FOI release

Hours spent working from home by council and agency staff for 2019 to 2024

Some or all of the information requested was not provided because we didn't hold it.

Case reference FOI2025/00217

Received 31 January 2025

Published 10 February 2025


1) I would like to know what share of the hours worked by the council's staff, and also of the agency staff it employs, has consisted of working from home, for each of the last six calendar years, i.e. for each of 2019 to 2024.

If practicable, I would also like this information broken down by financial quarter for each year.

2) I would also like to know how many council staff, including agency staff, are currently fully office-based, working partly from home, and working fully from home.


1) I would like to know what share of the hours worked by the council's staff, and also of the agency staff it employs, has consisted of working from home, for each of the last six calendar years, i.e. for each of 2019 to 2024.

If practicable, I would also like this information broken down by financial quarter for each year.

Answer: This information is not held. The Service Area have advised we do not record the numbers of hours employees work from home.

2) I would also like to know how many council staff, including agency staff, are currently fully office-based, working partly from home, and working fully from home.

Answer: This information is not held. The Service Area have advised as part of the Flexible Futures programme, employees were given three worker-styles dependent on their role.

Flexible Futures​ was a major programme aimed at transforming the way Herefordshire Council operates, providing council employees ​with the choice, tools and environment to deliver many of our services and support functions remotely​ or flexibly.

We do not actively keep a record of these worker-types so cannot provide a break down for this question. However, there are no employees contracted to work from home.

For more information about the Flexible Futures programme, please visit our website via the link below:


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