Elderly care placements and spending for 2024/25 and 2025/26 (projected)
Case reference FOI2025/00034
Received 8 January 2025
Published 10 February 2025
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information regarding placements and spending for older person’s care home services. Please provide answers on the attached accompanying Excel spreadsheet.
Please report all fees without Funded Nursing Contribution (FNC).
1. Who within the Local Authority, has the commissioning responsibility for care home placements for older people (aged 65+)? Please provide their:
a. Name
b. Job title
c. Telephone number
d. Email address
2. Please provide the gross total expenditure on older person’s (age 65+) services for financial year 2023/24 (actual) and financial year 2024/25 (projected):
For question 2a, please provide total spend on personal social services for people aged 65+. This will include spend on residential, nursing, and domiciliary care (2b, 2c, and 2d) as well as other social care for older people such as day services, etc
a. Gross total expenditure on older person's (65+) services
b. Gross total expenditure on residential home placements (65+)
c. Gross total expenditure on nursing home placements (65+)
d. Gross total expenditure on domiciliary care/home care (65+)
3. Please provide figures for the total number of older people (aged 65 and over) that the council has funded during the financial years 2022/23, 2023/24, and 2024/25 (projected). This should include both new placements made during each year and ongoing placements funded by the council:
a. Residential care
b. Residential dementia care
c. Nursing care
d. Nursing dementia care
e. Domiciliary care/home care
4. Please provide the highest, average (mean), lowest weekly fees paid for care home placements for older people (aged 65+) in financial year 2023/24 and 2024/25:
a. Older person’s residential
b. Older person’s residential dementia
c. Older person’s nursing
d. Older person’s nursing dementia
5. Please provide the set or banded weekly fees paid for care home placements for older people (aged 65+) in financial year 2023/24 and 2024/25:
a. Older person’s residential
b. Older person’s residential dementia
c. Older person’s nursing
d. Older person’s nursing dementia
6. Please provide the proposed average percentage uplift to the weekly rate paid by the council between 2023/24 and 2024/25:
a. Older person’s residential
b. Older person’s residential dementia
c. Older person’s nursing
d. Older person’s nursing dementia
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information regarding placements and spending for older person’s care home services. Please provide answers on the attached accompanying Excel spreadsheet.
Please report all fees without Funded Nursing Contribution (FNC).
1. Who within the Local Authority, has the commissioning responsibility for care home placements for older people (aged 65+)? Please provide their:
a. Name
b. Job title
c. Telephone number
d. Email address
2. Please provide the gross total expenditure on older person’s (age 65+) services for financial year 2023/24 (actual) and financial year 2024/25 (projected):
For question 2a, please provide total spend on personal social services for people aged 65+. This will include spend on residential, nursing, and domiciliary care (2b, 2c, and 2d) as well as other social care for older people such as day services, etc
a. Gross total expenditure on older person's (65+) services
b. Gross total expenditure on residential home placements (65+)
c. Gross total expenditure on nursing home placements (65+)
d. Gross total expenditure on domiciliary care/home care (65+)
3. Please provide figures for the total number of older people (aged 65 and over) that the council has funded during the financial years 2022/23, 2023/24, and 2024/25 (projected). This should include both new placements made during each year and ongoing placements funded by the council:
a. Residential care
b. Residential dementia care
c. Nursing care
d. Nursing dementia care
e. Domiciliary care/home care
4. Please provide the highest, average (mean), lowest weekly fees paid for care home placements for older people (aged 65+) in financial year 2023/24 and 2024/25:
a. Older person’s residential
b. Older person’s residential dementia
c. Older person’s nursing
d. Older person’s nursing dementia
5. Please provide the set or banded weekly fees paid for care home placements for older people (aged 65+) in financial year 2023/24 and 2024/25:
a. Older person’s residential
b. Older person’s residential dementia
c. Older person’s nursing
d. Older person’s nursing dementia
6. Please provide the proposed average percentage uplift to the weekly rate paid by the council between 2023/24 and 2024/25:
a. Older person’s residential
b. Older person’s residential dementia
c. Older person’s nursing
d. Older person’s nursing dementia
Answer: Please see the attached completed Elderly FOI Answer Sheet January 2025.
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