Trends or Sampling of RIPA-Related SARs

    I understand that manually reviewing all 895 SARs processed in the last five years is not feasible within the statutory time limits. However: • Is it possible to provide insights or trends based on a sample set or aggregate analysis of SARs involving RIPA-related data?

    • Does the council track the number or nature of SARs involving RIPA-related surveillance to ensure transparency and accountability?

    6. Escalation of Potential Lawfulness Concerns

    Lastly, while SARs are not designed to evaluate the legality of surveillance, I would appreciate clarification on whether there is an internal process to escalate concerns about potentially unlawful data collection practices.

    Published: 12 February 2025

  2. I would like to receive the contamination rates for household waste processed by the council/local authority from April 2023 until the most recent available data update.

    Primarily this should include how much household waste is taken for recycling purposes and then how much of this waste is in fact recycled.

    This should also include how much household waste is sent for incineration and/or landfill.

    Published: 12 February 2025

  3. In this context, can you please provide the following data in line with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000:

    1. The total number of individuals and associations of individuals on your local authority’s statutory Self Build and Custom Housebuilding Register, as defined under the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 (as amended), as at 30 October 2023. Where your local authority has divided the register into two parts, please provide the total number for both parts of the register.

    1. The total number of planning permissions (including permissions in principle) your local authority has granted for self-build and custom housebuilding under Section 2A(2) of the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 (as amended), between 31 October 2022 and 30 October 2023. Please provide number of permissions and total number of dwellings.

    1. Where your local authority is a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging authority, the number of self-build housing exemption claim applications (CIL Form 7 part 1: Self Build Exemption claim) the authority has received between 31 October 2022 and 30 October 2023. Please provide number of applications and total number of dwellings subject to claim applications.

    1. The total number of dwellings for self-build and custom housebuilding, as defined under the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 (as amended), expected to be delivered as a result of site allocations or policies seeking a percentage of such forms of housebuilding on housing sites in an adopted development plan for the local authority area (please provide development plan period). Where your local authority covers more than one area for purposes of planning, please provide data for each area.

    Published: 12 February 2025

  4. Could you please provide the following information in relation to Tuck Mill Lane (USRN 23213545)

    1) the total number of claims received in Calendar Year 2024 for damage to a motor vehicle as a result of road defects.

    2) the total number of claims accepted and paid in Calendar Year 2024 for damage to a motor vehicle as a result of road defects.

    3) the total value paid by Hereford Council for the claims associated with point 2 above.

    Published: 11 February 2025

  5. 1 The contact information of the individual(s) designated as Digital Transformation Officer(s) or equivalent position responsible for overseeing digital transformation initiatives within the council.

    2 The name of current software providers currently being utilized as part of your digital transformation strategy.

    • Hybrid mail

    Supplier name:

    • SMS

    Supplier name:

    • Email

    Supplier name:

    • Portal

    Supplier name: None

    • Inbound scanner

    Supplier name:

    3. Who is the software supplier of your Revenue and Benefits application?

    How long have they been the supplier, and when does the contract expire?

    4. Who is responsible for the Digital Transformation in Revenue and Benefits?



    Phone number:

    5. Do you have a web portal for your Revenue and Benefits business area that allows citizens to access their council tax bills and benefits letters?


    How much did you spend on this portal?

    Capital Cost:

    On-Going costs:

    Is there an additional transactional cost for each document you publish (rather than post) via your Council Tax Portal? No

    If yes;

    What is it:

    How much:

    How many council tax bills do you send out per year?

    What percentage of these are delivered digitally through your council tax portal (rather than being posted)

    6. How many council tax bills and associated documents do you create and send out per year in total?

    How many of these are published via your web portal?

    How many of these are emailed?

    How many of these are posted?

    7. How many council Benefit Letters and associated documents do you send out per year?

    How many of these are published via your web portal?

    How many of these are emailed?

    How many of these are posted?

    Published: 11 February 2025

  6. I would be grateful if you could please provide the following information: In the calendar year of 2024 (January to December), how many individuals claiming to be children (aged under 18) were referred to your children’s services department having previously been assessed to be an adult by the Home Office and placed in adult asylum accommodation or detention? Of those referred, how many were subsequently accepted as, or assessed to be, under 18 by your children’s services department?

    Published: 10 February 2025


    Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information regarding placements and spending for older person’s care home services. Please provide answers on the attached accompanying Excel spreadsheet.

    Please report all fees without Funded Nursing Contribution (FNC).

    1. Who within the Local Authority, has the commissioning responsibility for care home placements for older people (aged 65+)? Please provide their:

    a. Name

    b. Job title

    c. Telephone number

    d. Email address

    2. Please provide the gross total expenditure on older person’s (age 65+) services for financial year 2023/24 (actual) and financial year 2024/25 (projected):

    For question 2a, please provide total spend on personal social services for people aged 65+. This will include spend on residential, nursing, and domiciliary care (2b, 2c, and 2d) as well as other social care for older people such as day services, etc

    a. Gross total expenditure on older person's (65+) services

    b. Gross total expenditure on residential home placements (65+)

    c. Gross total expenditure on nursing home placements (65+)

    d. Gross total expenditure on domiciliary care/home care (65+)

    3. Please provide figures for the total number of older people (aged 65 and over) that the council has funded during the financial years 2022/23, 2023/24, and 2024/25 (projected). This should include both new placements made during each year and ongoing placements funded by the council:

    a. Residential care

    b. Residential dementia care

    c. Nursing care

    d. Nursing dementia care

    e. Domiciliary care/home care

    4. Please provide the highest, average (mean), lowest weekly fees paid for care home placements for older people (aged 65+) in financial year 2023/24 and 2024/25:

    a. Older person’s residential

    b. Older person’s residential dementia

    c. Older person’s nursing

    d. Older person’s nursing dementia

    5. Please provide the set or banded weekly fees paid for care home placements for older people (aged 65+) in financial year 2023/24 and 2024/25:

    a. Older person’s residential

    b. Older person’s residential dementia

    c. Older person’s nursing

    d. Older person’s nursing dementia

    6. Please provide the proposed average percentage uplift to the weekly rate paid by the council between 2023/24 and 2024/25:

    a. Older person’s residential

    b. Older person’s residential dementia

    c. Older person’s nursing

    d. Older person’s nursing dementia

    Published: 10 February 2025

  8. Please could I request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.

    For each of the last 5 calendar years the number of reports your local authority have received of the following maintenance issues in maintained schools:

    a) Leaks and other plumbing issues

    b) Heating issues

    c) Loose paving or masonry

    Please could you provide this information by email, preferably in a spreadsheet, with total figures included.

    Published: 10 February 2025

  9. I'm writing under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for the following information.

    Please supply:

    1. The council's Dedicated Schools Grant budget (deficit)/surplus for the year to 31 March 2024.

    2. The council's forecast Dedicated Schools Grant budget (deficit)/surplus for the year to 31 March 2025.

    3. The council's forecast for the accumulated Dedicated Schools Grant budget (deficit)/surplus carried forward on 31 March 2025.

    4. The council's forecast for the accumulated Dedicated Schools Grant budget (deficit)/surplus carried forward on 31 March 2026.

    Published: 10 February 2025

  10. 1) I would like to know what share of the hours worked by the council's staff, and also of the agency staff it employs, has consisted of working from home, for each of the last six calendar years, i.e. for each of 2019 to 2024.

    If practicable, I would also like this information broken down by financial quarter for each year.

    2) I would also like to know how many council staff, including agency staff, are currently fully office-based, working partly from home, and working fully from home.

    Published: 10 February 2025