FOI release

Early Years funding 2023 - 2024

Case reference FOI2024/01860

Received 5 November 2024

Published 29 November 2024


FOI request – Local Authority funding for Government funded entitlement for two, three and four-year-olds – 2023 - 24 Financial year 2023/24

1. Did you have an underspend in the early years block for funded places at the end of 2023/24? Yes/no. If yes, please give amount of underspend:


2. Did you have an overspend in the early years block for funded places at the end of 2023/24? Yes/no. If yes, please give amount of overspend:

3. What actions, if any, were agreed relating to this underspend or overspend?

• Offset deficit in school’s block

• Offset deficit in high needs block

• Carried forward to 2024/25 budget

• Re-distributed to the early years providers

• Retained in reserves

• No action has been agreed

• Other – please specify

4. Under the pass-through regulations, what percentage of your budget for funded three and four-year-olds did you pass through to providers in 2023/24?

5. What was the % pass through to providers of your Early Years Supplementary Grant which local authorities received for the period September 2023 to March 2024.

Teachers’ pay grant and teachers’ pension employer contribution (TPPG) in 2023/24:

6. How much additional funding did your local authority receive in the early years block as a result of changes to the TPPG allocation in 2023/24?

7. What percentage of early years providers in your local authority area were eligible to receive additional funding as a result of the TPPG rate being added to the EYNFF rates.

8. What percentage of private, voluntary and independent (PVI) early years providers in your local authority area were eligible to receive additional funding as a result of the TPPG rate being added to the EYNFF rates.

9. What decisions were made about how the TPPG funding uplift was distributed? (for example: used to create separate supplements to the early years hourly rate, distributed to specific categories of providers only, added to the overall early years base rate, etc.)


FOI request – Local Authority funding for Government funded entitlement for two, three and four-year-olds – 2023 - 24 Financial year 2023/24 1. Did you have an underspend in the early years block for funded places at the end of 2023/24? Yes/no. If yes, please give amount of underspend:

Answer: No

OR: 2. Did you have an overspend in the early years block for funded places at the end of 2023/24? Yes/no. If yes, please give amount of overspend:

Answer: No

3. What actions, if any, were agreed relating to this underspend or overspend? • Offset deficit in school’s block • Offset deficit in high needs block • Carried forward to 2024/25 budget • Re-distributed to the early years providers • Retained in reserves • No action has been agreed • Other – please specify

Answer: No action was taken as there was no underspend or overspend.


4. Under the pass-through regulations, what percentage of your budget for funded three and four-year-olds did you pass through to providers in 2023/24? Answer: 97.3%

5. What was the % pass through to providers of your Early Years Supplementary Grant which local authorities received for the period September 2023 to March 2024.

Answer: There was no retention for disadvantaged 2YO & 2.7% for ¾ Year Olds

Teachers’ pay grant and teachers’ pension employer contribution (TPPG) in 2023/24:

6.  How much additional funding did your local authority receive in the early years block as a result of changes to the TPPG allocation in 2023/24?

Answer: £92,845

7. What percentage of early years providers in your local authority area were eligible to receive additional funding as a result of the TPPG rate being added to the EYNFF rates.

Answer: 100% of providers who claimed 3/4 year old rate - see Question 9

8. What percentage of private, voluntary and independent (PVI) early years providers in your local authority area were eligible to receive additional funding as a result of the TPPG rate being added to the EYNFF rates.

Answer: 100% of providers who claimed 3/4 year old rate - see Question 9

9. What decisions were made about how the TPPG funding uplift was distributed? (for example: used to create separate supplements to the early years hourly rate, distributed to specific categories of providers only, added to the overall early years base rate, etc.)

Answer: This was built into hourly rate for 3/4 year olds hourly rate



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