Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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2,100 disclosures

  1. I hope this email finds you well. I am submitting a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to gather information about the council’s management of Direct Payments and related services. Please could you provide the following information: 1. Outsourcing of Services a. Does the council currently outsource the following services? Direct Payments Support Services (e.g., assisting individuals to manage direct payment funds and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations). Direct Payment Payroll Services (e.g., managing payroll for personal assistants or carers paid through direct payments). b. If outsourced, please provide: Whether this is via a framework or sole supplier. The name of the provider(s). The start and end dates of the contract(s). The annual cost of each contract. 2. Functions Offered as Part of the Direct Payments Process a. Does the council offer the following functions as part of its Direct Payments process? Pre-paid card function for managing direct payment funds. Independent Service Fund (ISF) option for managing direct payment funds. Appointeeship scheme. b. If yes, please specify: Whether these functions are managed in-house or outsourced. The name of the provider (if outsourced). 3. Service Delivery Details If the above services or functions are delivered in-house, please provide: a. The internal team or department responsible for delivering: Direct Payments Support Services. Direct Payment Payroll Services. Pre-paid card functions (if applicable). Independent Service Fund management (if applicable). b. The annual budget allocated for these services and functions. 4. Procurement and Contracting a. How does the council procure these services and functions? If procured through a framework agreement, please provide: The portal or website where the opportunities are advertised. Whether the council has any plans to re-tender these services. If procured through a direct tender process, please provide: The date of the most recent tender issued for these services. Any plans or timelines for future tender opportunities. 5. Contact Information Could you provide the name job title, and contact details of the head of service responsible for: a. Commissioning Direct Payments Support Services. b. Commissioning Direct Payment Payroll Services. c. Commissioning pre-paid card or ISF functions (if applicable). d. Procurement or contract management of these services and functions.

    Published: 30 December 2024

  2. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information regarding child protection in the UK.

    Please provide answers on the attached and accompanying spreadsheet.

    1. Please could you supply the name, email address and telephone number of the commissioner with responsibility for children in need of help and/or protection.

    For questions 2-6 inclusive, please supply the following information as a total at the end of the year for the financial years 2021/22 – 2024/25 (year to date).

    For questions 2-6 inclusive, please supply the following information specific to those cases where drug and/or alcohol misuse is a factor.

    2. Please advise on the number of children identified as children in need.

    CLARIFICATION: I'm only interested in children with a CIN plan.

    3. Please advise on the number of children who were subject to Section 47 enquiries.

    4. Please advise on the number of children who were subject to child protection conferences.

    5. Please advise on the number of children who were the subject of a child protection plan.

    6. Please advise on the number of children whose cases were taken to court proceedings concluding in care/placement/adoption orders.

    7. Please advise as to which of the above stages may use drug and alcohol testing as evidence and reasons as to why it is/isn’t used.

    8. For each financial year 2023/24 and 2024/25, how many hair drug and alcohol tests were conducted?

    9. In a situation where hair drug/alcohol testing is used as evidence, do you have a preferred provider for this service? If not, please provide a list of providers used in these cases and the total expenditure with each provider for financial years 2023/24 and 2024/25.

    Published: 27 December 2024

  3. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I kindly request your assistance retrieving the following information. The information is to clarify the implementation of The Mental Health (Approved Mental Health Professionals) (Approval) (England) Regulations 2008 reg.5.

    Re-Approval Statistics

    • Over the past five years, how many Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) applied for re-approval in your council?

    • Of those applications, how many were successful, and how many were not?

    Reasons for Non-Approval

    • For AMHPs who were not re-approved, what were the primary reasons?

    o Lack of required training hours

    o Failure to demonstrate necessary competencies

    o Professional conduct issues

    o Other (please specify)

    Support and Remediation

    • Does your council offer support or remediation plans for AMHPs who are at risk of not being re-approved? If so, please describe these programs.

    Appeal Process

    • Is there an established appeal process for AMHPs who are denied re-approval?

    • If yes, how many appeals have been made in the past five years, and what were their outcomes?

