FOI release

The Future of the county farm estate within the UK

Case reference FOI2024/01674

Received 6 October 2024

Published 7 October 2024


The purpose of this information request is to gather information on the current and future status of the county farm estate within the UK.

1.     How many county farm holdings do you have?


Number of holdings

Number of acres

Equipped (house, buildings and land)




Non-equipped (buildings and land)




Bare land only






2.     What is the current structure of your county farm estate?



Total number of tenants


Average age of tenants


Number of tenants who are new entrants to farming


Number of tenants with no family history in agriculture


Total net income from estate


Total value of estate




3.     Please complete the following table in relation of the movement of tenants on the estate over the past 3 years



New tenancies granted

To existing tenants


To previously established farmers (not from county farms estate)


New entrants to farming




Progression of tenants

To a new farm on county farm estate


To private tenanted sector


Purchased a farm


Retired and moved off estate


Left farming industry but not retired





4.     What factors do you consider when considering a new tenant for a farm?


5.     Have you sold any of your county farm holdings in the last 5 years?







6.     If yes, please explain the factors which led to this decision.



7.     Do you have any plans to dispose of any of your county farm holdings within the next 5 years?







8.     If yes, please explain what factors have led to this decision.




9.     Have you used any of your county farms to support wider council objectives e.g. the use of care farms or to support sustainability goals?



10.  What do you consider are the five biggest benefits to the county farm estate?


11.  What are the five biggest challenges that currently face the county farm estate?


12.  What are your future plans for your county farm estate?



We are unable to answer the questions contained within your questionnaire, as Herefordshire Council sold its county farm estate in 2017/2018.



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