FOI release

Elective Home Education figures for academic years 2022-23 and 2023-24

Case reference FOI2024/01664

Received 3 October 2024

Published 4 October 2024


Please could I check the data I have for your council is correct - as I notice there is quite a big jump?

Newly registered EHE pupils in academic year 2022-23: 23

Newly registered EHE pupils in academic year 2023-2024: 227

If those figures are correct, are you able to explain the reasons for the jump?

CLARIFICATION: I wanted to check firstly whether the numbers are correct, and if so, I am wondering if there may be a reason for the jump, such as the system of recording the data changing, or an additional focus on recording, under-reporting – any insights that you are able to give.


Please could I check the data I have for your council is correct - as I notice there is quite a big jump?

Newly registered EHE pupils in academic year 2022-23: 23

Newly registered EHE pupils in academic year 2023-2024: 227

If those figures are correct, are you able to explain the reasons for the jump?

CLARIFICATION: I wanted to check firstly whether the numbers are correct, and if so, I am wondering if there may be a reason for the jump, such as the system of recording the data changing, or an additional focus on recording, under-reporting – any insights that you are able to give.

Answer: The Service Area have advised the following:

Both responses are equally valid.

The figure of 23 which was reported for 2022-23 reflected the number of “formal notifications” of elective home education (EHE) that were received. At the time there was no statutory duty (and there is still not) for a parent to formally inform the local authority that a child was being electively home educated. Many of the EHE cases became known to the local authority when the child left school and the school advised that the child was going to be electively home educated.

Due to sharp increases in the number of children who are electively home educated, the local authority has reviewed many processes, including requiring a formal notification where a child leaves school to be home educated.

The two numbers reported in the two FOI’s are correct but reflect not only an increase in the number of children registering as EHE but also the fact that the local authority is now registering children who are electively home educated in a more systematic manner.

Despite Government proposals, there is still no legislation for a formal register of children who are electively home educated.


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