FOI release

Date and rationale for decisions concerning planning application 160679

Case reference FOI2022/01647

Published 21 November 2022


With reference to Herefordshire Council's "Approval of Reserved Matters" Application No. 160679 dated 9 Mar 2016, relating to land east of Newport St, Cusop, an application for 26 dwellings (Outline DCSW2008/0118/O approved 31/07/13).

Paragraph 2 states: Prior to the first occupation of any of the dwelling houses hereby permitted the footways for pedestrians along the site frontage and two pedestrian crossing points shall be fully implemented in accordance with the approved plans.

Please tell me the date that the developer was released from this condition and the rationale for the decision, I can find no record of it on your website.


Please find attached approved planning layouts and external works layouts in relation to reserved matters P160679/RM.

These drawings identify the extent of the footway and pedestrian crossing points required by condition 2 of the reserved matters which states 'prior to the first occupation of any of the dwelling houses hereby permitted the footways for pedestrians along the site frontage and two pedestrian crossing points shall be fully implemented in accordance with the approved plans'.

The council can confirm that these works have been completed in accordance with the approved plans.

Please find two links below to street view images showing the completed works:,-3.123113,47.92h,-8.47p,0z,UwbxOvxS8o7bUGJWeWO85g,-3.123113,162.34h,2.62p,0z,UwbxOvxS8o7bUGJWeWO85g


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