FOI release

Hereford Master Plan

Case reference FOI2023/00363

Published 22 March 2023


1. Anonymised response data to every question in the public consultation returned through the Commonplace public consultation for the Hereford master plan which was used to produce the recently published draft master plan.

2. A total figure in £ sterling, and broken down as far as practical, covering all costs expended to date and projected to be spent take the project to construction, related to the draft master plan, including but not limited to, sums paid to Commonplace, projected expenditure to Commonplace, expenditure on surveys, reports and other professional fees for the preparation of the previous public consultation, recently published draft master plan, and ongoing development of the master plan to final form.

3. A summary of time spent working on the master plan as a proportion of working hours each by both employed council staff and cabinet members, including where practical an approximate wage bill for employed hours spent on master plan related work.


1. Anonymised response data to every question in the public consultation returned through the Commonplace public consultation for the Hereford master plan which was used to produce the recently published draft master plan.

The anonymised data is provided in the attached spreadsheets.

In addition many of the survey responses and the map responses can be viewed at the following links unless the comments were posted anonymously:

Survey responses -

Map Responses -

The response data to the questions is contained in the feedback report

2. A total figure in £ sterling, and broken down as far as practical, covering all costs expended to date and projected to be spent take the project to construction, related to the draft master plan, including but not limited to, sums paid to Commonplace, projected expenditure to Commonplace, expenditure on surveys, reports and other professional fees for the preparation of the previous public consultation, recently published draft master plan, and ongoing development of the master plan to final form.

There are no projected costs to take all the projects within the draft masterplan to construction, the masterplan is a 27 year draft vision for the City, following consultation later this year when a final plan is presented to cabinet it is intended that it will be accompanied by a delivery plan for the first 5 years which will contain relevant budget forecasts for the first 5 years.

The costs invoiced to date for the masterplan are provided in the table attached, along with the contract value for works associated with the masterplan and associated movement strategy.

3. A summary of time spent working on the master plan as a proportion of working hours each by both employed council staff and cabinet members, including where practical an approximate wage bill for employed hours spent on master plan related work.

This information is not recorded. Apart from the Interim Delivery Director, no other staff time has been charged to this as there was no budget available.


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