    Impact on Workforce

    • How does the council address potential shortages in AMHP staffing due to non-approvals?

    • Are there strategies in place to mitigate any negative impacts on service delivery?

    Published: 24 December 2024

  4. FOI2024/01838 Response:

    I would like to seek further clarification on a number of points where the response appears ambiguous or lacks sufficient transparency.

    1. Scope of "Reasonable Search"

    Your response mentions that the council undertakes a "reasonable search" when processing Subject Access Requests (SARs). Could you please clarify:

    • What constitutes a "reasonable search" in practical terms?

    • Does this search include retrieving metadata, log files, and potentially deleted records? If so, how is this achieved?

    2. Handling SARs Involving Surveillance Data

    Your response indicates that all SARs are handled the same, regardless of whether surveillance data is involved. Given the sensitive nature of surveillance data, could you clarify, for the period January 2019 -November 2024:

    • Are there additional checks or safeguards in place for handling SARs that include surveillance data, particularly covert or directed surveillance?

    • If surveillance data gathered without RIPA authorisation is identified during a SAR, what steps (if any) are taken to review or address the potential lawfulness of such surveillance?

    3. Notification of Surveillance Logs

    In relation to SARs during a period where surveillance was conducted, your response references exemptions for ongoing investigations. However, it does not clarify:

    • Whether the council explicitly notifies individuals of the existence of surveillance logs.

    • Under what criteria surveillance logs or related data might be withheld or redacted.

    4. Documentation and Approval of Exemptions

    You state that the reasons for redactions or withholding of information are documented in a response letter, with a file note written where multiple exemptions are applied. Could you confirm:

    • Is there a formal, standardised process for documenting exemptions to ensure consistency?

    • Who has oversight or approval responsibility for decisions to redact or withhold information?

    5. Retention and Protection of Log Data

    Regarding the level of log data recorded and its retention, your response states that this "varies from system to system." Could you provide further clarity:

    • What specific types of log data (e.g., date, time, user, browser, digital fingerprint, etc.) are typically retained?

    • Are there minimum standards for log data retention across council systems to ensure consistency?

    • What mechanisms are in place to ensure that log data cannot be altered, destroyed, or concealed, particularly in the event of legal inquiries or disputes?

    6. Ongoing Investigations and RIPA Data Disclosure

    You requested a timeframe to address the question about disclosing data gathered under RIPA authorisation. To assist, please consider the following timeframe:

    • SARs processed in the last five years.

    • Additionally, could you clarify how the council balances the need to withhold information due to ongoing investigations with the right of the data subject to access their data?

    • Are there specific safeguards or risk management measures in place to prevent the inadvertent compromise of investigations?

    7. Data Lawfulness and Escalation Procedures

    Lastly, while I understand that SARs are not designed to investigate the lawfulness of surveillance, could you confirm:

    • Whether there is an internal process to escalate concerns if unlawfully obtained data (e.g., surveillance without RIPA authorisation) is identified during a SAR review.

    I would appreciate your further clarification on these points to ensure understanding of the council’s processes.

    Published: 24 December 2024

  5. Please note that questions 1 to 5 exclude residential care (i.e. “care in a care home”), while questions 6 to 10 are specifically about residential care.

    1. For the most recent date for which data is held, please state the total number of people in the council area that are required to pay for any aspect of their non-residential adult care (including but not limited to home care, day care, community alarms, telecare, and other community care services)

    5. How many of the people referred to in response to question 4 have had their current debts referred to a debt collection agency (including any agency owned by the council)?

    6. For the most recent date for which data is held, please state the total number of people in the council area that are required to pay for any aspect of their residential adult care (i.e. care in a care home)

    10. How many of the people referred to in response to question 9 have had their current debts referred to a debt collection agency (including any agency owned by the council)?

