FOI release

Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing contracts

Case reference FOI2024/00972

Received 31 May 2024

Published 25 June 2024


I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect to Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing contracts.


The details we require are:


•       What mental health and emotional wellbeing contracts/services do you currently commission or deliver in house?


•       If commissioned, how was the contract commissioned? Please confirm if it was direct award or via a formal procurement process.


•       Please can you confirm the supplier/provider of each of these mental health and emotional wellbeing services/contracts?


•       Please can you confirm the annual and total contract values of each of these contracts/services?


•       Please can you confirm the start date & duration of each of these contracts?


•       Could you please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when these contracts were last advertised?


•       Within these services, do you use a keyworker model for delivery?


•       Please can you confirm if there is an extension clause in each of these contracts and, if so, the duration of the extension?


•       Has a decision been made yet on whether each of these contracts is being either extended, direct awarded or recommissioned? And if so what is the decision?


•       Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for each of these contracts?


•       Are there any planned market engagement events for each of these contracts if they are being recommissioned?


•       Are there any new mental health and emotional wellbeing contracts you intend to commission in the next 36 months that have already been confirmed/given permission to proceed?



I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect to Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing contracts.


The details we require are:


•       What mental health and emotional wellbeing contracts/services do you currently commission or deliver in house?


A: Herefordshire Intensive Placement Support Service (Safe Connections) – Wrap around emotional psychological support for children in care.


•       If commissioned, how was the contract commissioned? Please confirm if it was direct award or via a formal procurement process.


          A: Open procurement process in line with contract procurement regulations


•       Please can you confirm the supplier/provider of each of these mental health and emotional wellbeing services/contracts?


          A: Meadows Psychology Services (MPS)


•       Please can you confirm the annual and total contract values of each of these contracts/services?


          A: Annual contract value: £399,799

              Full contract value (5 years): £1,998,995


•       Please can you confirm the start date & duration of each of these contracts?


          A: 01/04/2024 – 3 year contract with option to extend for a further 2 years


•       Could you please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when these contracts were last advertised?


          A: Please see attached.


•       Within these services, do you use a keyworker model for delivery?


A: Depending on the type and length of intervention a keyworker model may be used


•       Please can you confirm if there is an extension clause in each of these contracts and, if so, the duration of the extension?


A: The existing contract is for 3 years with the potential to extend the contract for a further 2 years.


•       Has a decision been made yet on whether each of these contracts is being either extended, direct awarded or recommissioned? And if so what is the decision?


          A: The current contract only commenced on 1st April 2024 so will not be reviewed before March 2027


•       Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for each of these contracts?


          A: Kayte Thompson-Dixon (Head of Community Commissioning and Resources,       Community Wellbeing)


•       Are there any planned market engagement events for each of these contracts if they are being recommissioned?


          A: No


•       Are there any new mental health and emotional wellbeing contracts you intend to commission in the next 36 months that have already been confirmed/given permission to proceed?


          A: No


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