FOI release

Drug & alcohol services commissioned by the council

Case reference FOI2023/00953

Published 23 June 2023


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information regarding the drug and alcohol services commissioned by the Council. Please may you provide me with:

A comprehensive list of the organisations commissioned by the council to provide drug and alcohol services.

For each organisation, from the service specification between the council and the provider, please provide the following:

Start and end dates of the contract.

A comprehensive list of the services that each organisation is commissioned by the council to provide.

For the listed services above, which of these has associated KPIs? If so, what are they?

For the listed services above, are there payment by results outcomes for any of them? If so, what are they?


Please may you provide me with:

A comprehensive list of the organisations commissioned by the council to provide drug and alcohol services.

Turning Point

For each organisation, from the service specification between the council and the provider, please provide the following:

Start and end dates of the contract.

1 April 2021 - 31 March 2026, but there is an option to extend for a further two years i.e. up to 31 March 2028.

A comprehensive list of the services that each organisation is commissioned by the council to provide.

The service specification does not present a prescriptive model of service delivery, instead it outlines the key outcomes the council wishes to achieve and the principles and parameters of delivery. The key service elements included within the scope of this specification are:

· Community based drug and alcohol services for adults and young people, including community outreach and GP shared care where appropriate.

· Clinically led BBV testing and vaccination function.

· Community pharmacy drugs and alcohol services (needle exchange and supervised consumption).

· CCG drug prescribing costs for GP shared care and alcohol detoxification.

The specific objectives for the service area are as follows:

1. Overcome drug and / or alcohol problems

Outcomes -

· Reduced levels of drug / alcohol use or dependency including abstinence.

· Reduced risky behaviours associated with drugs / alcohol (e.g. injecting).

· Reduced levels of overdose and / or drug / alcohol related deaths.

· Reduced exploitation associated with drugs / alcohol.

2. Be Healthy

Outcomes -

· Improved drug / alcohol related and general physical health conditions (including blood borne viruses).

· Improved mental health, wellbeing and quality of life.

3. Build Recovery Capital

Outcomes -

· Increased social capital (better social networks, reduced isolation, etc.)

· Increased physical capital (housing, debts, etc.)

· Increased human capital (education, skills, employment, etc.)

· Increased cultural capital (values, beliefs, attitudes, etc.)

4. Happier Families

Outcomes -

· Improved parenting

· Improved family relationships

· Reduced child safeguarding risks

· Reduced adult safeguarding risks

· Reduced burden / anxiety felt by parents / carers / family members

5. Stronger Communities

Outcomes -

· Reduced drug / alcohol related offending and reoffending

· Reduced drug / alcohol related anti-social behaviour

· Increased constructive / active participation in community life

For the listed services above, which of these has associated KPIs? If so, what are they?

Please see attached KPI's for the service.

For the listed services above, are there payment by results outcomes for any of them? If so, what are they?

The contract is not based on payment by results.


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