    11. How many people did the council start court proceedings against in relation to non-payment of adult care charges (residential and/or non-residential) each year in 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25 (year to date), excluding probate cases? Please provide the figures broken down by year

    Published: 23 December 2024

  6. Question 1

    Please tell us the average (arithmetic mean in £ and pence) rate you pay for externally provided adult learning disability and autism services (not your in-house services) for each of the service types as follows:

    a. The weekly rate for Residential homes (including profound and multiple learning disability (PMLD) services and respite care)

    b. The hourly rate for Domiciliary care

    c. The hourly rate for Supported living for people with non-complex support needs

    d. The hourly rate for Supported Living for people with complex support needs (please provide your criteria for the application of the complex rate)

    If the rates you apply to framework and non-framework contracts differ, please indicate the difference and provide a rationale

    If the service is not commissioned on an hourly basis, please provide an estimated average hourly rate based on the average number of hours per week.

    Question 2

    Please tell us the average (arithmetic mean as a percentage) annual fee rate uplift (inflationary uplift) you have implemented in 2024/25 for externally provided adult learning disability and autism services (not your in-house services) for each of the service types as follows:

    a. Residential homes (including profound and multiple learning disability

    b. Supported living

    c. Day services

    d. Domiciliary care

    Question 3

    In question 3, we are asking for two different service fee rates relating to adult learning disability and autism day services.

    3i. Supported in a group

    a. Please tell us the average (arithmetic mean in £ and pence) rate you pay per hour for someone supported in externally-commissioned day services in a group (for example, the day rate divided by 6 hours + staff and people present)

    b. What is the expected ratio of staff to supported persons at these day services?

    c. Do your day services for those supported in a group include transport? Yes/No

    d. Do your day services for those supported in a group include food/refreshments? Yes/No

    3ii. 1-1 support

    a. Again focusing on day services, please tell us the average (arithmetic mean in £ and pence) rate you pay per hour for someone who needs 1-1 support?

    b. Do your 1-1 support day services include transport? Yes/No

    c. Do your 1-1 support day services include food/refreshments? Yes/No

    Question 4

    Which of your externally-commissioned services do you consider to be offering preventative interventions that generate savings elsewhere for the council and what is your brief rationale for thinking this?

    Published: 23 December 2024

  7. FOI question 1.

    (a). How many public questions were submitted in 2021?

    (b)  How many of these were accepted by Councillor/Democratic Services and answered?

    (c). How many of these were rejected by Councillor/Democratic Services?

    (d). For the accepted and answered questions, how many supplementary questions were submitted?

    (e). How many of these SQ’s were accepted by Councillor/Democratic Services and answered?

    (f). How many of these SQ’s were rejected by Councillor/Democratic Services?

    FOI question 2.

    (a). How many public questions were submitted in 2022?

    (b)  How many of these were accepted by Councillor/Democratic Services and answered?

    (c). How many of these were rejected by Councillor/Democratic Services?

    (d). For the accepted and answered questions, how many supplementary questions were submitted?

    (e). How many of these SQ’s were accepted by Councillor/Democratic Services and answered?

    (f). How many of these SQ’s were rejected by Councillor/Democratic Services?

    FOI question 3.

    (a). How many public questions were submitted in 2023?

    (b)  How many of these were accepted by Councillor/Democratic Services and answered?

    (c). How many of these were rejected by Councillor/Democratic Services?

    (d). For the accepted and answered questions, how many supplementary questions were submitted?

    (e). How many of these SQ’s were accepted by Councillor/Democratic Services and answered?

    (f). How many of these SQ’s were rejected by Councillor/Democratic Services?

    FOI question 4.

    (a). How many public questions were submitted in 2024 to date?

    (b)  How many of these were accepted by Councillor/Democratic Services and answered?

    (c). How many of these were rejected by Councillor/Democratic Services?

    (d). For the accepted and answered questions, how many supplementary questions were submitted?

    (e). How many of these SQ’s were accepted by Councillor/Democratic Services and answered?

    (f). How many of these SQ’s were rejected by Councillor/Democratic Services?


    Published: 20 December 2024

  8. I would like to request under the Freedom of Information Act data I believe to be held by your authority concerning marriages.

    In particular, I would like to request information on what documentation prospective couples have to present to prove they are not related.


    I would like to know the number of marriages which were blocked or prevented from proceeding because of a lack of this proof.


