FOI release

Facilities Management services

This request was refused in part, so we didn't provide some of the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2024/01746

Received 18 October 2024

Published 7 November 2024


We would like to request information relating to your organisation's Facilities Management services under the Freedom of Information process. Please can you confirm:


1.    Whether Facilities Management Services (including M&E Services, Cleaning, Security, Reception, Catering, etc.) are currently outsourced?



2.    If outsourced, are Facilities Management services (including M&E Services, Cleaning, Security, Reception, Catering, Other Soft FM Services) delivered under an integrated or bundled model, or are separate service line contracts in place?



3.    Current approximate annual spend on outsourced Facilities Management services across the estate (comprising M&E Services, Cleaning, Security, Reception, Catering, Other Soft FM Services)? Please can you provide separate costs per service, where these are under separate, discrete contracts?


4.    Please can you advise which suppliers your organisation currently engages for the delivery of Facilities Management Services (comprising M&E Services, Cleaning, Security, Reception, Catering, Other Soft FM Services)?


5.    Please can you advise when the Facilities Management contracts are due to expire?


6.    Please can you advise when the Facilities Management contracts are likely to be re-tendered?



We would like to request information relating to your organisation's Facilities Management services under the Freedom of Information process. Please can you confirm:


1.    Whether Facilities Management Services (including M&E Services, Cleaning, Security, Reception, Catering, etc.) are currently outsourced?


A: Some services such as reception are managed in house, other services such as cleaning and maintenance are managed under an SLA with Hoople Ltd.


2.    If outsourced, are Facilities Management services (including M&E Services, Cleaning, Security, Reception, Catering, Other Soft FM Services) delivered under an integrated or bundled model, or are separate service line contracts in place?


A: They are managed under an SLA with Hoople Ltd.


3.    Current approximate annual spend on outsourced Facilities Management services across the estate (comprising M&E Services, Cleaning, Security, Reception, Catering, Other Soft FM Services)? Please can you provide separate costs per service, where these are under separate, discrete contracts?


          A: Approximately 2.8 Million per annum


4.    Please can you advise which suppliers your organisation currently engages for the delivery of Facilities Management Services (comprising M&E Services, Cleaning, Security, Reception, Catering, Other Soft FM Services)?


A: The Service Area have advised that they engage multiple suppliers for M&E and other soft FM services, details can be found on the contracts register via the following link:


Contracts register – Herefordshire Council


As such we consider this information to be exempt under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 because it is reasonably accessible to you via other means. Please take this letter as a refusal notice under S17 of the Act.


Reception services are provided in house, cleaning and catering is provided by Hoople Ltd, security is provided by Ocataga. All contracts are managed by Hoople Ltd on behalf of Herefordshire Council as part of the SLA.


5.    Please can you advise when the Facilities Management contracts are due to expire?


A: The Facilities Management contracts expire at various times. The expiry dates are publically available on Herefordshire Council’s Contracts Register and can be viewed via the following link:


Contracts register – Herefordshire Council


As such we consider this information to be exempt under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 because it is reasonably accessible to you via other means. Please take this letter as a refusal notice under S17 of the Act.



6.    Please can you advise when the Facilities Management contracts are likely to be re-tendered?


A: As and when required.


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