    In addition, I would like to know the number of marriages in your area for the past five years. Can you break down this figure to show marriages between First Cousins?


    Could this figure be broken down to include the ethnicity of both parties and their gender.


    Also, I would like to know any policy or guidance you may have concerning the marriage of first or second cousins.


    Published: 20 December 2024

  9. I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like to know the following information regarding Social Work and Educational Psychology positions within Children’s Services:

    1. The total number of agency social workers currently engaged within Children’s Services.

    2. The total number of vacant permanent social worker positions within Children’s Services.

    3. The total number of agency workers engaged within Children’s Services in social-work qualified roles, not including social worker positions.

    4. The total number of vacant permanent social-work qualified roles within Children’s services, not including social worker positions.

    5. The total number of agency social workers currently engaged within Adult’s Services.

    6. The total number of vacant permanent social worker positions within Adult’s Services.

    7. The total number of agency workers engaged within Adult’s Services in social-work qualified roles, not including social worker positions.

    8. The total number of vacant permanent social-work qualified roles within Adult’s Services, not including social worker positions.

    9. The total number of agency and/or freelance Educational Psychologists currently engaged by the local authority.

    10. The total number of vacant permanent Educational Psychologist positions within the local authority.

    11. The total number of agency and/or Assistant Educational Psychologists (Educational Psychologist Assistants) currently engaged by the local authority.

    12. The total number of vacant permanent Assistant Educational Psychologist positions within the local authority.

    13. The total number of agency and/or Educational Psychologist Assistants (however described) currently engaged within the local authority.

    14. The total number of vacant permanent Educational Psychologist Assistants (however described) positions within the local authority.

    Published: 20 December 2024

  10. 1) What are the counts for the below items during the 2023/24 financial year?

    • Overall number of council-ran youth centres in local authority

    • Overall number of youth centres in local authority run by other organisations

    • Overall number of directly employed youth workers and youth support workers (Head count)

    • Overall number of directly employed youth workers and youth support workers (FTE)

    2) As part of the Section 251 Outturn submitted to Department for Education for the 2023/24 financial year, which budget line did your local authority include expenditure on Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme? (e.g., 2.4.1 (Other specific grants); 3.5.2 Targeted services for young people)

    3) How much did your local authority spend on the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme in the 2023/24 financial year?

    4) Did your local authority receive any of the Youth Investment Fund from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport in the 2023/24 financial year?

    a. Yes / No

    If yes,

    b. How much money was received?

    c. What project(s) was YIF used for in your local authority?

    d. Was this a new-build or refurbishment/renovation of existing space?

    e. What was the split of funding between capital (e.g., building, renovations) and revenue (service delivery)?

    f. Was this funding included as part of your Section 251 Outturn statement to DfE? If so, which budget line was this attributed to, and in which financial year?

    5) In the Department for Culture, Media and Sport’s Statutory guidance for local authorities on services to improve young people’s wellbeing (published 27 September 2023), it states that “Local authorities must determine what activities and associated facilities should be available to young people in their area”, and “should start by establishing what the needs of the young people in their area are, both in terms of activities and facilities, through a needs assessment.”

    Has your local authority conducted a needs based assessment in the last three years?

    a. Yes / No

    If Yes,

    b. When was this conducted?

    c. How was this achieved? (E.g., analysing available data, taking views from providers, bench-marking approaches, regular audits of provision)

    If No,

    d. Does your local authority plan to conduct a needs based assessment on youth provision within the next four years? If so, when will this be?

    6) Under Section 507B of the Education Act 1996, “local authorities must consult, and take into account the views of young people in their area on: current provision; the need for additional activities and facilities; access to those activities and facilities”

    Has your local authority consulted young people on youth provision in the last four years?

    a. Yes / No

    If Yes,

    b. When was this conducted?

    c. How was this achieved? (E.g., surveys, visits to youth groups, feedback sessions in schools, youth councils, youth-led peer reviews)

    If No,

    d. Does your local authority plan to consult with young people on youth provision within the next four years? If so, when will this be?

    Published: 20 December 2024